Episodi 199


Children in Need: Born Again

18 novembre, 20057m

The newly-regenerated Doctor explains to a disbelieving Rose that he has regenerated.

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L'invasione di Natale

25 dicembre, 20051h 2m

Fine 1^ stagione

Un satellite viene spedito nello spazio per un esperimento, ma viene catturato da un'astronave aliena appartenente ai Sycorax, che vogliono tentare la conquista della Terra. Il Primo Ministro, Harriet Jones, tenta di entrare in contatto con il Dottore per avere aiuto, ma quest'ultimo è irreperibile a causa della sua recente rigenerazione che lo ha lasciato senza forze. Rose cerca di guarirlo a casa sua insieme a Jackie, ma, dopo l'attacco di alcuni robot, decide che è meglio rintanarsi nel TARDIS. Lei e Mickey trascinano il Dottore ancora incosciente nel TARDIS, il quale viene però teletrasportato sull'astronave aliena, dove erano entrati anche Harriet Jones e alcuni suoi collaboratori.

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The Attack of the Graske

25 dicembre, 200514m

A special interactive adventure that BBC viewers were able to access by pressing their red button on the remote control.

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La sposa perfetta

25 dicembre, 20061h 4m

Fine 2^ stagione

Durante il suo matrimonio, nella vigilia di Natale, Donna si ritrova teletrasportata misteriosamente sul TARDIS, incontrando il Dottore, che ha appena dovuto abbandonare Rose nell'universo parallelo. Nessuno dei due sa spiegare l'accaduto, ma una volta ritornati sulla Terra, Donna cerca di ritornare dal suo fidanzato Lance. Delle macchine robotiche iniziano a seguire Donna, il Dottore cerca di capire cosa vogliono da lei. La promessa sposa gli rivela che lavora come precaria per una società, quindi il Dottore, pensando che forse il suo lavoro è correlato con ciò che sta succedendo, va con lei nell'edificio in cui lavora, accompagnati da Lance, dato che pure lui lavora lì. L'azienda è stata comprata dall'istituto Torchwood, e trovando uno scompartimento sotterraneo scoprono che il Torchwood sta ricreando le ormai estinte particelle Huon.

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The Infinite Quest

30 giugno, 200745m

The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones set off on an adventure through space to find the datachips to unlock The Infinite, a huge spaceship that can grant people their heart's desire. However, the evil Baltazar is also searching for the ship.

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Time Crash

16 novembre, 20078m

Il Dottore, dopo aver lasciato Martha e apprestandosi a ripartire, si ritrova inspiegabilmente faccia a faccia con una sua passata incarnazione, ossia il Quinto Dottore. Insieme dovranno collaborare per sanare il paradosso che si è venuto a creare e che minaccia di creare un buco nero grande quanto il Belgio.

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Il viaggio dei dannati

25 dicembre, 20071h 16m

Fine 3^ stagione

Il TARDIS si scontra con un'astronave da crociera chiamata "Titanic" che riporta proprio l'aspetto del transatlantico. Aiutato da Copper e da una cameriera di nome Astrid Peth (Kylie Minogue) e da altri passeggeri (tra cui qualche alieno buffo), tra robohostes impazziti e congiure, il Dottore tenta di evitare che il Titanic si schianti su Buckingam Palace. Il Dottore e Astrid iniziano a fare amicizia, la donna non è soddisfatta della sua vita e il Dottore le propone di diventare la sua nuova compagna di viaggio, e lei accetta, e come segno di gratitudine lo bacia. Il Signore del Tempo scopre che dietro al dirottamento c'è di mezzo l'amministratore delegato della compagnia da crociera, Max, infatti la compagnia stava andando in fallimento e il suo consiglio di amministrazione aveva deciso di estrometterlo, quindi sarebbero stati loro a pagare per il disastro e lui ne sarebbe uscito pulito.

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Proms Special: Music of the Spheres

27 luglio, 20087m

The TARDIS is breeched by a Graske, who has come to “warn” the Doctor of a space portal opening up in the TARDIS. When the Doctor goes to look, he finds himself the entertainment of the real life BBC Proms, but the troublesome Graske has ideas of his own...

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Un altro Dottore

25 dicembre, 20081h 1m

Fine 4^ stagione

Nella Londra del 1851, a Natale, il Dottore si trova di fronte un uomo che sostiene di essere anch'egli il Dottore. In realtà altro non è che un uomo di nome Jackson Lake che agisce sotto l'influenza delle "infostamp" dei cybermen, inoltre pure lui possiede un TARDIS, che altro non è che una mongolfiera. I cybermen hanno invaso Londra e hanno rapito un gran numero di bambini, gli invasori sono aiutati da Hartigan, una donna che li venera nonostante non sia sotto la loro influenza. Il Dottore scopre che i cybermen hanno rapito il figlio di Jackson, dopo avergli ucciso la moglie, Jackson scoprì dell'esistenza del Dottore attraverso i dati dei cybermen, e per superare il trauma della morte della moglie si era autoconvinto di essere il Dottore, dimenticando chi era veramente, purtroppo alla fine recupera la memoria e si trova costretto ad affrontare il suo dolore.

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Christmas Moments

25 dicembre, 200810m

A look back at the best moments from the Doctor's festive adventures.

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Doctor Who at the Proms

1 gennaio, 200959m

A family concert featuring music from the BBC's Doctor Who series, and including a specially filmed scene, written by Russell T Davies and starring David Tennant.

There's also a selection of classical favourites with a strong flavour of time and space. Join Freema Agyeman (aka Martha Jones), and others from the Doctor Who cast, for an intergalactic musical adventure - with a little help from Daleks, Cybermen and other aliens from the series!

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Proms Special: Behind the Scenes

1 gennaio, 200928m

A behind the scenes look at the work involved putting on the doctor who prom at the Royal Albert Hall.

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Il pianeta dei morti

11 aprile, 200959m

Fine 4^ stagione

Il bus 200 attraversa una porta dimensionale e finisce sul pianeta desertico di Helios del San, tra i passeggeri il Dottore (con l'aiuto della giovane ladra Christina) promette di riportare il bus a Londra. Il Dottore e Christina affrontano un'avventura pericolosa, ma alla fine tornano sulla Terra, Christina si offre di diventare la nuova compagna di viaggio del Signore del Tempo, ammettendo che il motivo per cui ruba non è legato all'avidità, ma al brivido dell'avventura; nonostante tutto il Dottore disdegna la sua offerta perché preferisce stare da solo, la polizia arresta Christina, ma il Dottore la fa scappare e i due si dicono addio, prima di andarsene una passeggera del bus, con il potere di preveggenza, legge il futuro del Dottore dicendogli che "il suo canto sta per finire", ovvero che la sua morte è prossima (riferimento alla profezia degli Ood) e che per lui la morte arriverà "battendo quattro volte".

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L'acqua di Marte

15 novembre, 20091h 3m

Fine 4^ stagione

Il TARDIS atterra su Marte il 21 novembre 2059, giorno della morte degli occupanti della "Bowie Base One", la prima colonizzazione dei terrestri nello spazio, capitanata da Adelaide Brooke. Sul pianeta rinvengono una strana acqua che ha la proprietà di trasformare in mostri tutti quelli che ne vengono in contatto. L'acqua di Marte prende possesso, ad una ad una, le persone nella base. Il Dottore cerca di conoscere meglio Adelaide e scopre che è diventata una viaggiatrice spaziale perché, da bambina, quando i Dalek invasero la Terra, uno di loro la risparmiò senza un apparente motivo, e in un certo senso lei vuole rintracciare quel Dalek.

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5 dicembre, 200944m

During a visit to a local diner the doctor stumbles upon a mysterious alien artefact that leads him on a mission to rescue Rivesh Mantilax from the threat of the Viperox and the clutches of the American military in New Mexico.

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La fine del tempo (prima parte)

25 dicembre, 20091h

Fine 4^ stagione

Gli Ood chiamano il Dottore mostrandogli degli incubi ricorrenti e la resurrezione del Maestro e con essa gli annunciano la sua morte e "la fine del tempo". Il Maestro appena risorto si dirige verso una discarica e lì colpisce un contenitore di metallo con un bastone per quattro volte, il Dottore lo sente e quindi capisce che è lui che segnerà la sua morte. Sempre nella discarica il Dottore incontra il nonno di Donna Noble, Wilfred, che lo ha rintracciato grazie a un passaporola dei suoi amici. I due discutono su alcune stranezze, come il fatto che Donna (prima di scoprire che è la nipote di Wilfred) sia diventata la sua compagna di viaggio, e di come lui continui a incontrare l'anziano uomo così facilmente, come se l'universo li collegasse.

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La fine del tempo (seconda parte)

1 gennaio, 20101h 13m

Fine 4^ stagione

Il Maestro si è impossessato dei corpi e delle menti di tutti i terrestri, mentre il Dottore riesce a fuggire con Wilfred sull'astronave dei due Vinvocci. I Signori del Tempo stanno per tornare e con loro il pianeta Gallifrey che spazzerà via la Terra, infatti il presidente di Gallifrey, Rassilon, vuole usare il suono dei tamburi nella mente del Maestro, che ora si è amplificato in quanto ha riconvertito tutti gli umani in copie di lui, per liberare Gallifrey dalla bolla temporale in cui venne combattuta l'Ultima Grande Guerra del Tempo, infatti i Signori del Tempo intendono riscrivere la storia per impediare al Dottore di distruggere Gallifrey, gesto che in passato pose fine alla grande guerra.

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The Ultimate Guide

17 aprile, 2010

The Doctor, his universe and the mythology of the series. A look at the first four series and who the Doctor really is. A sneak peek at series five and the new Doctor.

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Tardisode 01: New Earth

8 aprile, 20061m

Novice Hame, one of the feline nurses working at the hospital on New Earth, presents a promotional video for the infirmary, claiming the staff can cure any disease. She welcomes the audience to come to the hospital before pointing out one of the hospital’s current patients, who has a terminal illness known as Autras Disease.

Moments later the patient is cured, sitting in bed holding a bunch of flowers. Hame claims the nurses never loose a patient, for they are here to help. Suddenly there is a cry of a woman screaming for help, followed by the screeching whine of a cat. All is not as it seems in the hospital…

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Tardisode 02: Tooth And Claw

15 aprile, 20061m

An alien pod hurtles through space, heading for Earth. It crash-lands in a ball of flame somewhere in the Scottish Highlands, apparently unseen. Three hundred years later a man walks alone amongst the unchanged landscape, followed by the unsettling growl of a beast. He looks around for the source of the noise but sees nothing, and so continues on his way. A moment later the noise sounds again and he looks back over his shoulder a second time. On this occasion he sees the creature following him and runs for his life. However, he is unable to escape. The giant beast pounces and drags him to the ground…

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Tardisode 03: School Reunion

22 aprile, 20061m

Mickey sits alone in a café, clicking frantically on his laptop computer. He flicks through dozens of pictures showing mysterious UFOs but these mean nothing to him, he needs something bigger. He finally arrives at a page where he cannot enter due to an access denial by an organization known as ‘Torchwood’. He realizes this is what he has been looking for and takes out his mobile phone. He calls Rose and tells her there are strange goings on back on Earth; there has been increased activity at a nearby school, including a lot of strange lights in the sky. He tells her that he needs her and the Doctor; there is something out there. Sure enough, miles away in the corridors of the school a giant bat-like creature stands and unfolds it’s wings, revealing itself and screeching out into the night…

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Tardisode 04: The Girl In The Fireplace

29 aprile, 20061m

On a spaceship deep in space one of the observation crew is taken by surprise when an ion storm erupts nearby. She calls out a warning to the rest of the crew but it is too late; the impact rocks the ship and the computer panels begin to overload in a shower of sparks. She calls out a mayday signal but there is nobody left to hear it.

Some time later the crew all lie dead. A loud ticking echoes around the command deck as a shadowed figure approaches the last survivor who sighs with relief at its presence. Suddenly she realizes it is not there to help her and she screams out to no avail, she is doomed…

Elsewhere, on an ornate mantelpiece above a fireplace a clock is ticking away, until suddenly its face cracks and time stops…

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Tardisode 05: Rise of the Cybermen

6 maggio, 20061m

On a computer screen; a message has been received by a group known as ‘The Preachers’ from another figure known as ‘Gemini’. It details that the subject of the report is John Lumic, founder of Cybus Industries (est. 1982).

It reports the main information on Cybus Industries; such as the profit margin of $78 billion in 2001, and a report from South America that in 2004 259,996 people went missing from within its borders. Finally it reports the Lumic is working on his “ultimate upgrade” and then goes on to say that he must be stopped.

Across the globe metal men are preparing to disembark as part of the upgrade and as the report concludes a figure resembling Mickey sits in a large blue van, watching the screen before him. He watches as the report calls for all Preachers to mobilize and as the message ends with an advertisement from Cybus Industries promoting the upcoming “ultimate upgrade”, he drives away…

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Tardisode 06: The Age Of Steel

13 maggio, 20061m

A report issued from John Lumic to every continent on the planet orders all cyber factories across the Earth to begin production, the “ultimate upgrade” is about to reach maximum velocity.

As the report continues it details the objectives of the upgrade; the removal of the human brain from its body and its replacement into a brand new metal body.

Across the globe hoards of Cybermen are being manufactured and are starting to awaken. They line the streets in preparation to take over the world; their orders stand to delete all incompatible material…

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Tardisode 07: The Idiot's Lantern

20 maggio, 20061m

In an ordinary 1950’s household a deliveryman uncovers a brand new state of the art television set to an excited old woman.

That night she sits down in preparation to watch the set as tendrils of red electricity buzz around the device. She concludes that it is not working and gets out of her chair to hit the set in order to try and make it work.

However as she does so the red tendrils of electricity flare up to and begin to break free of the television screen. They pursue her as she retreats back to her chair in terror and make a move towards her face.

Some time later the old woman is gone; leaving only the television set to broadcast a report on the upcoming coverage of the following day’s coronation of Queen Elizabeth II…

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Tardisode 08: The Impossible Planet

27 maggio, 20061m

In a shining white office an official-looking woman consults a man called Captain Walker, explaining a planet has been located holding a powerful power-source capable of preventing the world from being sucked into a black hole. If he has go and retrieve it he will have saved the empire.

She shows him a series of artifacts that led them to find the planet, including an ancient book of strange symbols apparently detailing the planet’s myths. Walker asks to know more about them but the woman dismisses them, telling him he can overcome them as he is a big strong man with a top ship and a top crew.

She bids him goodbye and good luck and as he goes he passes a slave creature holding a translation orb. It watches him go before claiming “the beast shall rise from the pit…”

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Tardisode 09: The Satan Pit

3 giugno, 20061m

One of the Ood passes a member of the sanctuary base a box of possessions belonging to the late Captain Walker. He takes them and seals the box but reopens it when the lights dim and the computers begin to claim that “he shall awake”.

He takes out a book containing a series of ancient symbols and as he looks the computers around him go mad, spouting that “the beast is awake and he shall rise from the pit”. Doors begin to lock themselves and the book bursts into flames, reducing itself into dust.

The young man tries to open a nearby door but it is locked tight, and all it can do is tell him the “he is coming…”

Some time later the young man sits in a swivel chair in the returned-to-normal room. A young woman enters and tries to talk to him but gets no reply. She turns his chair around to find him lifeless; a series of the ancient symbols etched to his skin…

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Tardisode 10: Love And Monsters

17 giugno, 20061m

A heavy-breathing man holding a cane sits in a high-backed chair staring at a laptop before him. As he drums his fingers on the smooth surface of the device he stares at the website it displays; an appeal from an organization called L.I.N.D.A asking for information on a man called the Doctor.

He clicks on a link regarding becoming a member of L.I.N.D.A but it proves fruitless, L.I.N.D.A is a secret organization. He instead takes out an alien looking device and aims it at the screen which changes, instead tracking down the location the website is run from. He is given an address but before he can continue there is a knock at the door.

A cheerful tea lady walks in and prepares to give him a cup of tea, but as she turns to see the figure sitting before her she screams in terror…

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Tardisode 11: Fear Her

17 giugno, 20061m

In an ‘ordinary’ London street a reporter for a television called “Crime Crackers” tells his viewers that things are amiss in suburbia. Two children have gone missing from their own homes and the police do not know where they have gone or why they were taken.

He calls upon the ‘crime crackers’ of the nation to help find the missing youths and gives a phone number to contact the programme with if they should have any information on the matter.

As the reporter signs off he is unaware that somewhere in the street there stands a wardrobe, its doors shaking. They fly open to reveal a pair of blood-red glowing eyes, calling out for Chloe…

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Tardisode 12: Army Of Ghosts

24 giugno, 20061m

In a newspaper office a young male reporter tells his editor he can get her the biggest story of the century, the story of Torchwood. She tells him to find it for her and soon he is on the streets communicating with secret contacts who provide him with evidence to back up his suspicions of an organisation stretching back to the time of Queen Victoria.

He begins to see what all of this has in common with the ghosts that have been appearing across the globe and no sooner has he finished he is handing in his story. He tells his editor to publish it quickly or he will be found out…but t is too late.

His editor has double crossed him and handed him over to Torchwood, who provide hew with a new nondescript front page and take the young reported away, who screams out that he knows the truth about the ghosts…

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Tardisode 13: Doomsday

1 luglio, 20061m

A newsreader sitting at her desk in a TV studio delivers an emergency broadcast. The country is under attack and the government have declared it a state of emergency.

As she talks clips of the Cybermen attacking army strongholds are shown on screen, the metal giants wiping out anyone and anything that stands in their way.

The reporter hears from her earpiece that there is no new word from the government; the country is on its own. She unnervingly explains that the Cybermen are everywhere, before urging people to run if they see the metal monsters.

Suddenly the building is under attack and as the desperate newsreader falls to the floor explosions rock the room, destroying the set. The reporter then tearfully calls out to her mum and dad before attempting to sign off, but it is too late.

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Doctor Who at the Proms (2010)

6 settembre, 20101h 14m

Doctor Who returns to the Proms with a new show hosted by stars Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill, featuring Murray Gold's music, behind-the-scenes access and a host of monsters.

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Children in Need: A TARDIS Tea Party

19 novembre, 20106m

Matt and Karen introduce us to 2 boys who have benefited from money raised by Children In Need and have tea in the Tardis with them. This also includes a preview of the Doctor Who Christmas episode "A Christmas Carol".

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Un canto di Natale

25 dicembre, 20101h 2m

Fine 5^ stagione

Un'astronave con oltre 4000 persone, tra cui Amy e Rory in luna di miele, sta per schiantarsi. L'unico che può salvarli è un anziano dispotico di nome Kazran Sardick diventato "padrone" del cielo e dei pesci che lo abitano, dopo la morte del cattivo padre Elliot, grazie ad una macchina che può usare solo lui. L'intervento del Dottore non cambia le cose, tanto che il Dottore si ripresenta come fantasma del Natale passato e va a trovare Kazran, prima da anziano e successivamente da bambino, riscrivendo la sua vita. Alla fine il Dottore, anche con l'aiuto di Abigail (una ragazza malata tenuta prigioniera ibernata per un debito non pagato), riesce nel suo intento.

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Space (1)

18 marzo, 20114m

A special two-part mini episode with the Doctor, Amy and Rory in danger aboard the TARDIS.

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Time (2)

18 marzo, 20113m

A special two-part mini episode with the Doctor, Amy and Rory in danger aboard the TARDIS.

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Best of the Doctor

13 agosto, 201143m

Matt Smith reviews his best moments; Celebrity fans share their favorite moments.

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Death is the Only Answer

1 ottobre, 20114m

All'interno del TARDIS, mentre il Dottore gioca col suo fez, inciampa e muove una leva dei comandi: il fez sparisce e riappare subito dopo insieme con Albert Einstein.

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Best of the Monsters

27 agosto, 201143m

An in depth look at Iconic monsters from the series, As reflected on by guest stars from the last 2 seasons

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Best of the Companions

3 settembre, 201143m

Highlighted moments featuring Amy, Rory and River Song.

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Doctor Who: A Celebration Concert

28 maggio, 20071h 30m

A musical odyssey through time and space with highlights and background footage from the Doctor Who - A Celebration concert at the Wales Millennium Centre in November 2006. Hosted by David Tennant, artists include the BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales under the baton of Ben Foster, Oods, Daleks and Cybermen. The programme has insights into the musical soundtrack from composer Murray Gold, Doctor Who head writer Russell T Davies and executive producer Julie Gardner.

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The Impossible Astronaut Prequel

25 marzo, 20112m

Richard Nixon riceve una telefonata da una bambina che si sente minacciata da un misterioso "uomo dello spazio"

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The Curse of the Black Spot Prequel

30 aprile, 20111m

Il pirata Henry Avery descrive nel suo diario di bordo che la sua nave, vittima della bonaccia da otto giorni, è stata presa di mira da un nemico mostruoso. Avery teme che lui ed il suo equipaggio siano destinati, uno dopo l'altro, a morire tutti.

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A Good Man Goes to War Prequel

28 maggio, 20112m

Dorium Maldovar vende a due Monaci Senza Testa il cervello di un Judoon, che contiene un protocollo di sicurezza di cui i Monaci hanno bisogno.

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Let's Kill Hitler Prequel

15 agosto, 20112m

Amy chiama il Dottore sul telefono del TARDIS, ma questo non risponde, allora gli lascia un messaggio vocale, pregandolo di trovare suo figlia Melody, perché anche se sa che Melody crescerà fino ad diventare River Song, non vuole perdere il vederla crescere.

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The Wedding of River Song Prequel

26 settembre, 20111m

Before the Doctor returns to Lake Silencio, we return to Area 52…

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Il Dottore, la vedova e l'armadio

25 dicembre, 20111h

Fine 6^ stagione

Il Dottore precipita sulla Terra da un'astronave in fiamme indossando in fretta una tuta che lo proteggerà dall'impatto, ma indossa il casco al contrario. A terra, è la vigilia di Natale del 1938 e un'atterrita Madge Arwell trova il Dottore e lo aiuta a ritrovare il TARDIS. Tre anni dopo, Reg, il marito di Madge, viene dato morto in guerra, precipitato col suo aereo nella Manica e la donna con i suoi due bimbi, Cyril e Lily, per evitare i bombardamenti, sfolla in una vecchia casa di campagna, proprietà di uno zio assente; il custode della casa si rivela essere il Dottore, che ha trasformato la casa a suo piacimento per la gioia dei bambini. La vigilia di Natale, Cyril apre di nascosto un grosso pacco regalo che si rivela essere un passaggio per un mondo innevato pieno di abeti vivi.

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Children in Need: The Doctor's Clothes

18 novembre, 20113m

Bid for the Doctor's clothes at http://www.bbc.co.uk/pudsey

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Best of the Christmas Specials

24 dicembre, 201145m

Hilights from the Christmas Specials. Reflections on the first 5 Christmas specials by celebrities, guest stars and fans.

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Il Dottore si trova a bordo di un'astronave che sta per distruggere la Terra.

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Night and the Doctor: Bad Night

22 novembre, 20113m

Amy wakes to answer the TARDIS phone, only to discover the Doctor desperate to deal with British royalty, a goldfish and a housefly.

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Night and the Doctor: Good Night

22 novembre, 20114m

Amy finally gets to ask the Doctor the question that has been plaguing her since DW: Space: how can she remember two distinct histories of her life since the universe was rebooted in DW: The Big Bang? The Doctor in part answers her question by giving her a chance to do a good deed for herself when she was a child.

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Night and the Doctor: First Night

22 novembre, 20112m

The Doctor arrives at Stormcage to pick up River Song on the evening of her imprisonment on twelve-thousand consecutive life sentences. It's their "first date", but his plans are complicated when a future version of River turns up.

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Night and the Doctor: Last Night

22 novembre, 20113m

With no fewer than three River Songs from different times roaming the TARDIS, the Doctor has to avoid contaminating the timeline.

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Night and the Doctor: Up All Night

22 novembre, 20112m

Craig, Sophie and Alfie have a brief scene in which Craig discusses his fears of dealing with his son.

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Good as Gold

24 maggio, 20123m

Mentre il TARDIS è in volo, Amy legge sul "Manuale del perfetto Viaggiatore Spaziale Intrepido" che può essere definito Viaggiatore Spaziale solo chi ha almeno un'avventura alla settimana, e si rende conto che loro non hanno avventure da molto tempo. Per rimediare subito, il Dottore inserisce la "modalità avventura" nel TARDIS

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The Science of Doctor Who

4 agosto, 201243m

Like all great science fiction shows, there are kernels of truth and nuggets of science fact scattered throughout the incredible “Doctor Who” universe. In this special, we are going to explore these dynamic “Doctor Who” moments where science fiction and science fact converge and mingle.

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The Women of Doctor Who

11 agosto, 201245m

A special celebrating the women of the Doctor Who universe.

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The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who

18 agosto, 201245m

A special exploring the mind-bending time-travels of the Doctor.

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The Destinations of Doctor Who

25 agosto, 201245m

A special visiting all the fabulous (and not-so-fabulous) locales of Doctor Who.

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Pond Life (1)

27 agosto, 20121m

Tra la 6^ e la 7^ stagione

Il Dottore interferisce sempre nella vita dei Pond, anche quando sono a casa loro. Nella loro quotidianità dovranno confrontarsi anche con un Ood e uno spiacevole imprevisto per loro due.

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Pond Life (2)

28 agosto, 20121m

The Doctor picks the wrong time to turn up unannounced.

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Pond Life (3)

29 agosto, 20121m

Rory stumbles upon an unexpected guest in his bathroom.

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Pond Life (4)

30 agosto, 20121m

Domestic life with the Ponds is never dull!

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Pond Life (5)

31 agosto, 20121m

The Doctor finally arrives at the Ponds House. But where are they?

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I pupazzi di neve

25 dicembre, 20121h

Metà 7^ stagione

Il Dottore si ritira in isolamento dopo la scomparsa di Amy e Rory per mano degli Angeli Piangenti, sentendosi in colpa. A Londra nel periodo vittoriano, intanto, una strana neve scende dal cielo, essa sembra avere una vita propria e il Dottore inizia a incuriosirsi. Nel frattempo il Dottore incontra la cameriera di una taverna di nome Clara Oswald, la ragazza inizia a provare curiosità nei confronti del bizzarro uomo. La ragazza segretamente è anche una badante che si occupa dei figli di un nobil uomo vedovo. I bambini hanno paura perché credono che la loro vecchia governante, morta dopo essere caduta in un lago ghiacciato, sia tornata in vita.

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Meanwhile in the TARDIS (1)

9 novembre, 20103m

On her first trip in the TARDIS, Amy questions the Eleventh Doctor on how the time machine works, why it takes the shape of a police box, and whether he is an alien. The Doctor answers most of her questions, and then opens the TARDIS doors to reveal that thy are in deep space. When Amy doesn't believe what she is seeing, the Doctor pushes her though the doors.

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Meanwhile in the TARDIS (2)

9 novembre, 20104m

As Amy continues her attempts to seduce him, the Doctor explains to her true reason why he travels with a companion. She tricks him into asking the TARDIS to display visual records of previous inhabitants, before he decides to go find Rory at his bachelor party.

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Asylum of the Daleks Prequel

2 settembre, 20122m

Il Dottore riceve in sogno una comunicazione da parte di una donna, Darla Von Karlsen, che richiede un incontro con lui nientemeno che su Skaro, patria dei Dalek.

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Nel suo laboratorio, Kahler-Jex esegue alcuni collaudi sulla sua ultima creazione, un letale cyborg chiamato "Il Pistolero".

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The Last Day of the Ponds

29 settembre, 201212m

Matt, Karen, Arthur and the team reflect on the Ponds’ era and their emotional farewell.

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Behind the scenes with Doctor Who shooting in the U.S. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan plus Executive Producer and Lead Writer Steven Moffat.

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Doctor Who in the U.S.

29 settembre, 201243m

Explore DOCTOR WHO's many forays across the pond (no, not THOSE Ponds!). Luckily, this Time Lord knows his way around the U.S.A. We'll uncover the Doctor's special relationship with the U.S., from Daleks on the streets of New York to robot gunslingers in the Wild West. The special includes behind-the-scenes reports from the Doctor's death in Monument Valley, Utah and the Weeping Angels' invasion of Manhattan and looks back with contributions from current Doctor MATT SMITH, the Tenth Doctor DAVID TENNANT, plus JOHN BARROWMAN (Captain Jack Harkness), ARTHUR DARVILL (Rory Williams), NOEL CLARKE (Mickey) and PETER PURVES (Steven, a companion of the very First Doctor).

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The Great Detective (Children in Need)

16 novembre, 20124m

I tre investigatori della Paternoster Gang descrivono una serie di strani fenomeni ad un quarto membro rimasto in ombra. Quest'ultimo, rivelatosi il Dottore, annuncia agli altri di essersi ritirato.

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12 ottobre, 20124m

Brian Williams sta innaffiando le piante, ma viene interrotto da un uomo che bussa alla sua porta. L'uomo, che si presenta come Anthony, da New York, porge a Brian una lettera ed insiste nell'aspettare in casa fino a quando l'altro non l'avrà letta.

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Rewind - Trust your Doctor

23 aprile, 201145m

Doctor Who: Rewind was a documentary co-produced by BBC America, BBC Worldwide and BBC Wales. It was essentially a recap of the story arc of series 5, with emphasis on the narrative points likely to recur in series 6. It debuted on BBCA immediately before their premiere of The Impossible Astronaut. It was a sequel of sorts to Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide, a similar documentary made by many of the same BBCA crew.

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Vastra Investigates

17 dicembre, 20123m

Vastra illustra ad uno sempre più sbigottito ispettore di Scotland Yard la natura aliena di lei e di Strax e la sua omosessualità. Mentre torna a casa, nota che sta nevicando, nonostante non ci siano nuvole in cielo.

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Un'avventura nello spazio e nel tempo

21 novembre, 20131h 30m

Il film, distribuito in occasione del cinquantenario della serie tv fantascientifica Doctor Who, racconta la storia romanzata della creazione dello show nel 1963, ponendo l'accento su William Hartnell, l'attore che interpretò il Primo Dottore.

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The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel

23 marzo, 20132m

Il Dottore, frustrato dai tentativi andati a vuoto nella ricerca della Clara Oswald originale, si ritrova in un parco giochi a parlare con una bambina. Alla fine, il Dottore riprende la sua ricerca e la bambina viene richiamata dalla madre, che la rimprovera: "Clara Oswald, quante volte ti ho detto di non parlare agli sconosciuti?".

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The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later

25 marzo, 20132m

In the aftermath of the Battle of Demons Run, a battled-scarred Strax lies dead on the floor — or has he just fainted...

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National Television Awards Sketch 2011

26 gennaio, 20114m

Dermot O'Leary wakes up late for the National Television Awards. The Eleventh Doctor tries to take him there, but keeps ending up in the wrong place, meeting many famous people in places such as Walford, Weatherfield and the BBC Television Centre in 2111.

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La notte del Dottore

14 novembre, 20137m

Durante l'Ultima Grande Guerra del Tempo, il Dottore cerca di salvare la giovane astronauta Cass per evitare che la sua nave si schianti sul pianeta Karn. Quando Cass si rende conto che il Dottore è un Signore del Tempo, rifiuta il suo aiuto ignorando il fatto che lui dica di non aver mai preso parte alla guerra.Entrambi vengono uccisi dallo schianto dell'astronave. Il Dottore viene riportato in vita temporaneamente dalla Sorellanza di Karn e dal suo capo Ohila, che lo invitano a scegliere una pozione con cui potrà rigenerarsi nella forma che preferisce, ma allo stesso tempo lo convincono anche a prendere parte alla Guerra del Tempo per fermarla.

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Il giorno del Dottore

23 novembre, 20131h 17m

Fine 7^ stagione

L'Undicesimo Dottore e Clara vengono convocati dallo UNIT per esaminare una galleria d'arte in cui c'è un quadro appartenente alla precedente moglie del Dottore, la regina Elisabetta I. Il dipinto è tridimensionale e, come il TARDIS, sembra più grande all'interno di quanto lo sia all'esterno; raffigura la caduta di Gallifrey durante l'ultimo giorno dell'Ultima Grande Guerra del Tempo. Si scopre che la rigenerazione rinnegata del Dottore (War Doctor, il dottore della Guerra o il dottore guerriero) (incontrata nell'episodio Il nome del Dottore) ha rubato l'arma più potente dei Signori del Tempo, il Momento, per spazzare via Gallifrey e i Dalek e porre così fine alla guerra che stava devastando l'universo.

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Il tempo del Dottore

25 dicembre, 20131h 1m

Fine 7^ stagione

Centinaia di astronavi aliene orbitano intorno ad un pianeta dal qual proviene un messaggio che nessuno è in grado di decifrare, e che è ripetuto continuamente nel tempo e nello spazio. Con l'aiuto di una testa di Cyberman modificata, chiamata "Maniglie", che funge da assistente, il Dottore visita due astronavi (una Cyberman e una Dalek, dalle quali deve però fuggire), per avere qualche informazione in più su cosa stia accadendo. Nel frattempo viene contattato da Clara che gli chiede di fingersi suo fidanzato al pranzo di Natale.

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Clara e il Dottore riflettono su quanto poco conoscono l'una dell'altro, e sulla natura del segreto che quest'ultimo nasconde a Trenzalore.

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Nella Londra vittoriana, il criminale Clarence DeMarco riceve nella sua cella la visita dei Sussurratori, che gli promettono che smetteranno di tormentarlo se riferirà al "detective rettile" delle informazioni su Trenzalore e sulla tomba del Dottore.

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Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor

4 agosto, 201335m

The half-hour show, presented by Zoe Ball, will feature an interview with the new lead, as well as 11th Doctor Matt Smith and executive producer Steven Moffat.

According to the official announcement, Ball "will unveil the 12th Doctor in the first ever interview in front of a live studio audience set against the backdrop of a swirling vortex, amongst Daleks and the Tardis".

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Doctor Who at the Proms 2013

26 agosto, 20131h 14m

The concert features the very best of Murray Gold’s scores for recent adventures as well as music from the eras of the early Doctors. Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman make special appearances and it’s great to see Madam Vastra and Strax back, hosting the Prom… In fact, any concert without a Sontaran and a Silurian will now seem relatively pedestrian!

And watch out for some very special surprise guests who help make this an unforgettable celebration of the music of Doctor Who.

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The Companions

31 marzo, 201344m

As the Doctor’s newest companion, Clara Oswald, steps into the TARDIS, take a look back at previous companions that have won over the Doctor’s heart in Doctor Who: The Companions. Along the way, companions old and new talk about how the show has changed their lives, and how they've never quite managed to leave the TARDIS behind. Matt Smith and David Tennant are joined by fellow contributors including John Barrowman (Captain Jack), Arthur Darvill (Rory) and Noel Clarke (Mickey).

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The Science of Doctor Who

14 novembre, 201359m

For one night only, Professor Brian Cox takes an audience of celebrity guests, including Charles Dance and Rufus Hound, and members of the public on a journey into the wonderful universe of the Doctor, from the lecture hall of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Drawing on the latest theories as well as 200 years of scientific discoveries and the genius of Einstein, Brian tries to answer the classic questions raised by the Doctor - can you really travel in time? Does extra-terrestrial life exist in our galaxy? And how do you build something as fantastical as the TARDIS?

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The Ultimate Guide

18 novembre, 20131h 58m

Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman celebrate the 50th anniversary of the space-travelling Time Lord and take an in-depth look at of one of the most intriguing fictional characters of all time.

With the 50th anniversary episode, The Day of the Doctor, about to hit our screens there's a look at all 11 incarnations of the Doctor and their most famous scenes and storylines, an exploration of the many sides to the Doctor and asking what is he really like. Plus, a look at The Doctor's many travelling companions and adversaries over the years and how they all contribute to creating the longest running sci-fi show of all time.

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The Afterparty

23 novembre, 201359m

Zoe Ball and Rick Edwards are live, getting the party started for the ultimate celebration of 50 years of Doctor Who. With an impressive guest list of Doctors and companions both past and present, celebrity fans and some very special surprises, this is the afterparty not to be missed. As well as all the gossip on the new episode The Day of the Doctor, there are exclusive interviews, showstopping monster moments and plenty of fun. So make a date to celebrate with us and be a part of this time-travelling extravaganza as we say Happy Birthday Doctor Who.

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The Last Day

20 novembre, 20133m

First day on the front line? Time to attach a Headcam for a soldier's point-of-view. What could possibly go wrong?

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Doctor Who Explained

22 novembre, 201345m

Everything you really need to know about the Doctor - current, future or past.

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The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot

23 novembre, 201331m

A star studded special written and directed by Peter Davison. With the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who about to film, the 'Classic' Doctors are keen to be involved. But do they manage it?

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The Day of the Doctor: Behind the Lens

23 novembre, 201313m

As Doctor Who celebrates 50 years, we go behind the lens on the year's most anticipated television drama. Voiced by the Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker, we catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. It's a rollercoaster ride and a time to celebrate. Features Matt Smith, David Tennant and Jenna Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt, as well as lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat, discussing their 50th Anniversary experiences.

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Tales from the TARDIS

18 novembre, 201343m

An all-new special, Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS, features the series’ actors and producers sharing their experiences and memories of the world’s longest-running sci-fi show. The special features exclusive interviews with principal cast members from the show’s 50-year history, including actors who have played the Doctor: Matt Smith, David Tennant, Tom Baker, and Peter Davison, actors who have played companions: Jenna Coleman, Karen Gillan, Freema Agyeman, and William Russell, as well as the current lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat. The discussion includes how the actors got cast, how the roles changed their lives, how a ‘regeneration’ is recorded, and how filming the show in the 60′s compares to today.

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Clara and the TARDIS

24 settembre, 20132m

Clara Oswald gets into an argument with the TARDIS after the TARDIS plays a practical joke on her in the shower and then makes her bedroom disappear. After revealing to Clara that she is far from being the first girl the Doctor has "brought home", the TARDIS plays another trick on Clara that has her seeing double, and triple, and quadruple...

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Rain Gods

24 settembre, 20132m

The Doctor and River Song find themselves at the mercy of the natives of the planet of the Rain Gods, who mean to sacrifice them to their deities, until the Doctor calls upon the gods themselves to help them out of the fix

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The Inforarium

24 settembre, 20132m

The Inforarium — the greatest source of illicit information in recorded history — is compromised. The Doctor appears in a hologram — "Who the hell are you?". He tells a guard that he will be erasing all traces of himself from their database, making everyone forget what they've heard through means he'd adapted from the Silence. At the end of the message, the guard completely forgets the whole ordeal. Then it replays... "Who the hell are you?"

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Farewell to Matt Smith

25 dicembre, 201343m

Bid the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, a fond farewell in this hour long retrospective documentary special about Doctor Who series five, six and seven – “the Matt Smith Years.” This compelling documentary, narrated by Alex Kingston (Doctor Who’s River Song), features highlights from Smith’s run with interview footage from the man himself, his cast-mates, writers, producers, guest stars and celebrity Whovians.

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Tonight's the Night

23 maggio, 20096m

Jack Harkness enters the Doctor's TARDIS and discovers a blue-headed alien who claims to be a regenerated Doctor. The alien gives the game away when Jack notices that he's armed, something the real Doctor would never be. The alien identifies himself as Sao Til, a literal arms dealer who trades in limbs. Jack draws his gun and the two enter into a standoff before...

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The Time of the Doctor: Behind the Lens

26 dicembre, 201312m

Behind the scenes look at the making of the 2013 Doctor Who Christmas Special.

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This episode features the Judoon from the episode Smith & Jones featuring the 10th Doctor and Martha Jones as the companion.

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This episode features the Silurians from the episode A Good Man Goes to War featuring the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond/Rory Williams as the companions.

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Greatest Monsters and Villains (3) - The Ood

15 novembre, 20135m

This episode features the Ood from the episode Planet of the Ood featuring the 10th Doctor and Donna Noble as the companion.

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This episode features the Clockwork Men from the episode The Girl in the Fireplace featuring the 10th Doctor and Rose Tyler/Mickey Smith as the companions.

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This episode features the Ice Warriors from the episode Cold War featuring the 11th Doctor and Clara Oswald as the companion.

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This episode features the Cybermen from the episode The Next Doctor featuring the 10th Doctor and Jackson Lake as the companion.

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This episode features the Silence from the episodes The Impossible Astronaut & Day of the Moon featuring the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond/Rory Williams as the companions.

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This episode features the Master from the episode Utopia featuring the 10th Doctor and Martha Jones/Captian Jack Harkness as the companions.

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This episode features the The Weeping Angels from the episode Blink featuring the 10th Doctor and Martha Jones as the companion.

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This episode features the Daleks from the episode Dalek featuring the 9th Doctor and Rose Tyler as the companion.

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The Ultimate Companion

17 agosto, 201445m

Peter Davison recounts what it takes to be the ultimate companion. Meeting with cast and crew past and present, Peter travels the UK and the USA in search of the answers.

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The Ultimate Time Lord

19 agosto, 201443m

Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor, meets the talented people and stars who have helped create the show both past, present and future, and asks 'Who is the Doctor? What makes him tick? What will make the Twelfth Doctor unique?

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Doctor Who: Earth Conquest - The World Tour

25 dicembre, 201449m

Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman embark on a global tour to key cities across the world, taking in Cardiff, London, Seoul, Sydney, New York, Mexico City and Rio. They get to know the fans who have made the show what it is, understand why they love the Doctor, and just why the show has such global appeal.

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Live Preshow

23 agosto, 201430m

Comedian and Doctor Who super fan Chris Hardwick hosts this preshow to celebrate the premiere of Doctor Who Season 8. Featuring Mark Gatiss and an array of studio guests with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage.

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After Who Live

23 agosto, 201430m

Comedian and Doctor Who superfan Chris Hardwick hosts this live aftershow to celebrate the premiere of Doctor Who Season 8. Featuring Mark Gatiss and an array of studio guests with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage.

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Doctor Who Extra: Deep Breath

23 agosto, 201411m

Behind the scenes special for Deep Breath

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Doctor Who Extra: Into the Dalek

30 agosto, 201411m

Behind the scenes special for Into the Dalek

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Doctor Who Extra: Robot of Sherwood

6 settembre, 201412m

Behind the scenes special for Robot of Sherwood

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Doctor Who Extra: Listen

13 settembre, 201411m

Behind the scenes special for Listen

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Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist

20 settembre, 201411m

Behind the scenes special for Time Heist

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Doctor Who Extra: The Caretaker

27 settembre, 201410m

Behind the scenes special for The Caretaker

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Doctor Who Extra: Kill the Moon

4 ottobre, 201410m

Behind the scenes special for Kill the Moon

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Doctor Who Live Q&A

11 ottobre, 201410m

Doctor Who Extra: Mummy on the Orient Express

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Doctor Who Extra: Flatline

18 ottobre, 201411m

Behind the scenes for Flatline

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Doctor Who Extra: The Forest of the Night

25 ottobre, 201410m

Behind the scenes for The Forest of the Night

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Doctor Who Extra: Dark Water

1 novembre, 201411m

Behind the scenes for Dark Water

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Doctor Who Extra: Death in Heaven

8 novembre, 201414m

Behind the scenes for Death in Heaven

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L'ultimo Natale

25 dicembre, 20141h

Fine 8^ stagione

Svegliatasi la notte di Natale, Clara scopre la presenza di Babbo Natale sul suo tetto. Confusa, viene raggiunta dal Dottore, che la porta via sul TARDIS. Al Polo Nord, nel frattempo, un gruppo di scienziati cerca di salvare i propri compagni, attaccati da delle creature simili a granchi, che si attaccano alla faccia delle persone. Il Dottore e Clara arrivano alla base e vengono attaccati dai granchi, salvo poi venire salvati da Babbo Natale. Il Dottore capisce che le creature sono Granchi dei Sogni, creature aliene che inducono la vittima in uno stato dormiente che funge da anestetico, mentre gli divorano il cervello.

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Doctor Who Extra: Last Christmas

25 dicembre, 201413m

Join Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Nick Frost as the cast and crew of Last Christmas reveal the inside story of the Twelfth Doctor's first seasonal special!

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Doctor Who Extra: The Husbands of River Song

25 dicembre, 201520m

Behind the scenes on the 2015 Christmas special.

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Deep Breath Prequel

23 agosto, 20146m

With fleeting appearances by Madame Vastra and Jenny, this prequel has Strax giving another overview of all the Doctors, this time updated to include the new Twelfth Doctor.

Strax just had to address the exact number of Doctors thanks to The War Doctor and the Tenth Doctor staying exactly the same after his regeneration in Journey’s End.

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Season 9 Prologue

11 settembre, 20152m

The Doctor visits the planet Karn, to discuss an old enemy...or is it an old friend? 'and embarks on a course that could lead to his destruction....

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The Doctor's Meditation

18 settembre, 20157m

The Doctor must meditate to prepare to see his 'old friend' and atone for a past mistake..but he can't mediate without proper drinking water..

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I mariti di River Song

25 dicembre, 201557m

Fine 9^ stagione

Il Dottore, con il TARDIS, approda sul pianeta Mendorax Dellora, una colonia umana futuristica, nell'anno 5343. Un uomo gli fa visita e, pensando che sia un chirurgo, lo invita a seguirlo perché deve operare una persona. Il Dottore lo segue fino a entrare in un'astronave aliena, e con grande stupore scopre che è stata sua moglie River Song a chiedere la sua presenza, ma lei non lo riconosce, dato che non ha mai incontrato questa incarnazione del Signore del Tempo, lei infatti pensa veramente che si tratti di un chirurgo, e che il paziente è il marito di River, lo spietato imperatore Hydroflax, la cui testa è collegata a un possente corpo robotico. L'operazione consiste nell'estrarre dal suo cervello l'Androvar di Halassi, il diamante più prezioso dell'universo.

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Il ritorno del dottor Mysterio

25 dicembre, 20161h 1m

Fine 9^ stagione

Il Dottore è protagonista di un'avventura a New York, insieme a Nardole, conosciuto durante la battaglia contro Hydroflax, i nuovi nemici del Dottore sono i cervelli extraterrestri del "Collettivo dell'Armonia", queste creature vogliono sostituirsi agli umani prendendo possesso dei loro corpi, e da cinque anni si preparano per questo. Il Dottore è ancora in lutto per la morte di River, tra l'altro ha modo di constatare che New York è protetta dal supereroe The Ghost, in possesso di super poteri. In realtà The Ghost è Grant Gordon, quando era un bambino a causa del Dottore (che Grant chiamava dottor "Mysterio") ingerì la gemma di Hazandra ricevendone i super poteri che lui ammirava nei fumetti.

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Join stars Peter Capaldi and Matt Lucas, showrunner Steven Moffat, and many more for this very special inside look at the making of ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio.’

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The Doctor: A New Kind of Hero

27 dicembre, 20161m

The Doctor has no superpowers, but he can stand proudly alongside the greatest superheroes ever known. In this special program, we’ll ask what it is about the Doctor that makes him so heroic.

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Friend from the Future

23 aprile, 20162m

An exclusive scene from a future episode of Doctor Who, introducing the new Companion.

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Meet the Thirteenth Doctor

16 luglio, 20171m

A Sneak peek of the next Doctor

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C'era due volte

25 dicembre, 20171h 3m

Fine 10^ stagione

Durante gli eventi di The Tenth Planet, il Primo Dottore lascia i suoi compagni Ben e Polly per dirigersi verso il TARDIS. In mezzo alla desolazione antartica, incontra il Dodicesimo Dottore, fuori dal proprio TARDIS, in procinto di rigenerarsi dopo aver affrontato i Cybermen nell'episodio La caduta del Dottore. Ad un tratto il tempo sembra fermarsi: i fiocchi di neve restano fermi a mezz'aria, e i due Dottori vengono raggiunti da un uomo in abito militare. È un Capitano inglese della Prima guerra mondiale, che poco prima si trovava bloccato in un cratere in un campo di battaglia nei pressi di Ypres con un soldato tedesco, l'uno in procinto di sparare all'altro, nel 1914. I tre entrano nel TARDIS del Dodicesimo Dottore, quando la cabina viene issata con un argano a bordo di un'astronave.

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A look behind the scenes of the making of An Adventure in Space and Time, a special one-off drama that travels back to 1963 to see how Doctor Who was first brought to the screen. Actor William Hartnell felt trapped by a succession of hard-man roles. Wannabe producer Verity Lambert was frustrated by the TV industry's glass ceiling. Both of them were to find unlikely hope and unexpected challenges in the form of a Saturday tea-time drama. Allied with a team of unusual but brilliant people, they went on to create the longest running science fiction series ever made.

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1 gennaio, 20191h 1m

Fine11^ stagione

Nell'anno 2019 a Sheffield gli archeologi Lin e Mitch riportano accidentalmente in vita una letale forma di vita intelligente che è stata smembrata e sepolta in tre diversi continenti durante il IX secolo. Nel mentre, il Dottore e i suoi compagni si trovano a casa di Graham, dove ricompare dopo tanto tempo il padre di Ryan, Aaron, con un regalo per il figlio: un forno a microonde. Il Dottore viene allertato della presenza della creatura e con il TARDIS il gruppo si trasporta nei sotterranei dove stanno lavorando Lin e Mitch.

La creatura è ora scomparsa, ma il Dottore preleva un campione del muco che questa ha lasciato sul muro e lo analizza, scoprendo che si tratta di un Dalek. L'alieno si è in realtà attaccato alla schiena di Lin, dominandone la volontà e, dopo averla costretta a recuperare alcuni oggetti alieni, la conduce in una fabbrica dove ricostruisce il proprio guscio esterno in metallo.

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Farewell, Sarah Jane

19 aprile, 202013m

Today marks the anniversary of the passing of Elisabeth Sladen, who played the Doctor’s friend Sarah Jane Smith. In a new video, scripted by Russell T Davies and narrated by Jacob Dudman, Sarah Jane Smith’s closest friends come together to say “Farewell, Sarah Jane”.

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Revolution of the Daleks

1 gennaio, 20211h 12m

The Doctor is imprisoned halfway across the universe. On Earth, the sighting of a Dalek alerts Ryan, Graham and Yaz. Can the return of Captain Jack Harkness help them stop a deadly Dalek takeover?

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Christopher Eccleston Interview

21 novembre, 200512m

An interview included on the Series 1 DVD/Blu-Ray release featuring Christopher Eccleston and his decision to play the legendary Time Lord in Doctor Who's 2005 reboot

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La distruzione del covo

21 novembre, 20053m

A behind the scenes look included on the Series 1 DVD/Blu-Ray release at what went into creating the Nestene Consciousness' lair in Series 1 Episode 1: 'Rose'

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Making Doctor Who with Russell T Davies

21 novembre, 200515m

A collection of video diaries included in the Series 1 DVD/Blu-Ray release from Russell T Davies on the creation on the first series of Doctor Who's reboot in 2005

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Waking the Dead

21 novembre, 200518m

A look behind the scenes with writer Mark Gatiss on what it is like to write for Doctor Who

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Laying Ghosts

21 novembre, 20058m

A look at the creation of the Unquiet Dead included on the Series 1 DVD/Blu-Ray release

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Series 1 Promos

21 novembre, 2005

A collection of promotional adverts and TV spots shown on television prior to the debut of Doctor Who's return to the BBC in 2005. Included on the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Series 1

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Doctor Who Trailer Storyboard

21 novembre, 20051m

A small clip included on the Series 1 DVD/Blu-Ray release featuring a storyboard of one of the Series 1 promotional adverts, drawn up by artist Jonathan Marris

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Deconstructing Big Ben

21 novembre, 20055m

A behind the scenes look at how the destruction of Big Ben was achieved in episode four 'Aliens of London'

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On Set With Billie Piper

21 novembre, 200535m

A collection of videos included on the Series 1 DVD/Blu-Ray release of Billie Piper working on the filming of the first series of Doctor Who's reboot

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Mike Tucker's Mocks of Balloons

21 novembre, 20052m

A behind the scenes look at how the barrage balloons stunt was achieved in episode nine 'The Empty Child' where Rose is left hanging from one in the middle of London during a German air raid. Included on the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Series 1

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Designing Doctor Who

21 novembre, 20052m

A look at what goes into designing Doctor Who, from the TARDIS to the Daleks and sets used in Series 1

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The Adventures of Captain Jack

21 novembre, 20058m

John Barrowman explains the character of Captain Jack, his past and motives for his actions in Series 1 and beyond

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Series 1 TV Spots

21 novembre, 2005

A collection of ads and TV spots that were broadcast during and after the first series of Doctor Who was airing on television in 2005

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Billie Piper's Series 2 Video Diary

20 novembre, 20065m

A combination of two video diaries included in the Series 2 DVD/Blu-Ray release featuring Billie Piper narrating a behind the scenes look at the making of Series 2.

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David Tennant's Series 2 Video Diary

20 novembre, 200651m

A combination of two video diaries included in the Series 2 DVD/Blu-Ray release featuring David Tennant narrating a behind the scenes look at the making of Series 2.

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Series 2 Outtakes

20 novembre, 20068m

A collection of outtakes included in the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Series 2

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Series 2 Deleted Scenes

20 novembre, 200616m

A collection of deleted scenes included on the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Series 2

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Freema Agyeman Studio Tour

5 novembre, 200718m

Freema Agyeman takes the viewer on a tour around the BBC offices where most of the brain-power behind Doctor Who is based. Included on the Series 3 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 3 Deleted Scenes

5 novembre, 200718m

A collection of deleted scenes included on the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Series 3

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Series 3 Outtakes

5 novembre, 20075m

A collection of outtakes included on the DVD/Blu-Ray release of Series 3

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Series 3 TV Spots (Part 1)

5 novembre, 2007

A collection of ads and TV spots that were broadcast in readiness for the new series of Doctor Who and it's subsequent new episodes. Included on the Series 3 DVD/Blu-Ray.

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Series 3 TV Spots (Part 2)

5 novembre, 2007

Another collection of two ads and TV spots that were broadcast for additional upcoming episodes of Series 3 of Doctor Who. Included on the Series 3 DVD/Blu-Ray.

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Series 3 TV Spots (Part 3)

5 novembre, 2007

A third and final collection of ads and TV spots that were broadcast for upcoming episodes of Series 3 of Doctor Who. Included on the Series 3 DVD/Blu-Ray release

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David Tennant's Series 3 Video Diary

5 novembre, 20071h 45m

A collection of video diaries included on the Series 3 DVD/Blu-Ray release from David Tennant filmed during the production of Series 3 itself.

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Easter Egg (from 'Blink')

5 novembre, 20075m

The full Easter Egg clip from 'Blink' starring David Tennant as the 10th Doctor included on the Series 3 DVD/Blu-Ray release

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David Tennant's Series 4 Video Diary (Part 1)

5 novembre, 200715m

A video diary included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release from David Tennant as he travelled to switch on the lights at the 2007 Blackpool Illuminations

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A second video diary included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release which shows some behind-the-scenes looks at the production of the latter half of Doctor Who's fourth season.

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Showrunner Russell T Davies talks the viewer through two deleted scenes from the Christmas Special 'Voyage of the Damned'. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release

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Series 4 Deleted Scenes: Howard Attfield

5 novembre, 20077m

Russell T Davies shows for the first time the deleted scenes from S04E01 'Partners in Crime' containing footage from the late Howard Attfield before he passed shortly after filming said scenes. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release

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Series 4 Deleted Scenes: Episodes 1-3

5 novembre, 200711m

Showrunner Russell T Davies guides the viewer through more deleted scenes from Series 4, this time in episodes 1 through 3. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release

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Series 4 Deleted Scenes - Episodes 6-7

5 novembre, 200713m

Russell T Davies walks the viewer through deleted scenes from episodes 6 and 7 from series four of Doctor Who. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release

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Series 4 Deleted Scenes - Episodes 9-13

5 novembre, 200713m

Russell T Davies walks the viewer through deleted scenes from episodes 9 through 13 from series four of Doctor Who including one alternative ending for episode 13. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 4 TV Spots (Part 1)

5 novembre, 2007

A collection of ads and TV spots that were broadcast in readiness for the new series of Doctor Who and it's subsequent new episodes. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray.

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Series 4 TV Spots (Part 2)

5 novembre, 2007

A second collection of ads and TV spots that were broadcast in readiness for subsequent new episodes of Doctor Who's fourth season. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 4 TV Spots (Part 3)

5 novembre, 2007

A third collection of ads and TV spots that were broadcast in readiness for subsequent new episodes of Doctor Who's fourth season. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 4 TV Spots (Part 4)

5 novembre, 2007

A fourth and final collection of ads and TV spots that were broadcast in readiness for subsequent new episodes of Doctor Who's fourth season. Included on the Series 4 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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David Tennant's Video Diary: The Final Days

11 gennaio, 201012m

Join David Tennant one last time as he documents his last days working on Doctor Who. Tennant reminisces about the years past and have a glimpse behind the scenes at the production of some of his final specials. Included on the Complete Specials DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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BBC1 Christmas Idents

11 gennaio, 20101m

Small clips featuring David Tennant as the 10th Doctor that would have been played around the time of his last year as The Doctor at Christmastime. Included on the Complete Specials DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Doctor Who at Comic-Con 2009

11 gennaio, 2010

David Tennant and the Doctor Who crew travel to America to participate in Comic-Con in 2009. This feature contains a mixture of video diaries and panel segments. Included on the Complete Specials DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 4 Specials Deleted Scenes

11 gennaio, 201017m

Join Russell T Davies as he guides the viewer through some of the deleted scenes from the series four specials that had to be cut on the editing room floor. Included on the Complete Specials DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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In Conversation With: David Tennant

11 gennaio, 201017m

David Tennant sits down and reflects on his time on Doctor Who, his fondest moments and memories across his career as the Doctor. Included initially on the Complete Specials Blu-Ray (2019) release.

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Monster Files: The Daleks

8 novembre, 201010m

Take a behind the scenes look at one of the Doctor's most fearsome foes, the Daleks. Featuring Steven Moffat as well as other cast and crew members. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Monster Files: The Weeping Angels

8 novembre, 201010m

Go behind the scenes at one of the most terrifying enemies the Doctor has ever faced, the Weeping Angels. Featuring cast and crew including Steven Moffat and Matt Smith. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Monster Files: The Silurians

8 novembre, 20109m

Take a behind the scenes look at what the cast and crew have to say about the Silurians from season five. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Monster Files: The Alliance

8 novembre, 20109m

The cast and crew including Karen Gillan talk about the alliance of monsters who team up to try and take the Pandorica at the end of season five. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 5 Video Diaries: Part 1

8 novembre, 20109m

The first in a collection of video diaries featuring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill filmed during the production of Series 5 of Doctor Who. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 5 Video Diaries: Part 2

8 novembre, 20109m

The second in a collection of video diaries featuring Karen Gillan and Matt Smith filmed during the production of Series 5 of Doctor Who. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Series 5 Video Diaries: Part 3

8 novembre, 201010m

The third in a collection of video diaries featuring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Alex Kingston filmed during the production of Series 5 of Doctor Who. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Season 5 Outtakes

8 novembre, 20107m

A collection of outtakes from season five featuring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill. Included on the Series 5 DVD/Blu-Ray release.

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Eve of the Daleks

1 gennaio, 202259m

New Year’s Eve. Sarah is working - again. Nick is her only customer - again. Same old same old. Except this year, their countdown to midnight will be the strangest and deadliest they have ever known. Why is an executioner Dalek targeting these two people, in this place, on this night? Why are they having to live through the same moments again? Can the Doctor, Yaz and Dan save them and survive into the New Year?

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Legend of the Sea Devils

17 aprile, 202248m

In 19th century China, a small coastal village is under threat – from both the fearsome pirate queen Madame Ching and a monstrous alien force which she unwittingly unleashes. Will the Doctor, Yaz and Dan emerge from this swashbuckling battle with the Sea Devils to save the planet?

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The Power of the Doctor

23 ottobre, 20221h 29m

Who is attacking a speeding bullet train on the edges of a distant galaxy? Why are seismologists going missing from 21st century Earth? Who is defacing some of history’s most iconic paintings? Why is a Dalek trying to make contact with the Doctor? And just what hold does the mesmeric Rasputin have over Tsar Nicholas in 1916 Russia? In her last adventure, The Thirteenth Doctor must fight for her very existence, against her deadliest enemies: the Daleks, the Cybermen and her arch-nemesis, the Master.

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