13. Februar 1975

While attending the birth of Isabel, the wife of foreigner Felipe, Mama Santos predicts that "something terrible is going to happen in the town." From this omen, calamities will torment the locals.

A mechanic takes his family to a car race and a series of events occur which brings problems, betrayals, violence and the unexpected death of an elderly person.

Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.

An ancient curse causes the ancestor of a witch hunter to turn into a bloodthirsty werewolf.

10. Juli 1978

A young man witnesses the assassination of his father and suffers an emotional shock. He then prepares himself for a bloody and terrible vengeance.

27. September 1973

Mónica, the manager and wife of singer Álex, plans a publicity stunt that goes awry. When her husband shoots a rival singer with a gun supposedly filled with blanks, the singer is killed with live ammo. Álex and Mónica then goes into hiding while trying to find out who set them up.

Regina, who lives with her son Daniel, loses her teaching job because his illegitimacy. She opens a sewing shop and keeps her child away from people. The movie narrates the dramatic relationship between a mother, her illegitimate child and the puritanical society around them.

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