Über Legend diskutieren

I almost cried from laughing when watching this..... another movie that begs for a quote section!!!

Before we start, let me tell you a joke: A paranoid schizophrenic walks into a bar... mwahahahahaha

Ronnie was brilliant. He somehow reminded me of myself. Only i'm not a gay gangster and he's also always so serious which i'm not. But something, about his attitude. relaxed

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Ronald Kray: I come here for a fucking shootout. A proper shootout with some proper men. Like Colonel Custer and Geronimo, you ever heard of them? No. Cause you're too busy in your pinny baking fucking fairy cakes, weren't ya?

Ronald Kray: Reg. This lot are fucking nonces to a man, they're fucking nonces. Get out of me fucking way, go on, get out, go on, fuck off. Call yourself a fucking gangster.

Ronald Kray: A SHOOTOUT, RIGHT, IS A FUCKING SHOOTOUT! Like a western. WANKERS! Fucking embarrassing, waste of my time. FUCKING waste of my time!

Mike Jobber: Well your brother's done a runner

Reggie Kray: Nah he's just genuinely disappointed with you, that's all.

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