
18. Februar 2022

Auf dem absoluten Tiefpunkt seines Lebens angekommen, ist der ehemalige Army Ranger Jackson Briggs auf der Suche nach einem Neuanfang. Der bietet sich ihm, als er auf die belgische Schäferhündin Lulu trifft. Jahrelang stand sie im Dienst der U.S. Army – bis ihr Hundeführer starb und nun seine Beerdigung ansteht. Damit Jackson wieder in den Dienst treten darf, muss er Lulu zur Beerdigung ihres Herrchens bringen – und das ist leichter gesagt als getan, denn die Hündin ist unberechenbar! Also schnallen sich die beiden in einen 1984er Ford Bronco und rasen die Pazifikküste entlang, in der Hoffnung, rechtzeitig zur Beerdigung des Kameraden zu kommen. Auf dem Weg dorthin treiben sie sich gegenseitig in den Wahnsinn, brechen eine Handvoll Gesetze, entgehen nur knapp dem Tod und lernen dennoch, wie innig eine Freundschaft zwischen Mensch und Tier werden kann …

The true story of the most decorated dog in American military history -- Sgt. Stubby -- and the enduring bonds he forged with his brothers-in-arms in the trenches of World War I.

11. November 2023

Military medic Curtis is injured in the line of duty and sent home with the dog who saved him. Both Curtis and his dog, named Friendly, must adjust to civilian life. As Curtis falls in love, Sophia, a nurse, has a child, and both, grappling with severe PTSD and mental health challenges, rogether, they turn tragedy into triumph.

After losing his leg, ex-cop Didzis focuses on training his three beloved police dogs. His estranged wife Jana, a doctor at the local sports school, seeks romantic fulfilment with Roberts, a 17-year-old student and a promising swimmer. After a secret randez-vous, Jana hits a rabid wild boar with her car and eventually spreads the virus to Didzis’ dogs. The accident ignites dark suspicion and jealousy in Didzis. Busy with finding and punishing Jana’s secret lover, Didzis overlooks the ever-growing strangeness and aggression in his now infected dogs. Just as the love triangle becomes toxic, the dogs escape and threaten the local town. Facing both personal and professional fiasco, Didzis decides to take matter in his own hands.

13. Februar 2013

On the battlefields, a remarkable group serves the United States with limitless courage and unparalleled loyalty. Devoted to protecting their comrades, military working dogs serve beside their human partners in Afghanistan. They only ask for affection in return.

30. Juni 2015

On the surface, they appear to be ordinary dogs, but these canines have a secret identity. They are the Pentagon's stealth warriors, with specialties in explosives detection, tracking, laser target acquisition and bite work. Meet the U.S. Navy SEALs' latest recruits, four-footed soldiers called to duty to save soldiers' lives. SEAL Dog is an intimate look at one of these astonishing animals, Chopper, his partner, American war hero Trevor Maroshek, and the unbreakable bond they formed, on and off the battlefield.

27. Oktober 1945

Story of a Dog is a 1945 short documentary film under the supervision of Gordon Hollingshead. In the film, a dog trains for the battlefield and becomes a crucial part of the United States military. It was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short, One-Reel.

30. Dezember 1914

Talented and obedient Red Cross dogs prepare to rescue Berlin's wounded from the Front.

A documentary exploring the experience of going to war with a Military Working Dog, trained to find bombs before they can kill or maim soldiers, often at the expense of the dog's sanity.

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