The Last of Us (2023)

Written by MovieGoer223 on January 21, 2023

No spoilers here.

I went into this show cautiously optimistic, after seeing the trailers. I, like so many others, have been burned by horrid video game adaptations cough "Halo" cough. I was incredibly surprised by the first episode. LOVED IT! While yes, the pacing was a bit slower than the game's first few moments, I felt like it was appropriate to set the stage for everything to come later. TLOU is one of my favorite games on the planet, and I am really hard to please when it comes to media. I am the definition of nit-picky when it comes to writing, production, and character development, especially with pre-existing and beloved material. I can say honestly, and without reservation that if the creators put as much attention to detail and fan-oriented storytelling into the later episodes of this season, this could easily be one of the best adaptations of a game, out there. I really can't wait to see what they do with it.