24 Filme

24. Juli 2015

Außerirdische nutzen real gewordene Versionen von Kultfiguren aus 80er-Jahre-Videospielen, um eine Invasion der Erde zu starten, da sie Aufnahmen jener alten Spiele zu Gesicht bekommen und diese als Kriegserklärung der Menschen missinterpretiert haben. Die Menschheit ist schnell überfordert von den angreifenden Videospielfiguren, das herkömmliche Militär ist machtlos. US-Präsident Will Cooper erinnert sich an den einzigen, der vielleicht helfen könnte: sein Jugendfreund Sam Brenner. Dieser war in den 80ern ein Videospiel-Champion und weiß also bestens, wie man gegen Pac-Man, Donkey Kong und Co. besteht. Sam schart weitere Old-School-Arcade-Gamer und eine Waffen-Spezialistin um sich, um mit diesen einmal mehr die Videospielfiguren zu besiegen. Nur dieses Mal nicht in der Arcade-Halle, sondern in der wirklichen Welt...

9. Juli 1982

Der Programmierer und Spieleentwickler Kevin Flynn wurde um seine Arbeit betrogen und gefeuert. Versuche, Beweise dafür im Hauptcomputer seiner ehemaligen Firma zu beschaffen, blieben bislang erfolglos, aber nicht unentdeckt. Ein letzter Versuch an Beweise zu kommen ist ein Computer-Hack aus dem Inneren der Firma. Das ist aber nur mit Hilfe von seiner Ex-Freundin Lora und ihrem jetzigen Freund Alan möglich. Es geschieht das Unglaubliche: Das MCP (Master Control Programm) wehrt sich und entführt Flynn in eine Welt aus Bits und Bytes. Unerwartet trifft Flynn hier alte Feinde aber auch auf neue Freunde.

US-Science-Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 1984. Nichts macht Alex Rogan lieber als das Arcade-Game Starfighter zu spielen. Eines Tages taucht einer der Erfinder des Spiels bei ihm auf und lädt ihn ein, mitzukommen. Zu seiner Überraschung findet sich Alex wenig später im Weltall wieder.

5. Januar 1990

Set in the not to distant apocalyptic future. Earth is under invasion from computer/arcade aliens, tensions run high and teenagers still want to 'go out'.

2. Oktober 2020

Based on the urban legend, a teenage girl tries to convince the local sheriff that a mysterious game cabinet caused her brother to commit suicide.

27. November 2013

Four characters face off in different real life scenarios, with an unexpected twist.

25. November 2020

The oral history of a team of geeks and misfits in the back of a Chicago factory creating the biggest video games of all time. Midway Games pioneered the concept of live-action gaming, kick-starting a new arcade boom and grossing billions of dollars with hits like Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam.

2. Februar 2023

Discover the untold story of Pinball and Arcade in Australia in this heart-warming, and at times heart-breaking, nostalgic journey through the golden era of gaming.

21. April 1983

Anson Williams and Jayne Kennedy play host to celebrities who compete against one another at video games to win money for charity.

10. November 2000

A romantic story of young love is not what it seems. Rachel meets Matt on his way home from school. Matt falls for her, but Rachel has other ideas. Rachel and her boyfriend Nick use Matt to exact a revenge on his parents. What follows is an escalating story of revenge and payback: amoral teenager versus family.

11. März 2006

Although technology continues to evolve, a group of die-hard gamers refuses to abandon the classic arcade games of yesteryear. The 80's live on for these enthusiasts, who compete against each other and history to record the world's highest scores. Portland gamer Bill Carlton is one of the most brazen, fearlessly taking on some of the toughest records on the books. HIGH SCORE follows Bill as he attempts to take down the Atari classic Missile Command and its twenty year-old record. To get the 80 million points he'll have to play the game on one quarter for over two days straight. There is no pause button. There will be no sleep. There can only be one victor in this classic story of Man versus Missile Command.

17. Oktober 2010

What made more money than the entire American movie industry through the 50s and 60s? Pinball. Special When Lit rediscovers the lure of a lost pop icon. A product of the mechanical and electrical age, the American invention swept the world and defined cool. Now it is relegated to a nostalgic footnote deserving a better fate. Joining the fans, collectors, designers and champion players from across the globe who share a world many of us didn't know still existed.

13. November 2022

For her 9th birthday, peppy little Isha has only one wish – to get $12 dollars to play video games. Unable to convince her parents, she devises an ingenious plan with her brother to raise money. But when her plan fails, her reserved brother commits a well-intentioned mistake to fulfill her wish. The innocent act of love will change their lives forever.

7. Februar 2004

In 1999, Konami Corp. introduced a Japanese-influenced coin-operated arcade stand-up to the U.S. It's draw was unheard of for a video game: the combination of music, competition, and interactive video-gameplay along with actual physical activity. Four years later, Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) has become one of the most popular game crazes stateside and found easily in video game stores and in nationwide retail markets. This story explores the youth culture surrounding the game and follows a group of devoted players and documents their interactions at various arcades and tournaments.

THE SITUATION facing the pinball designers at Williams Electronic Games in 1998: come up with something new, or see the world's largest pinball manufacturer be shut down forever. And Williams' designers did come up with something amazing: a brand new kind of pinball machine—"Pinball 2000"—that fused video with classic pinball gameplay, preserving what was great about pinball yet opening up all-ne

14. November 2015

Chinatown Fair opened as a penny arcade on Mott Street in 1944. Over the decades, the dimly lit gathering place, known for its tic-tac-toe playing chicken, became an institution, surviving turf wars between rival gangs, changing tastes and the explosive growth of home gaming systems like Xbox and Playstation that shuttered most other arcades in the city. But as the neighborhood gentrified, this haven for a diverse, unlikely community faced its strongest challenge, inspiring its biggest devotees to next-level greatness.

24. September 2022

1999, a kid from the outskirts of Sofia, Bulgaria, mad about clocking his favorite arcade game, faces a serious decision - to remain just a kid living in the world of arcade game heroes, or make the first step towards growing up.

24. Juli 2013

A documentary on classic video arcade collectors across North America. Those who were the first to look into the neon haze of a vector/raster screen and fall in love. The first quarter poppers, the "vidiots" who never grew up.

When an arcade game enthusiast's anxiety makes it difficult for him to make friends, he realizes he may need to connect with people in a way he has never tried before...

Pinball historian Richard Bueschel hosts an hour-long look at the arcade favorite's illustrious history, including interviews with flipper devotees Slash (from Guns & Roses), Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, baseball great Frank Thomas, and others.

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