نصيحة : يمكنك استخدام هذا الفلتر 'y:' لعرض نتائج بحثك حسب السنة المدخلة. مثال : 'star wars y:1977'.

Renton Thurston desires to leave his home behind and join the mercenary group known as Gekkostate, hoping to find some adventure. When a robot crashes through Renton's garage the meeting sparks the beginning of Renton's involvement with the Gekkostate as he takes off alongside the young girl Eureka as the co-pilot of the Nirvash.

سبتمبر 19, 1982

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is an American musical television series loosely based on the film, which ran on CBS from September 19, 1982 to March 23, 1983.

أكتوبر 7, 1998

"Ever wish you could live your last week all over again? Well, my name's Frank B. Parker, and I do it all the time. I work for a secret government project experimenting in time travel. When things really get screwed up, I'm the guinea pig they send back to take care of it. The catch is, I can only go back 7 days."

تختفي فتاة من العالم بسبب حادثة، ويتورط في الحادثة سبعة أشخاص أشرار، من بينهم الرئيسة التنفيذية لشركة إنتاج درامي، "جيوم لا هوي"، ورجل عصابات "مين دو هيوك"، ومتدربة في فرقة فتيات "هان مونيه"، والرئيس التنفيذي للترفيه "يانغ جين مو" والمدرسة "كو ميونغ جي" والمحقق "نام تشول وو"، وطبيبة أمراض النساء "تشا جو ران" يطلق عليهم " سبعة أشرار " سيلعبون لعبة صممها المدان "ماثيو لي" بسبع تهم الجشع والخيانة والباطل والتشويه والتحريض والحسد والتساهل، من أجل الهروب من العقوبة، يتحد الأشرار بذكاء ويخدعون بعضهم البعض، ما هي الخطايا التي ارتكبها الأشرار؟ كيف يتغير مصير فتاة بسبب الأخبار الكاذبة التي بدأت بالأنانية والرغبة؟ من سيتمكن من النجاة من هذا الانتقام الدموي؟ كل هذه الأسئلة تكشفها أحداث المسلسل الكوري الجديد.

مايو 19, 2007

A definitive landmark series charting the emergence and re-emergence of rock music as a global force, told through the musicians who have shaped this most enduring of genres.

The anime centers on the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan, who have lost their faith and fallen to the world of humans.

مارس 17, 2023

Five friends in their late 30s go on a holiday to a hill station. As they take the road, they soon come across an accident, two dead bodies, a bag full of cash and guns. What happens next?

فبراير 23, 2018

Tensions run high between African American citizens and Caucasian cops in Jersey City when a teenage African American boy is critically injured by a cop.

أبريل 13, 2017

A gripping psychological mystery told from the shifting perspective of six characters following a complicated chain of events triggered when a child is taken and relationships are thrown into crisis.

أكتوبر 27, 2019

Millions of years ago, incredible forces ripped apart the Earth’s crust creating seven extraordinary continents. This documentary series reveals how each distinct continent has shaped the unique animal life found there.

أبريل 25, 2018

Seeking to recover his memory, a scissor-wielding, hairdressing, bungling quasi-assassin stumbles into a struggle for power among feuding factions.

This is the story of Padlom, a lonely girl who's afraid of love. However one day, someone told her that a guy secretly likes her, and this guy is supposed to be among these seven young men! Follow Padlom's passionate love story, and how will Padlom find out which of the seven guys is secretly in love with her?

يناير 3, 1998

The Magnificent Seven is an American western television series based on the 1960 movie, which is a remake of the Japanese film Seven Samurai. It aired between 1998 and 2000. It was filmed in Newhall, California. The pilot, scripted by Chris Black and Frank Q. Dobbs, was filmed in Mescal, Arizona and the Dragoon Mountains of Arizona, near Tombstone.

Robert Vaughn, who had starred in the original 1960 movie, frequently guest-starred as a crusading judge.

في هذه "الكوميديا ​​الرومانسية ولكن في بعض الأحيان قصة المدرسة السحرية الجادة" ، تم القضاء على الحياة كما يعلم أراتا كاسوغا من خلال حادثة غريبة تُعرف باسم "ظاهرة الانهيار" ، والتي تسبب دمارًا عالميًا ونقل ابن عمه هيجيري كاسوغا إلى العالم التالي. لحل "ظاهرة الانهيار" وإعادة الهجري ، التحق أراتا بأكاديمية بيبليا الملكية. تنتظر في المدرسة سبع من مستخدمي السحر الجميلات - Trinity Seven.

Xiang Yun was originally a cloud, but was turned into a fairy by Yue Laodian, and started working in Yue Lao Pavilion. Chu Kong is a disciple of the Uri Xingjun constellation. He strayed into Yue Lao Pavilion and was treated as a villain. Chu Kong accidentally broke Xiang Yun's fan, so the two quarreled and accidentally messed up the red string, which led to the marriage of the three worlds. The Jade Emperor knew about the chaos, and his punishment to them was that they could not go back to heaven until after the seven lives of love, and so their story began.

~~Based on the novel of the same name by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang

(Source: DramaWiki)

The prideful archangel Lucifer disobeys God and is cast into the lowest level of hell as a fallen angel. On her way to hell, Lucifer happens to meet a high school girl on Earth named Maria, who helps her. In hell, Lucifer meets Leviathan, and Leviathan explains to Lucifer about The Seven Deadly Sins, the seven demon king rulers of hell. After The Seven Deadly Sins seal Lucifer's powers, Lucifer goes on a journey with Maria and Leviathan to defeat them.

As a prophecy of doom unfolds on the peaceful land of Britannia, a purehearted boy sets out on a journey of discovery — and revenge.

مايو 23, 2010

A sheriff uncovers dark secrets when the daughter of her lover becomes a murder suspect. Based on the novels by Robin Wasserman.

يناير 10, 2002

Nana Suzuki winds up being split into seven copies of herself. Besides the original Nana, there's also a smart Nana, a happy Nana, an angry Nana, a sensitive Nana, a sad Nana, and a slow Nana.

تعثر سنو وايت على زوج من الأحذية الحمراء المملوكة لزوجة أبيها، بينما تحاول إنقاذ والدها. ثم تلتقي بسبعة أقزام ملعونين يطلبون مساعدتها للعودة إلى أشكالهم التقليدية.

سبتمبر 23, 2016

يبحث الصناعي الجشع بارثولوميو بوج ، الذي يتطلع إلى التنقيب عن الذهب ، عن السيطرة على بلدة روز كريك الغربية القديمة. مع تعرض حياتهم للخطر ، تلجأ إيما كولين وغيرها من السكان اليائسين إلى صائد الجوائز Sam Chisolm طلبًا للمساعدة. يجند " تشيزولم " مجموعة منتقاة من حاملي السلاح لمواجهة " بوج " وأتباعه الذين لا يرحمون. مع مواجهة قاتلة في الأفق ، سرعان ما يجد المرتزقة السبعة أنفسهم يقاتلون من أجل أكثر من مجرد المال بمجرد أن يبدأ الرصاص في الطيران.

فتاة جميلة ، بياض الثلج (سنو وايت) ، تلجأ إلى الغابة في منزل الأقزام السبعة للاختباء من زوجة أبيها ، الملكة الشريرة. تشعر الملكة بالغيرة لأنها تريد أن تُعرف باسم "الأجمل في الأرض" ، وجمال بياض الثلج يفوق جمالها.

أكتوبر 12, 1960

An oppressed Mexican peasant village hires seven gunfighters to help defend their homes.

ديسمبر 18, 2008

سبعة أسماء. سبعة غرباء. سر واحد.

يشرع عميل مصلحة الضرائب بسر مصيري في رحلة خلاص غير عادية من خلال تغيير حياة سبعة غرباء إلى الأبد.

The sailor of legend is framed by the goddess Eris for the theft of the Book of Peace, and must travel to her realm at the end of the world to retrieve it and save the life of his childhood friend Prince Proteus.

في أعقاب موت الملك "إدوارد"، ينطلق "أوتريد" من "بيبانبورغ" ورفاقه في مغامرة عبر مملكة ممزّقة آملًا توحيد "إنجلترا" في نهاية الأمر.

أكتوبر 12, 2012

A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu.

أكتوبر 10, 1997

متسلق الجبال النمساوي ، هاينريش هارر ، يسافر إلى جبال الهيمالايا بدون عائلته ليترأس رحلة استكشافية في عام 1939. ولكن عندما اندلعت الحرب العالمية الثانية ، وقع هارير المتغطرس في أيدي قوات الحلفاء كأسير حرب. يهرب مع زميل محتجز ويشق طريقه إلى لاسو ، التبت ، حيث يلتقي بالدالاي لاما البالغ من العمر 14 عامًا ، والذي غيرت صداقته نظرته للحياة في النهاية.

يونيو 12, 1998

عندما يوافق كوين ، وهو طيار عابس يعيش حياة طيبة في جنوب المحيط الهادئ ، على نقل محرر أزياء ذكي ، روبن ، إلى تاهيتي ، ينتهي به المطاف في جزيرة مهجورة معها بعد تحطم طائرتهما. يتجنب الزوجان بعضهما البعض في البداية ، حتى يضطروا إلى التعاون معًا للهروب من الجزيرة - وبعض القراصنة الذين يريدون رؤوسهم.

مارس 12, 1960

A discredited professor and a sophisticated thief decide to join together and pick a team to pull off one last job--the casino vault in Monte Carlo.

أغسطس 1, 1972

Marshal Chris Adams turns down a friend's request to help stop the depredations of a gang of Mexican bandits. When his wife is killed by bank robbers and his friend is killed capturing the last thief, Chris feels obligated to take up his friend's cause and recruits a writer and five prisoners to destroy the desperadoes.The last in the original series of four "Magnificent Seven" movies.

أكتوبر 19, 1966

Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone comes and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin another member of The Seven. They find four other men and they go to help Chico.

يوليو 14, 1969

In this third remake of legendary Japanese director Akira Kurosawa's hugely influential The Seven Samurai, the seven gunslingers (George Kennedy, Michael Ansara, Joe Don Baker, Bernie Casey, Monte Markham, Fernando Rey and Reni Santoni) liberate Mexican political prisoners, train them as fighters and assist them in a desperate attack on a Mexican fortress in an attempt to free a revolutionary leader.

يوليو 29, 1997

After surviving a stabbing by a student, teacher Trevor Garfield moves from New York to Los Angeles. There, he resumes teaching as a substitute teacher. The education system, where violent bullies control the classrooms and the administration is afraid of lawsuits, slowly drives Garfield mad.

يوليو 22, 1954

In 1850 Oregon, when a backwoodsman brings a wife home to his farm, his six brothers decide that they want to get married too.

ساموراي يجيب على طلب إحدى القرى بالحماية بعد أن يقع في أوقات عصيبة. تحتاج البلدة للحماية من قطاع الطرق ، لذلك يجمع الساموراي ستة آخرين لمساعدته في تعليم الناس كيفية الدفاع عن أنفسهم ، ويقدم القرويون الطعام للجنود. تحدث معركة ضخمة عندما هاجم 40 قطاع طرق القرية.

مارس 15, 1925

Struggling stockbroker Jimmie Shannon learns that, if he gets married by 7 p.m. on his 27th birthday -- which is today -- he'll inherit $7 million from an eccentric relative.

Fehime Seven

التمثيلThe Blue Wave

Heather Seven


Seven Graham


Melek Seven

فريق العملأنت وطني



Adriana Seven

التمثيلKings County

A series of seven 5-reel features (q.v.), based on stories published in The Ladies World, a McClure publication, depicting each of the Seven Deadly Sins: (1) Envy (1917), (2) Pride (1917), (3) Greed (1917), (4) Sloth (1917), (5) Passion (1917), (6) Wrath (1917), and (7) The Seventh Sin (1917).

A documentary-series exploring the lives, hopes and dreams of three working class girls living in Adelaide, South Australia. The films visit them at ages 14, 18, 26, 33 and 48.

Toji Seryo is a popular first year high school student. It's well known that Toji Seryo will date anyone that confesses their affection for him on a Monday, but he will break up with that person by Sunday. Yuzuru Shino is a third year student at the same high school. He looks pretty, but all of his former girlfriends end up dumping him. Yuzuru Shino becomes curious about Toji Seryo. On a whim, half serious & half joking, Yuzuru Shino asks Toji Seryo to date. The film is based on a comic. Part 1 follows Monday to Thursday. Part 2 follows Friday to Sunday.

Films based on NAACP Image Award-winning author Victoria Christopher Murray Seven Deadly Sins anthology of tales inspired by the seven deadly sins.

The adventures of the Magnificent Seven.

In a futuristic society, a sword-wielding roller skater fights evil ninjas, punk roller skaters and is sent on an important rescue mission.

As a movie project of the TV animation "Symphonic Psalms Eureka Seven", it is the second work after "Symphonic Psalms Eureka Seven: Pocketful of Rainbows" released in 2009. This time, as a three-part series, one work is expected to be released each year from 2017 to 2019, and the third part of the finale is postponed to 2021. In each work, the main characters such as Renton, Anemone, and Eureka become the central characters of the story. Based on the biggest disaster "Summer of Love" not depicted in the original show, combined with setting changes and the appearance of new characters, including TV animation, games, manga, and other Eureka Seven series, a simple reconstruction. Painted as a new story that doesn't exist.

مجموعة من أفلام أنيمي الخطايا السبع المميتة

لم تجد الفلم أو المسلسل ؟ سجل دخولك و انشئها


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