Über Endless Love diskutieren

Good looking guy who lashes out at other men when angry/slighted... Why does this turn young women on?

Not just in movies, but in real life... I've seen women respond unexpectedly well to this. Similarly to how Jade responds to David after he hits the Maserati guy... It excites them... I remember getting into a verbal arguement with someone when out with friends and when I returned to our table two of the women were visibly excited, so much so that it sparked conversation among our group...

Yet this is the same kind of behaviour that ends up driving them apart, when he hits her father, when the ugly side of this impulse shows and it hit (pun intended) closer to home...

There is a subtly about it, about the context of when women are turned on by this bad boy behaviour... It also seems you have to be good looking to pull it off...

I know this is a remake, but it's interesting to see this duality explored in a contemporary movie, although they probably could have done more with it...

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I think those guys he hits are just jerks tbh............................ That dad, and the prick at the valet. Especially the dad though. The valet man is just incredible rude and high headed.. And the boy tried, to idk, show he's not just a lowlife, try to connect with them (repairing the car). But the dad just doesn't give him any chance, even though he's so good to her, and protected her with "the zoo thing". After that, the dad became even more of a jerk.......

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