12 lokakuu 2023

Irén, the museum hall guard, is happy to work amongst the great works of classical paintings. But one day, she finds herself confronted with a new, abstract painting. The incomprehensible work has a profound effect on her and will not let her rest. The next workday, she makes an unexpected move.

A philosophical look into András Ambrus, an alternative musician’s mind, exploring how he creates music and positions himself between the boundary of his thoughts and the world.

A slow night at the gas station takes a drastic turn when a strange girl appears.

1 elokuu 2015

Short about an adorable, cocoa-drinking deer who is eager to tidy and shoveling in front of his house every day. However, there is a suspicious earthquake all night which causes the mess day by day and make unbearable our fella's life.

The absolutely desperate Thomas having lost his love of life starts to envy his brother Abel all the care and attention given to Abel at the funeral of their deceased sister which Thomas has longed for in all his life. He feels an outcast in the community forged together by mourning and it incites him to extreme deeds. The film is an adaptation of the Bible story, Cain and Abel.

1 kesäkuu 2022

Tired of being single, a girl wants to find a partner.

3 kesäkuu 2020

The main character is a young girl who sees the world around her as cold, depraved and ugly. She can’t and won’t fit in. One day, a strange cloud appears over her apartment, triggering a supernatural event.

11 syyskuu 2020

A teenager filmbuff and a single woman in her forties meet each other. Then they meet again and start to realize that they might have more in common, than meets the eye, and form an unlikely connection.

27 maaliskuu 2018

What makes a boy a man? A film about childhood, family and growing up.

3 marraskuu 2020

A middle-aged father leaves his teenage daughter and his step-son from his new marriage alone in the car. While the father is away, the conflict between the children spirals.

21 heinäkuu 2021

After the death of his father, Szilágyi faces Scruffy, the hairdresser, whom he has been dreaded since he was a child.

21 toukokuu 2019

For old Margaret, who lives alone, unexpected and tragic news bring positive change in her life. Doctors predict that she has only a few months left, but she starts to live again just now.

A motherless family tries to go on a vacation.

24 kesäkuu 2016

Everyone does what they want to. The people in this movie are not sure what they want to do yet.

Oliver, the giant of a planet, lives among tiny humans in the belief that he is the ruler of the world, until one day an enormous shadow appears and turns his fate around.

Escaping from an alien planet, an astronaut must reach the space shuttle before a mysterious beast catches him.

Free composition movie is that defines the real substance of day to day life with sensation achieved by connecting scenes that are independent from one another. The essence of the work is in the relationship between these scenes; how the connection is achieved among the unintelligible features of the characters due to an influence that is above them – all this in a monochrome world based on Jacques Tati’s work.

15 marraskuu 2020

In a small dystopian town ravaged by drought, one resident challenges the tradition of human sacrifice in exchange for rain, and jeopardizes the power of the town’s leader with his invention, designed to pump water...

4 huhtikuu 2019

This is a representation of bad relationships and destructive environments through the director's personal experiences.

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