24 Filme

In naher Zukunft: Die Sonne ist erloschen. Ein geheimnisvoller roter Mond liefert den Menschen überlebenswichtige Energie, um auf der Erde weiter existieren zu können. Als er plötzlich seinen Kurs ändert und direkt auf die Erde zusteuert, droht er die gesamte Menschheit auszulöschen. Der einzige, der in der Lage ist die Apokalypse zu verhindern, ist der begabteste Astronaut seiner Zeit: Paul W.R.. Doch kurz vor Start der Mission verschwindet Paul spurlos. Unerbittlich von den verzweifelten Menschen gejagt, kreuzt Paul den Weg von Elma, einem Teenager mit explosivem Temperament, die ihn auf seiner Flucht begleitet. Aufwändige Endzeit-Science-Fiction aus Frankreich.

13-year-old Jeanne is still a child. Her only friend is a turkey, telling her that growing up is betrayal. In high school, a classmate triggers a desire for change. But will the turkey allow that to happen? Bizarre and convincing coming-of-age horror story.

28. September 2019

Ten-year-old Solwei and Louis, her eighteen-year-old brother, have a car accident and find themselves in the middle of the night in a small, unfamiliar town. Here they meet with Alma, a mystical woman, whose contact details had been given to them. A truly strange night then begins.

13. November 2023
17. September 2021

A mother and her son are secluded in their house on an isolated island where two moments of their lives will intertwine -youth and maturity- and where the bonds of their fragile but indestructible relationship are forged.

10. September 2019

A car drives along the French coasts. Inside, a father takes his daughter to Paris to begin her student life, a new life in an unknown city, far from her childhood and far from him. This one to one journey is their first, maybe their last. Nothing seems exceptional but both of them know they'll have to say goodbye.

2. September 2022

Witness at her best friend's wedding, Pauline hopes to enjoy this extraordinary day and to get closer to Raphael. But it will be hard for her to take her eyes off her disabled daughter Emma, whom she could not bring herself to let keep.

6. Juli 2022

Jean and Marina go to Athens for their summer vacation. There they are reunited with Marina's family, while preparing to spend a romantic getaway, Marina's family decides to accompany them. But nothing will go according to the plan.

23. März 2023

RIAD, a former legionnaire suffering from a post-traumatic stress disorder that destroyed his family, gets back to his son MEHDI after months of separation, in a social centerfor family meetings.

Inci’s mother died during the night. The five-year-old wanders alone through the vast hilly landscape by the Black Sea. She meets a young woman in a red sweater and is fascinated by her. Zeynep, who grew up here as well, has returned after many years away. Her luggage is heavy and the journey is long. Together, they walk through the sunshine and the clouds, from one father to another, from dawn until darkness.

Robinson and Theresa form a couple in crisis, who are reclused in the countryside with their two children, preparing for the collapse of the thermo-industrial civilization. The lack of desire and future perspectives make their lives impossible until they find a strange mushroom in the forest, whose aphrodisiac properties lead them to reconnect to each other. Unfortunately, soon they cannot live without it.

27. Juni 2020
17. Oktober 2022

Esther, a highly anxious 23-year-old, has accepted a second date with Romeo, her colleague at the Temple de la Gaufre.

Behind our eyes, is a look into three lonesome characters. There is Patrick, living outside, in the parks, the gardens, crossing the city, filling his eyes with sunlight so that once night falls he will have enough and just enough. There is Aliasare, wandering between his blue room and the outside world, spending his days painting and filling the gap that separates him from the others. And lastly, there is Hadrian, a young blind man running through a forest in search of a lost sensation.

Instead of enjoying her vacations in a peaceful peninsula of Turkey, Anna feels stuck in a strange torpor, while her boyfriend, Thomas, doesn't seem to notice it at all. Later in the afternoon, when a little girl suddenly disappears on the beach, Anna awakens and decides to go and find her, despite the unknown and the nightfall.

Two Senegalese men walk through a forest in Morocco at night. As they try to find a passageway to the north, they talk about a strange dream. Two officers from the Spanish Civil Guard patrol the Spanish coast in an SUV. The car's headlights probe the darkness in search of illegal immigrants. In Paris, a young woman performs a symbolic burial in a forest on the edge of the city.

Gabriel is bad, the world is bad, everything’s bad. Hopefully, sometimes, lost souls attract each other. Thus Margot embarks into Gabriel’s night.

24. Mai 2022

Three characters in search of poetic and liberating breaches in a gradually authoritarian Paris, on the verge of implosion. Each in their own way, crafts a situation, where, alternately, a sense of lightness can be found, suffocated screams can uprise and reality be distorted into new horizons.

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