Über The Last Duel diskutieren

It was long and boring and I hate that I watched it.

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I don't hate myself for watching (although I only made it to the 60-minute mark). I resisted watching because I just couldn't get past how Damon (looking positively goofy with his mullet & chin hair) & Affleck (bleached blonde) looked so out of place in the time period. The back & forth was just distracting. I normally like movies like this but this just had too many things working against it.

Yeah, watched it at home. On projector. Was good.

@bratface said:

I don't hate myself for watching (although I only made it to the 60-minute mark). I resisted watching because I just couldn't get past how Damon (looking positively goofy with his mullet & chin hair) & Affleck (bleached blonde) looked so out of place in the time period. The back & forth was just distracting. I normally like movies like this but this just had too many things working against it.

I wanted so much to like it but I just can't get through it. Listen, I probably will give it another chance to see jousting. But the cast seems wrong.

@felixxx999 said:

@bratface said:

I don't hate myself for watching (although I only made it to the 60-minute mark). I resisted watching because I just couldn't get past how Damon (looking positively goofy with his mullet & chin hair) & Affleck (bleached blonde) looked so out of place in the time period. The back & forth was just distracting. I normally like movies like this but this just had too many things working against it.

I wanted so much to like it but I just can't get through it. Listen, I probably will give it another chance to see jousting. But the cast seems wrong.

Comer (and others) was fine, but some actors, no matter what they do makeup/costume-wise, just can't blend into 'period' films.

Yeah. Referring to the three name leads. And I enjoy them all but in this I'm just eye rolling.

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