82 filmų

Mažame Pietų Karolinos miestelyje gyvenantis jaunasis Inmanas karštai pamilsta nuostabiąją Adą Monro – neseniai į miestelį atsikrausčiusio pastoriaus dukterį. Įsimylėjėlius negailestingai išskiria prasidėjęs karas: Inmanas išeina kovoti pietiečių armijos gretose... Tačiau herojus nepamiršta savo mylimosios. Sunkiai sužeistas, gavęs nevilties kupiną, maldaujantį Ados laišką, Inmanas ryžtasi dezertyruoti. Tuo metu Adai tenka nė kiek ne lengvesni išbandymai. Mirus tėvui, jai tenka vienai rūpintis ferma, apginti nuo priešų savo turtą, garbę ir gyvybę...

Trumpa priešistorė. Tarybiniais metais rūstusis Stalinas iš Sibiro į Padniestrę ištremia mažą maištingą tautelę, kuri vadina save urkais. Pasirodo, tie urkai yra išties ypatingi, nes laikosi itin griežtų kriminalinio pasaulio nuostatų ir propaguoja robinhudišką gyvenseną, t. y. vagia tik iš režimo ir gina vargšus. Urkai – itin religingi, o jų religinės apeigos primena pagoniškus ritualus. Tremtiniai turi dvasinį ir idėjinį vadą – vietos Doną Korleonę senį Kuzmičių.

Taigi, veiksmo vieta – Dievo pamirštas kaimelis Benderai. Čia auga du pagrindiniai istorijos personažai – Kolima ir Gagarinas. Juos prižiūri ir auklėja „garbingų nusikaltėlių“ autoritetas senelis Kuzia (kaip visada nepakartojamas Johnas Malkovichius). Nors Kolima klauso mokytojo ir jam paklūsta, Kuzmičiui atrodo, kad labiau prisitaikęs išgyventi yra Gagarinas. Tik štai nutinka bėda: berniukas net septyneriems metams atsiduria už grotų. Išėjęs iš kalėjimo jis tampa visiškai nevaldomu žmogumi.

Čiro kūnas pamažu grimzta Neapolio įlankoje. Kai jis pasineria į tamsą, iškyla prisiminimai. "Nemirtingasis" yra 2019 m. italų kriminalinis filmas, režisuotas Marco D'Amore. Filmas yra įvykių po trečiojo TV serialo „Gomorra“ sezono tęsinys.

2015 spalio 14

A gangster known as "Samurai" wants to turn the waterfront of Rome into a new Las Vegas. All the local mob bosses have agreed to work for this common goal. But peace is not to last long.

A mosaic of several intertwined stories questioning the meaning of life, love and hope, set during the last six days in the life of Eluana Englaro, a young woman who spent 17 years in a vegetative state.

A bad boy and a socialite girl hook-up.

Accio and Manrico are siblings from a working-class family in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, and loved by all, while younger Accio is sulky, hot-headed, and treats life as a battleground — much to his parents' chagrin. After the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite, but his flimsy beliefs are put to test when he falls for Manrico's like-minded girlfriend.

Based on the novel 'Evolution Man' by Roy Lewis, this tells the story about the first man - young Edward - to descend from apes. Edward is ejected by his tribe, but is very resourceful. He learns to walk, discovers fire, manages to hunt - and we follow him as he evolves. He has a generous nature, and search for true humanity - a world where we don't eat our fathers.

2003 rugsėjo 4

Tom Ripley - cool, urbane, wealthy, and murderous - lives in a villa in the Veneto with Luisa, his harpsichord-playing girlfriend. A former business associate from Berlin's underworld pays a call asking Ripley's help in killing a rival. Ripley - ever a student of human nature - initiates a game to turn a mild and innocent local picture framer into a hit man. The artisan, Jonathan Trevanny, who's dying of cancer, has a wife, young son, and little to leave them. If Ripley draws Jonathan into the game, can Ripley maintain control? Does it stop at one killing? What if Ripley develops a conscience?

Alberto (Claudio Bisio), post office manager of a small town in Brianza, under pressure of his wife Sylvia (Angela Finocchiaro), is willing to do anything to get the transfer to Milan. Even pretending to be disabled to climb in the ranking. But the trick does not work and as punishment, he is transferred in a small town in Campania, which to an inhabitant of the north is equivalent to a nightmare ...

Depressed Jewish shrink Elia one day meets Claudia, a young and eccentric personal trainer.

2019 kovo 21

A long love story, seen through the memories of one young couple. The journey through the years of two individuals, united, divided, happy, unhappy, deeply in love, or in love with others, in a single stream of emotions and shades of feeling. Over the course of the film, he learns that love can indeed last, while she learns to live with nostalgia.

2022 sausio 5

In this rom-com challenging the concept of soulmates, parallel storylines portray four single friends as they pair up in different couple combinations.

1999 gegužės 13

In 1930s fascist Italy, adolescent Luca just lost his mother. His father, a callous businessman, sends him to be taken care of by British expatriate Mary Wallace. Mary and her cultured friends - including artist Arabella, young widow Elsa, and archaeologist Georgie - keep a watchful eye over the boy. But the women's cultivated lives take a dramatic turn when Allied forces declare war on Mussolini.

A narcissistic artist's world turns upside down after his wife's affair and a disastrous exhibition of his work.

After serving prison time for a juvenile offense, Freddo gathers his old buddies Libano and Dandi and embarks on a crime spree that makes the trio the most powerful gangsters in Rome. Libano loves their new status, and seeks to spread their influence throughout the underworld, while the other two pursue more fleshly desires. For decades, their gang perpetrates extravagant crimes, until paranoia threatens to split the friends apart.

2002 spalio 10

Aging opera singer Maria Callas tries to make a comeback by performing in a production of Bizet's "Carmen."

2006 liepos 18

Lietinga diena, penkiolikmetė Andžela slysteli ir nukrenta nuo motociklo. Greitoji skuba į ligoninę. Į tą pačią, kurioje chirurgu dirba merginos tėvas. Timotiejus – tėvas, kuriam lieka tik laukimas. Tas laukimas priverčia visų gerbiamą chirurgą ir švelnų puikios žurnalistės vyrą atskleisti teisybę. Tarsi tikra mūsų šiltų ir patogių gyvenimų tiesa gali atsiskleisti tik skausme... Jis kalba savo dukrai, kalba sau. Atskleidžia siaubingą paslaptį, kuri staiga atgyja primindama aplinkybes, kvapus, klyksmus. Vėl sugrįžta karšta vasara, skurdus miesto pakraštys, paklusni ir nusivylusi moteris neįprastu vardu Italija. Tai apdairaus ir sterilaus mediko egzistavimo vidinė pasala. Timotiejus papasakoja dukrai savo gyvenimą, savo aistrą, nubloškusią jį link savęs paties, tokio beginklio ir koktaus. Viename krante – reali operacija, instrumentai, narkozė, kitame – nematomas skalpelis, pjaunantis gyvą prisiminimų kūną ir užliejantis jį krauju...

When her social-climbing father is relocated from small-town North to his native Rome, 12-year-old Caterina enrolls to his old school, finding herself at sea with an environment where students sort themselves by social class and their parents' political affiliation.

War seen through the eyes of Serra, a university student from Palermo who volunteers in 1942 to fight in Africa. He is assigned to the Pavia Division on the southern line in Egypt. Rommel and the Axis forces are bogged down; it's October, the British prepare an offensive. At first, boredom, heat, hunger, and thirst bedevil the Italians; then the Brits attack, and there's no luck or heroism in death. Finally, it's retreat in confusion. Serra, his sergeant Rizzo, and his lieutenant Fiori take a last walk toward home. It's said that each soldier gets three miracles; when Serra's are used up, what then?

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