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Really brilliant play here by Nic Cage, he is in true form.

It was super disappointing how little time he and Aghdashloo got together - the chemistry there was absolutely mind boggling, but much too short lived. The perfect power couple, I hope to see them again in the sequel.

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Watch Mandy. Cage is a monster in it...in a good way.

@WithADoveInOneHand said:

It was super disappointing how little time he and Aghdashloo got together - the chemistry there was absolutely mind boggling, but much too short lived. The perfect power couple, I hope to see them again in the sequel.

Not sure how much longer it will be in theatres, but it's only managed to pay back $0.37 thus far for each budget dollar sunk into it, while breakeven is $2.00 - I wouldn't expect a sequel based on this financial performance, or lack thereof, as the case apparently is.

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