20 部电影

  • GB

我要評分 本片講述英國婦女爲了爭取選舉權而不懈鬥爭,靈感來自於1912年的英國,一個婦女聲音完全被漠視的時代。由《鐵娘子》編劇與《金石街》導演合作,《大亨小傳》凱莉穆里根、《鐵娘子》梅莉史翠普主演。

2008 年 02 月 28 日

在家族野心的迫使下,安與瑪莉這對姊妹必須在同一個男人面前爭寵,看誰最後能夠贏得亨利八世的歡心,兩個女人共事一夫,然而只有一位能深入權力的核心,奪得短暫的權力,但悲劇也隨之降臨… 故事講述Boleyn一家,為了獲得家族名望與財勢,派出年輕美麗妹妹瑪莉(史嘉蕾喬韓森飾)色誘國王亨利八世,即使不甘願,深知家族想要向上爬決心的她,只好硬著頭皮獻上自己,成為亨利八世的玩物,後來瑪莉懷孕了,但不忍心傷害皇后的她,於是選擇了退出而被自己家族放逐。 眼看功虧一簣的姐姐安(娜塔莉波曼飾),於是也上場向亨利八世爭寵,並成功逼退皇后,並且與妹妹瑪莉展開了一場勢不兩立的暗中較功。獲得寵愛的安,本以為皇后位置在握,卻遭到花心亨利八世的拋棄,為了能追求Boleyn一家的宿敵,亨利八世不惜以通姦與使用巫術等罪處決她,讓安最後被斬頭而死。

2010 年 02 月 06 日

A biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who has become one of top scientists in humane livestock handling.

2011 年 03 月 11 日




2017 年 08 月 25 日


2013 年 12 月 13 日

改編自真實故事的《大夢想家》,由奧斯卡金獎影后艾瑪湯普森與影帝湯姆漢克分別飾演兩位經典人物,一位是作家P.L. 崔佛斯,另一位則是鼎鼎大名的華特迪士尼先生,故事描述當年迪士尼先生如何成功地將家喻戶曉的經典作品「歡樂滿人間」推上大螢幕的辛苦過程。 當年由P.L. 崔佛斯所創作的膾炙人口小說作品「歡樂滿人間」深深受到大人小孩的喜歡,就連一手打造全世界最歡樂的地方的迪士尼先生也不例外,他的女兒們懇求父親一定要將這個故事翻拍成電影,讓她們的想像成真。 為了履行與女兒的承諾,迪士尼先生費盡心力說服原著作者售出版權,沒想到這個承諾居然花了近20年的時間都尚未達成。固執保守的崔佛斯太太始終認定好萊塢電影的商業行為將會毀了筆中神奇褓母的創意,直到小說熱潮退去,利潤短缺的情況下,崔佛斯太太才勉強答應從倫敦飛去洛杉磯”聽一聽”迪士尼先生對於這部作品的規劃。 在她拜訪的短短兩個星期,迪士尼先生費盡全力,提出許多拍片方案,甚至找來薛曼兄弟作曲,但始終無法打動挑剔敏感的崔佛斯太太,正當迪士尼先生苦惱計畫一籌莫展之際,他從崔佛斯太太的作品中發現她童年的陰影,才終於打開她的心房,也完成了《歡樂滿人間》這部獲獎無數的經典電影。

鮑勃‧維爾登(伊萬‧麥克格雷格Ewan McGregor 飾)是個婚姻失敗的美國記者,絕望中來到中東,試圖設法潛入伊拉克進行戰地新聞報道以贏回前妻芳心。鮑勃在科威特遇到了以前採訪中聽說過的私家建築商林恩·卡薩迪(喬治‧克魯尼 George Clooney 飾),苦苦哀求後者帶他過境。林恩曾是美國陸軍「地球精神部隊」的特種兵,在越戰老兵嬉皮比爾‧迪昂格(詹姆斯‧布裡奇斯 Jess Bridges 飾)的特殊訓練方法下尋求「絕地武士超能力」,以精神意念戰勝敵人;直到軍人拉裡‧霍珀(凱文‧斯帕西 Kevin Spacey 飾)的加入改變了「地球精神部隊」的訓練方針。鮑勃跟隨林恩在伊拉克經歷了一系列令人啼笑皆非的事故與事件,到底林恩是否真有「絕地超能力」呢?

2011 年 09 月 23 日

奈傑的母親不擅於烹調,她最拿手的料理就是烤吐司…而奈傑,這位熱愛美食的不平凡小男生,總是捧著烹飪書籍,整日幻想自己是雜貨店老闆,擁有很多美味的食材和醬料。聖誕節前夕,母親過世了,這讓奈傑和父親心都碎了。相依為命的兩人,只能透過食物,努力表達愛護對方的心情,但無奈卻總是感受不到彼此的心意。 直到有天,家裡出現了新的幫傭,波特太太,她誘人的曲線、嫵媚、和美味的檸檬派很快地迷倒了奈傑的父親,最後更變成奈傑的繼母!三人不久搬到鄉下居住,奈傑對母親的思念和叛逆的青春,擋不住他對烹飪的魔力,奈傑在新學校的家政課上展現無比的料理天賦,更悄悄與繼母暗中較勁廚藝!

2015 年 05 月 29 日

Martin, an ex-Parisian well-heeled hipster passionate about Gustave Flaubert who settled into a Norman village as a baker, sees an English couple moving into a small farm nearby. Not only are the names of the new arrivals Gemma and Charles Bovery, but their behavior also seems to be inspired by Flaubert's heroes.

2003 年 10 月 17 日

Story of the relationship between the poets Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath.

2010 年 12 月 30 日

Tamara Drewe是一個21世紀的倫敦女強人,擁有整過容的鼻子和細長的雙腿,令無數男人心碎,在八卦雜誌工作嚮往出名。她回到母親生活的村莊後,在平靜的當地人中引起了轟動。男女老少、暢銷書作家、失望的大學教師、不再受人歡迎的搖滾歌星和愛國青年都被Tamara所吸引,引發了一系列荒誕而令人心碎的事件。

2006 年 09 月 09 日

Flighty Emily "Jacks" Jackson works for the British edition of Vogue magazine. Rather than pursue a relationship, Jacks regularly hooks up with her devoted ex-boyfriend, James Wildstone, and lives with Peter Simon, a gay screenwriter. When Jacks meets Argentinian photographer's assistant Paolo Sarmiento, she assumes he is gay and tries to bring him and Peter together, unaware that Paolo is straight and in love with her.

2010 年 08 月 11 日

When strangers Jim, Eva, Emily and Mo meet William online in his new 'Chelsea Teens!' chatroom, they're completely seduced by his fast-talking, charismatic character. But beneath the surface lies a much darker truth. William is a dangerous loner, channeling all his energies into cyberspace. He's become an analyser, a calculating manipulator who finds it almost impossible to interact normally with others in the real world, instead turning his hand to manipulating people online.

The story of former UVF member Alistair Little. Twenty-five years after Little killed Joe Griffen's brother, the media arrange an auspicious meeting between the two.

2007 年 11 月 16 日

The grind of daily life as a Brick Lane Bangladessi as seen through the eyes of Nazneen (Chatterjee), who at 17 enters an arranged marriage with Chanu (Kaushik). Years later, living in east London with her family, she meets a young man Karim (Simpson).

2007 年 02 月 19 日

Karen Cooper wants to domineer her family and believes she's its pillar. In fact she does everything wrong. Thus she messes up all their lives and futures, rather then help her loved-ones.


2001 年 04 月 27 日

After a night of drinking Guiness at the local watering hole, an ordinary, working-class, family man in Dublin's life is turned upside-down when he wakes up as a rat.

2005 年 09 月 13 日

This movie is a contemporary UK vision of an age old story as epitomised by Shakespeare, but with two at odds relationships adding a layer of complication. The situation, a volatile northern English town, typically Bradford, and characters, one Islamic Pakistani family and two prejudiced English families loosely representing the Capulets and the Montagues.

2011 年 03 月 10 日

Model and Page 3 favourite Keeley Hazell thinks she's solved all her problems by taking up an unexpectedly high-brow hobby: translating Latin. The language has given her magical powers, enabling her to ward-off the frenzied attention of her adoring fans, and the British Library offers an ideal refuge from the hordes. But when she meets Adam, the one Sun-reader in the country she hadn't bargained for, Keeley is given a lesson in not judging books by their covers. Her journey of discovery will reveal just how far she's come to rely on the advantages of fame. A warped retelling of Ovid's most famous myth, Venus and Adonis, and a comic study of society's obsession with the image.

1999 年 03 月 01 日

Aslan, who took their name from the heroic lion in C.S. Lewis's series of books chronicling the fictional land of Narnia, (Aslan is the Turkish for 'Lion'), emerged from the working class areas of Finglas and Ballymun in Dublin's Northside, in the mid 1980s. They released a demo single, 'This Is', in the Spring of 1986, which was a huge hit and became the longest ever play-listed single on Ireland's pop radio station, RTÉ 2fm.



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