These Heathen Dreams (2014)

M 05/08/2014 (AU) Documentario 57m
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The Journey of a Cultural Bolshevik.


Once described by the press as "one of the most controversial figures on the Australian art scene", avant-garde poet and playwright Christopher Barnett achieved a level of notoriety in the Melbourne underground theatre scene during the ‘70s and ‘80s, before self-exiling to France. He remains there today, running an experimental theatre lab working with the marginalised and underprivileged, applauded by the establishment (including former French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault) and faithful to his belief that art can change the world. These Heathen Dreams is an intimate portrait of Barnett's life and revolutionary philosophy. Combining archival footage dating back to the ‘60s with contemporary observational documentation and text from Barnett's writings, it is a poignant and inspiring study of the power of both art and political activism.

  1. Anne Tsoulis


Attori In Primo Piano

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Stato Rilasciato

Lingua Originale Inglese

Budget -

Incasso -

Parole Chiave

Valutazione Contenuto 


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