2 Filme

14. Mai 2019

Batavia City, a beautiful city that can no longer be safely inhabited. Robbery, violence, and a variety of increasingly rampant criminality. In the midst of this chaotic city, Srimaya, a cafe waitress who dreams of becoming an actress never thought that dream would change her life. Her meeting with Bono, a film director, and his friend, Wawan, will take her on a dangerous adventure full of thrilling action with lives at stake. Turning her from an ordinary girl into Batavia City's heroine of hope, Valentine.

25. August 2016

The unrequited letters motivate Gendis to come to Jakarta to find out where his mother has been. By following the Annual Student's Annual Camp, Gendis has hope in realizing his dream to be able to see and embrace the figure he missed. Meeting Gilang and some friends in the camp was the start of an elaborate search in Jakarta. Gendis thinks it will be fine, but on the contrary, every quest leaves a mystery to be solved by it. Is Gendis able to meet his mother and return safely?

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