北大路欣也 incarnant Shioda Akinori

Épisodes 3

(First Night) : Mirai

5 avril 2012

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(Second Night) : Ikiro

5 avril 2012

Story 2

In 1980, Shirahama Shohei's student, Goto Akira, returns to the junior high school at Ota Ward to be a teacher. His alma mater which brings back fond memories is in the grip of school violence. The thunderous roar of motorbikes of rabble-rousing delinquents, windows smashed by bats, and that classroom blackboard with the words "Go and die" in red graffiti. While the teachers turn their backs on the school's most problematic student, Furusawa Yukari, Goto stops the violence of the girl who persistently puts her life at risk. That approach draws criticism and he is labelled a teacher who uses physical force. However, he also conveys the importance of life, having experienced it himself.

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(Third Night) : Yume

6 avril 2012

Story 3

In 2011, the junior high school in Ota Ward experiences a complete breakdown in classroom discipline. Takizawa Momoko, an English teacher in charge of the third-year students, writes the words "My dream" on the blackboard, but it is in vain for no one participates in the lesson. Even so, Momoko perseveres in reaching out to her students. Yokote Ryoko, the present school principal who was once colleagues with Goto Akira, is supportive of her. One day, Momoko learns that Omiya Masaki, an extremely defiant transfer student, has not received adequate education because of his family situation, and gives him personal coaching, but ... ... she is criticized for forming an inappropriate relationship with a student. How does she talk about "love", "dreams" and the "meaning of school"?

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