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19. Januar 2010

Nachdem der knallharte und unbestechliche L.A.-Cop Rolland Sallinger nur knapp einem Anschlag seiner korrupten und habgierigen Partner entgangen ist, muss er den Dienst quittieren und in New Mexiko untertauchen. Dort heuert er als Bodyguard für die Tochter eines wohlhabenden Geschäftsmanns an – ein Job, der für Sallinger keine große Herausforderung darstellt und ihm erst einmal hilft, seine Spuren zu verwischen. Als Gangster jedoch während eines kleinen Moments der Unachtsamkeit seinen Schützling entführen, schaltet Sallinger in den Kampfmodus und macht sich auf die Jagd nach den Kidnappern.

14. Mai 2004

Die hübsche Tänzerin Gina überlebt einen Anschlag. Doch ihr Glück hält nicht lange, denn schon am gleichen Abend wird sie ausgerechnet von dem Polizeiveteran Krebs entführt. Ein schier unendlicher Albtraum beginnt. Krebs hält Gina in seinem Keller gefangen, bis ein Kollege aufmerksam wird und ihm auf die Spur kommt.

3. Oktober 2019

Celeste and Robert meet at a speed dating event. A lonely widow yearning for connection and a lover of art in search of perfection.

17. September 2014

A rich playboy invites a girl to his expensive apartment for a romantic evening, which appears to be a mutual flirtation...

Der große Bruder des zwölfjährigen, mit seinen Eltern in Amerika lebenden Exiliraners Adam liegt im Sterben. Nun erzählt er dem kleinen Bruder eine Geschichte, die er bereits von seinem Grovater vernahm. Sie handelt von dem großen persischen Astronomen Omar Khayyam, der einst zur Zeit der Kreuzzüge die Zeitrechnung revolutionierte. Omar war genauso verliebt in die schöne Sklavin Dariah wie sein Jugendfreund Hassan. Dann wurde aus Hassan ein religiöser Eiferer und ein Duell der Freunde unvermeidlich.

5. September 1997

Paul Lamont, a corrections officer and law student, leads a comfortable if culturally bankrupt, middle-class existence. Lamont's marriage is already in trouble when he bails out a mysterious Haitian, Jean Baptiste, in the belief that Baptiste has been wrongly accused. Baptiste insinuates himself in Lamont's life and leads him on a journey of discovery. Lamont then finds that acts of conscience can have unforeseen consequences.

1. Januar 1976

The Keeper of Underwood Asylum has the mental patients of the wealthiest families in British Columbia. The rest of the family members have been dying under mysterious circumstances, so Biggs hires private investigator Richard Driver, who puts his assistant, Maybelline, in the asylum pretending she is his cousin and that they came from a family where the parents were all first cousins to each other and they decided to keep their love platonic for genetic reasons. Then he tries to get Inspector Clarke to check him in as a narcoleptic who didn't wake up with his body. They all know what the keeper has been doing, but it is a matter of proving it, and avoiding the hypnotized Biggs twins and Danny, who he is able to keep catatonic with his machine. Inspector Clarke gives driver a lot of trouble, and the kid giving shoe shines looks down on everybody, knowing more.

12. November 2020

A young carer starts to feel increasingly under threat in her patient's home

24. Mai 2024

A special group of military veteran hikers help a fellow vet battle depression, PTSD, and suicidal tendencies as he hikes the Appalachian Trail while carrying 363 military name tapes on a mission to prevent veteran suicide. A true story.

Der US-amerikanische Bürgerkrieg zwischen Nord- und Südstaaten nähert sich im Jahr 1865 seinem unausweichlichen Ende. Doch auch in den letzten Tagen des blutigen Konflikts regieren Gewalt und Tod: Für die willensstarke Augusta, die zusammen mit ihrer Schwester Louise und Sklavin Mad auf einem abgelegenen Anwesen auf das Kriegsende wartet, werden die letzten Tage des Kriegs zum Überlebenskampf: Zwei Deserteure der herannahenden Unions-Armee haben es auf die wehrlosen Frauen abgesehen …

Da Moonbeam Swiner die Tochter des Schweinezüchters ist, überrascht es nicht, dass ihr bester Freund auf der ganzen weiten Welt ein kleines Schweinchen namens Lord Hamilton ist. Und das macht ihrer Ma große Sorgen. Immerhin hat Moonbeam das reife Alter von 19 Jahren erreicht und ist immer noch nicht unter der Haube. Als also ein Handelsreisender aus der Großstadt auftaucht, überlistet Ma den Betrüger schnell und Pa arrangiert eine Shotgun Wedding.

Jim Grant, ein ehemaliger Aktivist der Weather Underground, die Ende der 1960er/Anfang der 1970er Jahre die US-Regierung stürzen wollte, lebt seit 30 Jahren unerkannt unter dem Deckmantel einer falschen Identität. Jim ist verwitwet und alleinerziehender Vater einer Tochter. Doch dann wird die Polizei auf Sharon Solarz aufmerksam, die ebenfalls ein ehemaliges Mitglied von Weather Underground ist. Solarz wird inhaftiert und der Chefredakteur Ray Fuller wittert eine große Story. Er beauftragt den jungen Journalisten Ben Shepard, in dem Fall zu recherchieren. Als Ben in der Enthüllung der falschen Identität von Jim Grant seine große Chance auf Erfolg sieht, muss der ehemalige Terrorist seine friedliche Existenz aufgeben und vor dem FBI fliehen. Dass Bens Ex-Freundin Diana beim FBI arbeitet, macht die Sache nur noch komplizierter.

Im Amerika nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg entführt eine Frau ihren Nachbarn und will Rache für die abscheulichen Kriegsverbrechen nehmen, die er ihrer Meinung nach an ihr begangen hat.

1964 trennt Dr. David Henry seine Tochter von ihrem Zwillingsbruder, um seiner Frau die Down Syndrom-Erkrankung der Tochter zu verheimlichen. David vertraut das Baby einer Krankenschwester an und bricht jeden Kontakt ab, um sich ganz auf seinen Sohn und seine Frau zu konzentrieren. Im Laufe der nächsten 25 Jahre muss David jedoch qualvoll mit ansehen, wie seine Familie zerbricht, während seine Tochter in einer harmonischen Familie zu einer jungen Frau heranwächst. Dabei ist ihm ständig bewusst, dass er sein dunkelstes Geheimnis niemals verraten darf.

6. Februar 2014

In a desolate future, one small town has survived because of a large windmill dam that acts as a fan to keep out pollution. The dam's operator, Pig, works tirelessly to keep the sails spinning and protect the town, despite abuse from classmates and an indifferent public. When a new student joins Pig's class, nothing will be the same again.

13. Oktober 2023

A group of friends travel to a secluded campsite to film a documentary. What they find is something much more sinister than they could have ever imagined.

4. Januar 2013

Rhea Carver lebt das Leben einer Außenseiterin an ihrer Highschool. Niemand respektiert sie und behandelt sie wie Dreck. Ihre Eltern Abigail und John verkaufen kleine Kunstwerke und Basteleien in ihren Laden. Als Rhea sich in den ungewöhnlichen Jungen Oliver Sands verliebt, beginnt sie plötzlich merkwürdige Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, mit denen sie die Elemente und Wesen um sich herum beeinflussen kann. Ihre Großmutter Rosmarie eröffnet ihr schließlich, dass sie die letzten eines alten Geschlechts von Mystikern seien und jede von ihnen eine andere Fähigkeit besitzt. Eine Legende besagt jedoch, dass eines Tages sich alle Fähigkeiten in einer Person vereinigen werden. Alles scheint darauf hinzuweisen, dass Rhea diese Person ist und stellt das junge Mädchen vor eine schwierige Entscheidung.

8. September 2017

The Drummer and the Keeper tells the story of the unlikely friendship formed between two young men: Gabriel, a reckless young drummer who revels in rejecting society’s rules and Christopher, a 17-year-old with Asperger’s Syndrome, who yearns to fit in. This heartwarming story shows the strength of the human bond in the face of adversity.

A grandfather and curio shop owner in a small town in Arizona and his granddaughter are transported to a mystical land through a portal stone and have to find their way back.

14. Juli 1935

A severely traumatized World War I veteran, believing that he's living on borrowed time, comes upon a peaceful little village and meets an old man called Bee Master and his protégé, Little Scout, who try to convince him that he has more to live for than he thinks he does.

Diese Dokuserie untersucht den 30 Jahre zurückliegenden Mord an Schwester Catherine Cesnik und dessen Verbindung zu einem des Kindesmissbrauchs beschuldigten Priester.

The true story of three young Oklahoma girls, found murdered after their first night at sleep-away camp. The tragedy, as well as the manhunt and trial of their suspected killer, captivated the nation in the summer of 1977. But decades later, uncertainties surrounding the case continue to haunt the Tulsa community, local law enforcement, and the victims' families.

Percy the Park Keeper' is an animated children's series based on the books by Nick Butterworth. It stars Percy, & many other park animals, such as the Badger, The Owl,the Fox,the Mice and so on.

A comic action drama in which a veiled cultural asset thief 'Skunk' and an unofficial cultural asset recovery team 'Karma' unite against those who cannot be judged by the law.

4. August 2017

Pig lives at the top of a hill in a town surrounded by a destructive, dark cloud. Before Pig's father leaves to find a solution to the cloud, he builds Pig a small wooden dam to protect him and the town. The dam's windmill keeps the cloud at bay, and Pig now has the responsibility to care for the dam. Young and alone, Pig finds love and family through his friendship with Fox, and continues to care for the townsfolk in a variety of ways. However, Pig struggles with the absence of his father, and his desire to search for his father competes with his need to keep the town safe.

1. Januar 1995

Storykeepers is an animated Christian video series produced by Zondervan from 1995 to 1997 in America and Ireland. It tells the story of a Christian leader and his family's adventures living in Ancient Rome, Italy whose mission is to keep Jesus's stories alive during the 1st century. The series consists of thirteen episodes, and features two full-length movies that are compilations of the last four episodes. The introduction to each episode before the opening credits is as follows:

"Rome, 64 AD. The Emperor Nero has unleashed his fury against the Christians. Their crime: Proclaiming a King higher than Caesar. Setting fire to the city, Nero places the blame on the Christians, and launches a new campaign to wipe them out. Families are separated, children left homeless, as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions. Escaping the panic of the fire, and dodging the advancing soldiers, a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of Ben and Helena; a local baker, and his wife. Here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women, who risk their lives to help one another, and to tell the stories of the great storyteller, the one called Jesus. And so awaiting the day when their parents will return, Anna, Cyrus, Justin, and Marcus, embark on an adventure of a lifetime, together with Ben, Helena, and their friends, in the Christian underground. Their mission: To keep the stories of Jesus alive. This is their story. They are the Storykeepers!"

At the Columbus Zoo, keepers form extraordinary bonds with the animals in their charge.

Luo Wu Zi helped Li Si Xiu to build the mound of Qin Shi Huang; the first emperor who united China. His disciples continued to build and safeguard the royal tombstone. In between lies the appearance of the Nine Great Tombstones, also known as Great King of the Graves. For thousands of years, the tombs were never robbed. The outsiders regard these guardians of the tombs like the Tomb Sect. After the death of Luo Wu Zi, the position of Grave King is transferred to his eldest disciple, Mu Rong Xiu.

10. Juni 2006

In a vivid way to learn or teach Adventist Church history, Dr. Allen Lindsay takes you to locations in Europe, North America and Australia, to retell the great stories of controversy and faith that have led to the emergence of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Through each of the eight episodes, dramatic vignettes capture the greatest moments of Martin Luther, the Waldenses, Calvin, Zwingli, and John Knox. The light of truth has shone through time and is pointing to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

23. September 2013

A story about two brothers of the same mother but different fathers. "Sam" Kiu Tin-seng and Lo Wai-son separate after growing up together. Over the course of twenty years, with major historical events occurring in the background of their lives, the two brothers face different moral life struggles while living in Hong Kong and Macau.

Soviet live-action film adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring, aired once in 1991 by Leningrad Television and then thought lost. It was rediscovered in 2021. It includes scenes of Tom Bombadil and the Barrow-wight omitted from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

29. August 2016

KO TIN SAN an LAW WAI SHUN are half-brothers, same mother different father. Due to fate, they were not only separated into Hong Kong an Macau, but also grew up in different backgrounds that have caused serious conflict between the brothers. Their mother CHOW YUK MUI brought her youngest son WAI SHUN to Macau and lived in a black market. WAI SHUN strived hard to get through all the hardships and challenges with the help of his good friends YIU MAN YING and LONG FEI. Ultimately, WAI SHUN set foot on a successful path in life. Living alone in Hong Kong, TIN SAN took shortcuts in life, he partnered with a gangster KEUNG YUNG from the triad and had an affair with a wealthy girl. His actions broke his girlfriend CHEUK JING's heart. She eventually losses her beauty an possessions.

19. Februar 2017

“Spell Keepers” is an exciting, mysterious and fantastical suspense series. It focuses on two strong and determined girl heroines – Kirki and Laila who have set out to perform their crucial roles in the world. As they strive to save humanity, they must choose between their own personal happiness and fulfill their destinies, while facing an inevitable collision between good and evil.

Wir befinden uns in Tokio im Jahre 1969. Die Erde wird von den sogenannten »Eindringlingen« angegriffen. Glücklicherweise weiß aber die Öffentlichkeit davon nichts, denn eine Geheimorganisation mit dem Namen A.E.G.I.S versucht die Invasion mit allen möglichen Mitteln zu stoppen. Als Ukiya Shun gerade auf seinem Weg zu Schule ist, beobachtet er einen Kampf zwischen einem jungen Mädchen und einem Eindringling. Er versucht ihr zu helfen und dabei entdeckt er, dass er, genau wie das Mädchen, die Fähigkeit hat, sogenannte »Tore« zu erschaffen. Diese Fähigkeit ist sonst nur noch ganz wenigen anderen Menschen vergönnt. Weil diese Menschen so selten sind, wird Ukiya von A.E.G.I.S rekrutiert.

28. Oktober 1991

Ten year-old Patrick is a computer whiz. One day, through a computer game at the local shop, he receives a bizarre invitation to become a contestant on a million dollar game show. But the TV channel and the game don’t exist—or do they? Patrick accepts the invitation and so begins a series of journeys across the time barrier into a new dimension full of strange characters, baffling encounters and the ever-present danger of fading away before returning to his own world. Based on the book Finders Keepers by Emily Rodda.

It has been thirty two years since the Invaders have been defeated, and A.E.G.I.S is dismantled, with only a few Gate Keepers left. One of them, Ayane Isuzu learns that Machine General and Devil Count are back and they must save the Earth once more.

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