11 filmų

Paslaptingas buvęs slaptosios tarnybos agentas turi skubiai sugrįžti į Prancūziją, kai dėl biurokrato padarytos klaidos ir vykstančios mafijos operacijos jo sūnus, kuris nepažįsta savo tėvo, vyriausybės yra klaidingai apkaltinamas ginklų ir narkotikų prekyba.

Pagal tikrus įvykius pastatytas filmas pasakoja neįtikėtiną afroamerikiečio lengvaatlečio Jesse Owenso istoriją, 1936-ųjų metų Berlyno Olimpinėse žaidynėse laimėjusio rekordinius 4 aukso medalius. Olimpiada vyko jau valdant Hitleriui bei Vokietijoje vyraujant arijų rasės viešpatavimo Žemėje teorijai.

Nardydami po atokų Prancūzijos ežerą, pora youtuberių, besispecializuojančių povandeniniuose tyrinėjimuose, aptinka giliuose vandenyse panardintą namą. Tai, kas iš pradžių buvo unikalus radinys, netrukus virsta košmaru, kuomet jie sužino, kad namas kadaise buvo žiaurių nusikaltimų vieta. Įstrigus name ir pavojingai mažėjant deguonies atsargoms, jie supranta, kad blogiausia tik dar laukia.

2009 kovo 17

Having finally secured her first assignment from her family's demolition business, Sam Walczak is sent to supervise the destruction of an apartment house, only to discover a group of tenants still living in the condemned building. One such tenant, Jimmy, tells Sam an urban legend about a serial murderer who used to live in the building and entomb his victims in the walls. What's worse, the dead are believed to still harass the residents to this day.

Po serijinio žudiko užpuolimo jauna moteris, kurią vadina gražioji Milla Jovovich tik per stebuklą lieka gyva. Dėl sunkios galvos traumos ji – praktiškai bejėgė. Ji nesugeba įsiminti žmonių veidų ir akimoju pamiršta visus matytus žmones, vos jie dingsta jai iš akių. Ją vėl pradeda persekioti žudikas. Ar pavyks moteriai, kuri nieko neprisimena, atpažinti savo persekiotoją?

At the beginning of the 1940s, in a France occupied by Nazi forces, lived the Jewish Joffo family. Happy and tight-knit, she sees her future darken when all members of the family are forced to wear the yellow star. Fearing the worst, the parents organized their family to flee to the free zone in the south of the country. Maurice, twelve years old, and Joseph, ten years old, will therefore leave alone in order to maximize their chances of finding their older brothers already settled in Nice. The brothers left to their own devices demonstrate an incredible amount of cleverness, courage, and ingenuity to escape the enemy invasion and to try to reunite their family once again.

2012 rugpjūčio 1

When her child goes missing, a mother looks to unravel the legend of the Tall Man, an entity who allegedly abducts children.

A tale of friendship between two men, one Jewish and the other Arab, as the state of Israel is being created.

2023 birželio 7

Philippe is a well-known writer, whose life was going smoothly: a surgeon wife, a circle of high-ranking friends, a Parisian mansion... And above all, an imminent entry into the Académie Française. Except that Philippe suffers from terrible back pain that plagues his life. When he meets the incredible Martha, who picks him up after a car accident on the roads of Normandy, his vision of the world changes. With her gentle madness and her healing hands, this woman who seems so free is especially concerned with treating others, even if it means forgetting herself. Between these two characters that everything opposes, a surprising friendship is woven, with the opportunity for them to finally seize the best that life can offer them.

A crew enters a mysterious maze buried underneath an abandoned Soviet research facility where supernatural disturbances occur.

2023 spalio 19

June 1941. Preparations for the wedding of a butcher’s son and a rabbi’s daughter are in full swing in a Jewish shtetl in the Lviv Region. The intrigue of this seemingly ordinary event is that Yuna – the bride – loves another man and he, Mendele… plans to kidnap her. At this very time, a Nazi death squad is approaching the shtetl.

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