9 elokuvaa

24 elokuu 2007

Timely yet terrifying, The Flood predicts the unthinkable. When a raging storm coincides with high seas it unleashes a colossal tidal surge, which travels mercilessly down England's East Coast and into the Thames Estuary. Overwhelming the Barrier, torrents of water pour into the city. The lives of millions of Londoners are at stake.

2 tammikuu 2011

On vuosi 2020. Luonnonsuojelija Thom Archerille selviää, että hänen varoituksensa ovat tulleet liian myöhään: ihmiskunnalla on pian edessään uusi jääkausi. Fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttö on järkyttänyt ilmaston tasapainoa, äärimmäiset sääilmiöt riehuvat planeetalla, ja lämpötila putoaa dramaattisesti. Kaiken tämän keskellä Thom kamppailee pelastaakseen perheensä ennen lopullista katastrofia...

1 tammikuu 2005

Smart, sexy Allison can't help but fall in love with Philip, a dashing software billionaire, and they quickly marry. But soon this new bride begins to think her hubby was involved in the mysterious death of his first wife. This suspicious newlywed needs to get to the truth - but as things turn dangerous, she may not make it to their first anniversary!

1 marraskuu 2009

The enchanted story of Pinocchio.

25 maaliskuu 2007

Melanie is married to Tom, a controlling, cold and self-centered man who happens to be a prison warden. He finds her to be a liability to his career aspirations and secretly plans to have her kidnapped and killed, by Jack, a dangerous inmate.

12 joulukuu 2004

Based on the true story of a Canadian soldier, enroute to World War I from Winnipeg, who adopts an orphaned bear cub at White River Ontario. It is namned Winnie (for Winnipeg) and eventually ends up at the London Zoo where it became the inspiration for A.A.Milne's Winnie The Pooh stories.

26 syyskuu 2005

While going through a difficult divorce from her domineering, businessman husband, Alexandra moves back into her old childhood brownstone home, where she sets out to uncover dark family secrets from when she was a young girl, involving her Aunt Judith's murder and her mother's descent into insanity. The only clue is a key to a mysterious secret room that lies within the house. As a series of bizarre and unsettling incidents prod Alexandra to investigate her past, she finds herself wandering deeper into danger as her past comes back to haunt her.

25 lokakuu 2004

Falling victim to a glib con artist named Michael (Stewart Bick), Texas housewife Diane (Peta Wilson) loses all her money, a disaster that drives her husband Randal (Anthony Lemke) to suicide. Unable to get justice through the official channels, Diane mounts her own plan of revenge. This involves assuming a new identity, trading in her blonde tresses for a redheaded "do", moving to a small town, and systematically seducing the man who ruined her life. One of six "no frills" TV movies produced in Canada for the Lifetime cable network at a flat cost of 2 million each,

6 syyskuu 2004

Restaurant hostess and mom Joanne Sanders has to work late one night. After she leaves the restaurant she accidentally cuts a car off on the highway. This driver takes it personally and he begins to stalk and harass Joanne.

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