5 Filme

After his sister is kidnapped and murdered, a gunslinger's plans for vengeance involve assassinating two generals to prolong the Civil War.

The story of Che Guevara's desperate attempt to escape the mountains of Bolivia. Pursued by an elite ranger unit of the army led by a determined CIA agent, Che is eventually trapped and his men are killed.

The story of a group of American commandos assigned to kidnap General Rommel. But the soldiers are caught by the Germans who decide to use their plan against them. Replacing the American soldiers with German soldiers, and with the help of a fake "kidnapped" Rommel, they plan to kill General Eisenhower

11. März 1969

Paola, still young and married to a rich industrialist, seeks an outlet to the uselessness of her life by coming into contact with the young activists of the student movement, meetings she attends. Paula tries to convert even her teenage children Afdera and Prando, to the ideas of the movement, who end up accepting the mother's convictions and agree to participate in an action of sabotage against a large factory. But when they discover that the factory to be sabotaged is precisely that of the father, they renounce the mission, disappointing the mother.

OSS 177 goes on holiday to Brazil, but is called into action when he finds himself being stalked by a double.

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