Über 10 Cloverfield Lane diskutieren

I love this guy and he was awesome here. Could watch anything with him in it.

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He was so good in this movie as well as everything else he is in. He just isn't in the Hollywood elite and really should be.

Is he, though? He's highly-respected, works constantly, and has been in many movies regarded as modern classics. I think his physique has prevented him only from acting as a romantic lead, but he's been heroes, villains, sidekicks, and family men. He's really versatile and has nearly 150 acting credits to his name. I'd say he has received plenty of accolades and attention for a man with his extensive CV.

I agree with AlienFanatic. He's a great actor, but I don't see him as being "underrated" because I think he pretty much gets the credit he deserves.

He's a fantastically talented actor. His versatility continues to impress. You can almost SEE how he pours his heart and soul into his work.

He was really good in this. It kinda fell apart for me after his story was complete.

@homergreg said:

He was really good in this. It kinda fell apart for me after his story was complete.

Not for me. I was pleased with the outcome of the film, although I found Michelle to be too "Superwoman-y" as things went on. However, I liked how she was paid off for her bravery. I like Goodman's acting, BTW.

He is indeed underrated! I just watched this movie for the second time. I watched last summer the first time. This time I loved it even more than I did the first. And yeah, John Goodman is the star of this picture. He was so good in this!

@Hawkychico-1 said:

He just isn't in the Hollywood elite and really should be.

Over the line.

Underrated? More like over-weighted!


John Goodman is my daddy.

I'm guessing you're getting a few more siblings soon, 'cuz he looks like he's pregnant with twins!

Buzz-zing, yow!

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