折笠裕子 — Compositing Artist

Episodes 34

That Wonderful Miracle...

October 6, 200524m

Akari Mizunashi, at the age of 15, has left everything behind to travel to Aqua, a sparkling planet covered in water. More than anything, Akari wants to be an "undine" - a female gondolier who navigates the canals of the Aquan city of Neo-Venezia. As she begins her training with the prestigious Aria Company, will she be up to the challenges that await her on the path to achieve her dream?

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On That Special Day...

October 13, 200524m

One morning, Akari wakes up to find the entire city flooded with water! It's the Acqua Alta, a once-a-year phenomenon where the water levels rise, causing all of Neo-Venezia to shut down for a day. But while most people spend the day relaxing, Aika's mentor Akira is as strict as ever, and yells at her to get back to training. Aika has just the solution to get her mentor off her back: she's running away to the Aria Company!

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With That Transparent Young Girl...

October 20, 200524m

While training in a particularly tough stretch of water, Akari and Aika meet girl from Orange Planet who seems to be having no trouble at all. Her name is Alice, and she's famous for being one of the youngest yet most talented Undines in Neo Venezia. There's just one problem... she never seems to smile. What could she learn from a day spent with the unlikely pair of Akari and Akatsuki?

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That Undeliverable Letter...

October 27, 200524m

Akari and President Aria are wandering through the marketplace one evening, when President Aria suddenly leads Akari to a plaza she's never seen before. There, a little girl with a bell around her neck gives Akari a letter, and asks her to deliver it. It seems very important. But if Akari's going to have any chance of keeping her promise, she'll have to enlist the help of flying messengers known as Sylphs!

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To That Island Which Shouldn't Exist...

November 3, 200524m

When Akari was little, she was certain that Neverland was a real place. As she grew up, she understood that it was fantasy... But now, she's received a mysterious, hand-written invitation to visit Neverland for herself! What awaits her as she follows her map toward a quiet, deserted island?

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That Which You Want to Protect...

November 10, 200524m

Alice is in a pretty bad mood. Her dorm doesn't allow pets but she's secretly taking care of a kitten; her mentor Athena is an absolute clutz; and to top it all off, she has decided that her left hand isn't as skilled as her right hand, and is therefore useless. Though Alice certainly does have a strange set of problems, and they all seem separate from each other, she's certain to discover that the answers to each all are connected.

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Doing That Wonderful Job...

November 17, 200524m

Akari, Aika and Alice are scheduled for a full day of training with Akira, and what's more, two customers will be along for the ride. They're a couple on their honeymoon; but while the wife loves Undines and riding on gondolas, the husband thinks being an Undine is simple work, and couldn't really care less about the whole thing. It's up to Akira to teach everyone what it means to be an Undine - Undines-in-training included!

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That Melancholy President... / That Cool Hero...

November 24, 200524m

It's a double dose of President Aria! In "That Melancholy President...", it's cleaning time for the Aria Company, and President Aria wants to help out and lead by example for his company. Yet he can't seem to do anything right, and only gets in the way. He's so sad about it, that he's determined to run away... but where will he go? And in "That Cool Hero...", we get to see President Aria's cute crime-fighting alter-ego: Nyan-Nyan-Puu!

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That Starlike Fairy...

December 1, 200524m

Fall has arrived in Neo-Venezia and the girls have switched into their winter uniforms. And yet, Aika feels so unmotivated... She wants to do more than just go through the motions of everyday practice. She wants to really sharpen her skills, and become as good as the legendary Great Water Fairy, the greatest Undine of all time! So the three of them are sent to go visit this legendary lady in her house out in the country... but she's nothing like what the girls expect.

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That Warm Holiday...

December 8, 200524m

Winter has come - the mornings are crisp and cold, and it's hard to get out from under the covers to go practice sculling. So as a special treat, Alicia suggests that they visit a hot spring! Akari's never seen one before so she's excited to go, and all the others decide to join in as well.

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Those Orange Days...

December 15, 200524m

On one bleak winter day, when the clouds are thick and the snow is gently falling, the girls finish their sculling practice to find that Alicia, Aika and Athena are all together at the Aria Company, sitting around the fire. Over cups of hot cocoa, they discuss their younger days, and how it was that they all came to be friends.

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That Soft Wish...

December 22, 200524m

Aria Company has no bookings on a snowy day, so Akari and President Aria visit the oldest bridge in Neo-Venezia. When they reach the other side of the decrepit covered bridge, the snow is gone, and the women she meets on the other side has no idea what an undine is. Together they wait for the terraformers to send water under the bridge for the first time.

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That White Morning...

Season Finale
December 29, 200524m

It's time to ring in the new year, and everyone in Neo-Venezia has come together to celebrate! Even little Ai has come back from Manhome to take part in the winter festival. But as people gather and memories are shared, President Aria suddenly wanders off. Akari and Ai attempt to track him down, but what they find is a mysterious New Year's gift from Aqua itself.

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Looking for That Treasure...

April 9, 200624m

Spring is beginning to bloom in Neo-Venezia, bringing with it sunshine and warm breezes. Akari, Aika and Alice are out practicing their sculling when they find a small treasure box hidden by a statue. Inside there's a a simple little riddle that sends them off on a treasure hunt that spans the entire city! What sort of riches await them at the finish line?

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That Neo-Venezia–Colored Heart...

April 23, 200624m

The mailman's gondola is being repaired, so just for today, Akari is making the rounds with him to get the job done. As she learns the ins and outs of what it means to be a mail carrier, she meets a boy who needs his letter delivered at any cost. Whatever the envelope he's holding contains, it's very close to his heart.

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The Smile Reflected in that Mirror...

May 7, 200624m

Something's strange about Alice... Athena has noticed that Alice doesn't really seem to have any friends her own age. If she's not with Akari and Aika, she's simply alone. In fact, when Alice receives an invitation to a party with other Orange Planet Pairs, she flatly rejects it. It's up to Aika and Akari to get to the bottom of Alice's puzzling behavior.

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The Day of Festa del Bocolo...

May 21, 200624m

Another wonderful holiday has arrived: Festa Del Bocolo! This day is a celebration of an ages-old story on Manhome, about a knight whose love for his lady lived on after his death in the form of a rose. In Neo-Venezia, that means that women everywhere receive roses from the people who admire them. Akatsuki wants to give Alicia as many roses as he can, but he's too nervous to deliver them (even though he'd never admit it). Will Akari be able to help?

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Even though Akari is originally from Manhome, she seems to know more people in Neo-Venezia than Aika and Alice do, and they've lived on Aqua all their lives. No matter where she is, Akari has the ability to befriend any stranger. To learn more about this mysterious power Akari has, Aika and Alice decide to follow her in secret... but they might have to blow their cover once Akari innocently starts talking to a dangerous-looking man in black!

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Summer is blazing in Neo-Venezia. The days are so hot that Akari is starting to see things... One minute, she's walking down a crowded street, and the next, everyone is gone. Following President Aria in a haze, Akari wanders into a mysterious cafe, with a very unusual clientele... Later, the girls all decide to buy Nightshine Chimes, delicate little wind chimes with a glowing bead inside. The glow only lasts for a month before it fades, so Akari decides to make the most of the time she has.

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That Newest Memory...

July 2, 200624m

Many of the water touring companies in Neo-Venezia have their own palina - a tall, decorated pole used to hitch gondolas. But strangely, the Aria Company doesn't have one. When Akari asks Alicia about it, Alicia gives her full permission to make a palina of her own! It's tough work building something from scratch, but Akari is determined to make the best palina possible.

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Parting with That Gondola...

July 16, 200624m

When Akari takes her gondola in for a routine inspection, she's given some startling news - the repairman tells her that the gondola is now too old and worn for tourism use, and should be sold off for hauling cargo. Although she at first resists, Akari knows that the repairman is right; so she decides to travel with her gondola to all the wonderful places that she's been, as a way of saying goodbye.

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That New Me...

July 30, 200624m

Aika is proud of her long, beautiful hair, and takes care of it as best she can... but things don't always go the way we want. One afternoon, while everyone is enjoying a cook-out on the beach, Aika leans in a little too close to the grill, and her hair catches on fire! No one is hurt, but her long beautiful locks are a lost cause. How will the hot-tempered Aika handle losing something that was so precious to her?

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That Shadowless Invitation...

August 13, 200624m

The whole town is sizzling in a strong summer heat wave, and the girls are doing the best they can to beat the heat. But then, Akari spots a woman dressed all in black, with even her face covered with a thick black veil. Aika tells Akari a Manhome legend about the spirit of a woman dressed in black, who was angered that she couldn't be buried on San Michele Island. Supposedly the ghost spirits away any gondolier foolish enough to take her on board... but that's only an old story, right?

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When Akari innocently suggests that perhaps the little space between two stairs at the Aria Company is a portal to another world, President Aria, ever curious, squeezes through the gap, and pops out on the other side to find a terrifying sight! The second story is a flashback to when Akatsuki was little. He considered himself to be a superhero, but he wasn't quite as heroic as his imagination led him to believe...

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Those Undines of Tomorrow...

September 10, 200624m

Heavy rain keeps the girls from their usual gondola practice, so instead they spend the day at Himeya. They start off studying at first, but when their minds drift off to what nicknames they'll take as Primas, Akira steps in and gives them some good old-fashioned paperwork to do. Even that can't get Aika down, however... because she's noticed lately that people whisper to each other when she walks past. Does that mean she's finally being recognized for her skills as an Undine?

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That White, Kind City...

Season Finale
September 24, 200624m

As snow softly covers Neo-Venezia, Akari and Alicia are out for a walk. Akari asks Alicia what she thought as a child - back then, what did she want to be like when she grew up? But in response, Alicia just begins to roll a ball of snow on the ground. As they walk around the city pushing the snowball, it grows bigger and bigger, to the point where people remark on it everywhere they go. Alicia only continues to smile, but it's certain that her answer is hidden there somewhere.

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Aria the OVA ~Arietta~

September 21, 200731m

Akari finds herself nervous coaching a new undine as a Prima, until she awakens to find that it is just a dream. To soothe her worries, Alicia recalls stories of her beginnings as a Prima, as well as the memories she made.

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That Imminent Spring Breeze...

January 8, 200824m

As winter melts into spring, Akari, Aika and Alice all continue to practice and set new goals for themselves. But Akari still feels like she isn't good enough to become a Prima. Will she or any of the girls ever be truly satisfied with their talents?

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Those Feelings Within...

January 22, 200824m

A new vendor has opened up shop in Piazza San Marco, selling heart-shaped chocolates in glass bottles. Akari buys a bottle, and later goes to buy another, but by then, the patissier has mysteriously disappeared. Where did he go, and will he ever return?

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That Keepsake Clover...

February 5, 200824m

Athena and Alicia both have wonderful talents, but what about Akira? For that matter, what about Aika? Aika gets discouraged, thinking that maybe she doesn't have any natural talent, but Akira has an old story to tell that might lift Aika's spirits.

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In That Gently Passing Time...

February 19, 200824m

Akari and Alicia are going to visit Anna, the woman who trained with Alicia in the early days of the Aria Company! Many memories will be shared on this visit, including how the Aria Company itself was first founded.

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Surrounded by That Orange Wind...

March 4, 200824m

Alice has just graduated from middle school. She feels confident, and excited about what's to come. And then, Athena suggests that they finally go on the picnic that they've been planning for so long. Alice's world is about to change...

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Those Ever-Changing Days...

March 18, 200824m

Alice is so busy now; every waking moment is full of appointments and work. Though she enjoys the life she has now, she still misses the time that she spent with her friends. It's starting to feel like she might never see Akari and Aika again.

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To That New Beginning...

Season Finale
April 1, 200824m

Over the years, the Aria Company has changed. First it was Grandma's Aria Company, then it was Alicia's, and someday, it will be Akari's Aria Company. But that day might come sooner than Akari expected. Will she be ready for the future that lies ahead?

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