Über JoJo's Bizarre Adventure diskutieren

Item: Smack of Love and Revenge (1) (5x13)

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Episodes 13-24 were released on Netflix on September 1st 2022. The air date field is locked so I can't edit it to correct.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a TV series. As per our rules, the dates listed should be the ones from the TV broadcast and not the date of the Netflix web preview. I quote : "We usually ignore digital previews for regular television series."

But the field specifically says "First Air Date" not "First TV Broadcast". It messes up people's Plex servers and is just inaccurate as-is. Online streaming doesn't really constitute an online preview, as streaming is the primary way to consume this season of JoJo. If anything, the tv broadcast is just a rerun.

As indicated in our rules, "We currently only support the original air dates on the original network.".

The original network of this series is Tokyo MX. So, all the listed dates should be the ones from that network.

We only change the origin network for a new season if the previous network doesn't anymore broadcast the series. This is not the case here.

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