• Dhaka
  • BD

Bagher Bachcha, a group of masked robbers. They attack corrupted people and unmask them. Is "Bagher Bachcha" a threat or a saviour? Who are they?

Tuli is an orphan girl who tries to settle a home with the man she loves and Shyamol her husband also tries to give her full affection. But Shyamol's mother never accepted Tuli as her daughter-in-law. Tuli realized that there is no place for love in this society, all matters is a person's identity. Tuli tries to overcome everything but losses in this tug of war.

A coming of age romantic drama of three individuals. The 2nd directorial of Redoan Rony and debut film of Sariful Razz & Nazifa Tushi

A brother becomes involved in illegal activities.

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