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Idiots Deluxe (1945)

NR 20/07/45 (US) Comedy 18m
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You're sentenced to a LAFFTIME of your life!


Moe is on trial for assaulting Curly and Larry with an ax. Moe relates how Curly and Larry took him on a hunting trip for his nerves. Out in the woods they confronted a bear which Curly and Larry stunned, and thinking it was dead, threw it in the back of their car, where it came awake, tossed Moe out and drove the car into a tree. The judge finds Moe not guilty and Moe promptly goes after Larry and Curly again with the ax.

  1. Jules White


  2. Elwood Ullman


Bes geadverteerde rolspelers

  1. Curly Howard

    Curly Howard


  2. Moe Howard

    Moe Howard


  3. Larry Fine

    Larry Fine


  4. Vernon Dent

    Vernon Dent

    Judge (uncredited)

  5. Al Thompson

    Al Thompson

    Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)

Volledige rolverdeling & bemanning

Idiots Deluxe
Idiots Deluxe

Status Vrygestel

Oorspronklike taal Engels

Begroting -

Omset -




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