14 Filme

Lewis Tater writes Wild West dime novels and dreams of actually becoming a cowboy. When he goes west to find his dream he finds himself in possession of the loot box of two crooks who tried to rob him.

23. Juni 1939

John Abbott returns to the desert land he owns, and after being wounded by hired gunman Chick Chance, he is befriended by rancher Andrew Naab and his son, Marvin. Naab's daughter, Marian, falls in love with John but is about to marry Snap Thornton to keep a promise made by her father. She runs away on her wedding day but is captured and held hostage by outlaw Henry Holderness. John, the Naabs and fellow ranchers rush to her rescue.

Nachdem John Weston eine kleine Stadt von Banditen befreit hat, bekommt er den Job des Sheriffs angeboten, was er aber dankend ausschlägt, denn er hat schon eine neue Aufgabe: Er will beweisen, dass bei einem großen Rodeo in der Gegend manipuliert und betrogen wird. Er gibt sich als Reiter aus und wird auch kurz darauf erpresst – er soll mit Absicht verlieren und dadurch die Wetten nach oben treiben. Als er sich nicht fügt, will man ihn töten.

4. Dezember 1931

Streetor is pulling off a land swindle and wants Thompson on his side. He does him a favor and then makes him Sheriff. But as Streetor evicts the ranchers, Thompson and Judge Cooper look for a legal device to stop him.

29. Juni 1939

Cattlemen fight corrupt railroad men out to destroy the forest.

4. August 1933

Money is mysteriously disappearing from a locked trunk atop the stage even though the trunk arrives still locked. When pals Bob Rivers and Grizzly get the jop driving the stage, the same thing happens.

20. Mai 1938

Cowboy star Ken Maynard is Jim "Trigger" Morton, in town undercover while pursuing the man who framed him for robbery. But a well-placed shot tames a band of scofflaws and gains Morton the sheriff's badge. Now, he's riding on both sides of the law. The line is further blurred when old buddy Chuck offers evidence of Morton's innocence in exchange for a blind eye to Chuck's impending postal heist in this classic Western.

10. Februar 1929

Two ranchers get together to fight a common enemy and fall in love.

15. Oktober 1930

Returning from the war, Buck finds his younger brother in trouble.

11. November 1935

Buck Ward and the Wolverine Kid, who each own one of the ivory handled guns, continue the feud started by their fathers.

2. November 1934

Trouble starts when Bill Larkins and his two sons move in with his brother Joe. They start rustling cattle and then kill Rod's father with Joe's gun. The Sheriff and Rod think they did it and are after proof.

12. Juni 1927

Popular B-Western hero Wally Wales (later known as Hal Taliaferro) went up against none other than Boris Karloff in this primitive silent oater from poverty row studio Action Pictures.

21. November 1926

The hero, cowpuncher Buddy Royle is not only handy around the cattle but a golfing enthusiast to boot. Buddy teaches the upscale sport to Pansy Price and her father, Colonel Price but is interrupted in the middle of teeing off by the nefarious schemes of crooked bank cashier Roger Farnley.

9. März 1924

Searching for his wayward brother, saddle tramp Donnegan (Buck Jones) gets in trouble with a bully and is thrown off a freight train

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