I Can't... I Can't... (1969)

01/11/1969 (IE) Dramma 1h 39m
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Her Doctor Knows! Her Priest Knows! Why Can't She Tell Her Husband?


The tale of a young Irish Catholic bride who is devastated when her pregnant mother miscarries and dies on her wedding day. The young woman, one of seven children, blames her father’s lust for the death. When her own wedding night arrives she is terrified and refuses to consummate the marriage with her husband. Her parish priest forbids her to accept her doctor’s suggestion that she should use contraception and she is driven to desperate measures.

  1. Piers Haggard


  2. Lee Dunne


  3. Robert I. Holt


Attori In Primo Piano

  1. Tessa Wyatt

    Tessa Wyatt

    Mady - Bride

  2. Dennis Waterman

    Dennis Waterman

    Joe O'Reilly - Groom

  3. Alexandra Bastedo

    Alexandra Bastedo

    Gloria - Girl Friend

  4. Eddie Byrne

    Eddie Byrne


  5. Martin Dempsey

    Father Keegan

  6. Marie O'Donnell


  7. Pat Laffan

    Pat Laffan

    Dr. Farnum (as Patrick Laffan)

Cast e troupe al completo

I Can't... I Can't...
I Can't... I Can't...

Stato Rilasciato

Lingua Originale Inglese

Budget -

Incasso -

Parole Chiave

Valutazione Contenuto 


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