Michele is a Communist MP who loses his memory in a car crash—although nobody seems to notice. Over the course of a water polo match ahead of election day, he begins to remember his past life, revealing the picture of a man whose personal and political identity crisis mirrors the one of Italian communism.

4. März 1990

1989. Amidst the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, the Italian Communist Party (PCI) – the largest of its kind in Western Europe – announces that is going to change name, identity and renew itself into a new 'Thing'. The documentary is a selection of the debates that took place in various PCI chapters across Italy after the historic decision.

Im Sommer 1989 beginnt der Massenexodus der DDR-Bürger in den Westen. Es ist der Anfang vom Ende des Ostblocks und der Macht der Sowjetunion. Weniger als 2 Jahre später wird in Moskau die rote Fahne auf dem Kreml eingeholt.

Im Sommer 1980 rufen die Arbeiter der Danziger Leninwerft einen Streik gegen die staatliche Unterdrückung aus. Die zum damaligen Zeitpunkt verbotene Arbeiterbewegung führt mit Vehemenz zur ersten unabhängigen Gewerkschaft Polens, der Solidarność. Sie stellt sich dem kommunistischen Regime entgegen. Zu Wort kommen Solidarność-Anhänger und Zeitzeugen.

17. November 2019

The documentary AMERICAN REDS provides a historical overview of 20th century Communism and the growth, decline and contemporary relevance of the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA). Since its founding in 1919, the CPUSA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, and racial justice. During its heyday in the 1930s and 1940s, it attracted millions of Americans to support its causes and almost 100,000 men and women to enlist in its ranks. The film begins with the Party's emergence as a small militant sect in the 1920s and documents its rise to the foremost radical group in the United States during the Great Depression, fighting against racism, sexism and fascism, as well as for the rights of workers to organize. It ends with the decline of the Party during the Cold War under the assaults of the FBI and anti- communist crusades.

In the summer of 1989 tens of thousands of tourists from communist East Germany came to Hungary. They were deeply disillusioned because they felt they had no future in East Germany. There was no freedom, no choice in the shops, salaries were low and they could not travel except to Eastern Europe. They wanted to go to a prosperous and free West Germany but they could not get passports, so they hoped that by travelling through Hungary, the least suppressed country of the Soviet Block, they could cross the Iron Curtain into Austria and then travel on into West Germany. For them the Hungary of twenty years ago was the new east-west passage. Written by Czes

19. Januar 2012

Hungarian tales around the end of the regime(s).

In the 90s Bulgaria joined the Eastern Bloc's race for freedom. But as thousands flooded the streets calling for democracy the shadows were giving birth to criminal enterprise. And before anyone could realise, the criminals had taken over the new 'democratic' society. The street gangs dominated, a steel hand of fear was forced on the population. And freedom had come to Bulgaria! They quietly privatised everything in their own interests.

A young girl who treated her pets as comrades and liked to play with construction blocks, experiences her life changing after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

17. Dezember 2001

Documentary telling the inside story of Communist hardliners' failed attempts to seize power from Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, which resulted in the rapid collapse of the Soviet Union.

A young Czech boy, living and surviving the Czech Revolution of 1989 with his favorite TV series Knight Rider and riding around on a BMX bike.

Every image in The Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography comes from gay erotic videos produced in Eastern Europe since the introduction of capitalism. The video provides a glimpse of young men responding to the pressures of an unfamiliar world, one in which money, power and sex are now connected.

1. April 1990

The film is an emotional story about fateful historical events in the 20th century, which took place in three Baltic countries- Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The story is also about their efforts to gain independence.

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