28 film

Gizli Sayılar, yıldızları hedefleyerek ülkenin temellerini değiştiren parlak bir kadın grubunun inanılmaz, anlatılmamış, ancak gerçek hikayesini ortaya çıkarıyor. Film, NASA'daki siyah kadın matematikçilerden oluşan seçkin bir takımın, Sovyetler Birliği'ndeki Amerikalı rakiplerine karşı uzay yarışını kazanmasına yardımcı oldukları ve aynı zamanda, eşit haklara ve fırsatlara ilerlemeye yönelik arayışların hayati tarihini anlatıyor.

Test space rockets exploding at liftoff and increased reporting of UFO sightings culminate in a direct attempt by alien survivors of a dead, extra-galactic civilization to invade Earth from impervious flying saucers, using ray-weapons of mass destruction.

Amerika'nın gökyüzüne hakim olma ve uzaya yolculuk hayalleri destansı ve görkemliydi. Philip Kaufman'ın Tom Wolfe'un The Right Stuff' adlı romanından uyarladığı, yedi cesur astronot ve maceracı bir test pilotunun yaşamını, ve yaşadıkları renkli dönemi anlatan bu film de öyle. Dört Oscar Ödülü sahibi The Right Stuff, öncü Merkür astronotlarının yaşamını anlatıyor. Shepard, Grissom, Glenn, Carpenter, Schirra, Cooper ve Slayton isimli bu adamlar, ilkel bir uzay aracıyla yeni ufuklara yol alan ilk Amerikalılar oldular.

l 31, 2023

Uzay takıntılı bir adam, bir Mars kolonizasyon programı sayesinde hayatının fırsatını yakalar, ancak planlarının onu Dünya'ya getiren bir kadına karşı hislerinin tehlikeye düştüğünü fark eder.

Nasa'nın hayali olan mars'a yolculuk projesi yıllardır en çok başarmak istediği şeydir. Nasa'da çalışan astronotlar belki bir gün bu mümkün olur diye uzay kampına girerler ve bir sürü testten geçerler. Nasa ise gelecekleri ve geçmişiyle ilgili kendini eleştirip ilerleyen yıllarda daha hızlı teknolojik gelişmelere önem verip çeşitli denemeler yapması gerektiğini anlayacak bir program başlatması gerekmektedir.

The making of the motion picture "Apollo 13", as well as the story of the space mission it details. Featuring interviews with director Ron Howard, astronaut Jim Lovell, his wife Marilyn Lovell, producer Brian Grazer, executive producer Todd Hallowell, visual effects supervisor Robert Legato, lead digital compositor Mark Forker, astronauts Fred Haise and Dave Scott, Apollo 13 flight director Gerald Griffin, command module systems controller Sy Lieberglot, Apollo 13 flight dynamics officer Jerry Bostick, mission control director Gene Krantz, Tom Kelly of Grumman, NASA mission operations director Christopher Kraft, daughters Susan Lovell Williams and Margaret Haise, command systems module controller John Aaron, and actors Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Kathleen Quinlan, and Ed Harris.


" 4, 1954

A mechanical brain is programmed to sabotage the government's secret lab while working on the first space station.

The spectacular moon landing in 1969 was also a success of more than 100 technicians and engineers from Germany, some of whom had already revolutionized weapons technology and built rockets in Hitler's service during World War II. The documentary analyzes the entanglements of German NASA employees with the Third Reich.

" 14, 2016

In 1962, spurred by the Cold War, President John F. Kennedy famously made the bold proclamation that NASA would send astronauts to the moon by the end of the decade, not because it was easy, but because it was a challenge. The Space Race inspired a generation to pursue careers in science and technology, but as the balance of world power shifted, interest in space exploration declined. "Fight for Space" serves as an urgent call to re-awaken our sense of wonder and discovery.

a 27, 2018

A long time ago, years before Elon Musk reached for the stars with his Space X project, a young man had his own childhood dream about a journey into space. This documentary tells the fantastic story of German astrophysicist Lutz Kayser who developed the world's first private space company. He did this under the curious and concerned eyes of secret services around the world.

The first American space station Skylab is found in pieces scattered in Western Australia. Putting these pieces back together and re-tracing the Skylab program back to its very conception reveals the cornerstone of human space exploration.

NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in jeopardy.

All of the necessary technologies required to reach the Moon was first tested during Project Gemini, which comprised of ten missions in the mid-1960s.

, 13, 2014

In 1961, no one believed President Kennedy’s pledge to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. To win the race to space, the USA needed to create a multi-billion dollar space program. Using stunning NASA footage, this inspirational film tells the story of the colossal challenges NASA faced to fulfill Kennedy's pledge. With the accolade of flying 24 men safely to the moon, Saturn V is considered one of mankind's greatest technological achievements. This is the story of the most powerful machine ever built, and the men and women who believed it could fly.

A film crew was granted unprecedented access to NASA and to SpaceX headquarters, giving viewers a rare glimpse inside Launch Control and firsthand accounts from SpaceX founder and chief engineer Elon Musk, Bridentstine and the astronauts flying the mission: Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley.

O 11, 2019

Who were the men and women of Project Apollo? Where are they today? What do they think of the extraordinary effort they helped make possible? Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing in 2019, When We Were Apollo is an intimate and personal look at the Apollo Space Program through the lives and experiences of some of its most inspiring behind-the-scenes figures: engineers, technicians, builders and contractors who spent the better part of a decade working to get us to the moon and back.

Explores the Shuttle Program through the eyes of some of the exceptional men and women who worked behind-the-scenes to make it fly. A unique and intimate portrait of the Shuttle Years, their recollections and personal archives reveal their fondest memories and darkest hours: from the launching and repair of the Hubble Space Telescope and the construction of the International Space Station, to the loss of Shuttles Challenger and Columbia in accidents that were ultimately seen as avoidable, and in many ways served as the impetus for the fleet’s early retirement.

This popular science documentary offers insights into a physiology laboratory conducting intensive investigations into the possibility of humans living in a space. Gravity experiments demonstrate how the human body might react in various conditions or using a centrifuge to test the effects of acceleration force on human tissue. In addition to presenting investigations into the psychology of loneliness, the film also shows how weightlessness is simulated aboard an airplane in free fall.

c 19, 2016

A few days after his grandfather's death, young Igor decides to make a documentary about the history of his family in an attempt to understand why his grandfather, Guilhermino, was obsessed with strange facts that had happened in his city. Thus, in 1990, in the interior of the state Rio Grande do Sul, Igor and his father Nilson interview relatives, friends and people involved in the case in an attempt to undo the bad name of his grandfather, but what they find out is a part of the story of the state, unraveling mysteries related to extraterrestrials, failed space programs and a muddled mission of the Cold War.

O 11, 2019

From test flights to moon landings, thousands of people have dedicated their lives to the field of space exploration. Moon Memories presents firsthand accounts of those who made it all possible, and who now inspire a new generation of scientists, engineers and explorers.

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