Al Corley ως Steven Carrington (I)

Επεισόδια 37

Oil (1)

12 Ιανουάριος 198146m

The big, wealthy oil tycoon Blake Carrington and his former secretary, Krystle Grant Jennings are getting married. Krystle's ex-boyfriend, Matthew Blaisdel, who's been working as a geologist on one of Blake's oil rigs in the Mideast for a year and a half

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Oil (2)

12 Ιανουάριος 198146m

Matthew gets a little visit from an old acquaintance, Walter Lankershim. Walter asks for money, because he's in trouble. He's lent money from Blake to drill for oil, but he haven't made any strikes. Matthew refuses to give him any money. Matthew goes to visit his present wife, Claudia, who's been in a mental institution for 18 months, but he learns that she's much better, and she's been released. Matthew, Claudia and their daughter, Lindsay, decides to start over again as a family. Blake and Krystle get to talk about their disagreements, and starts planning a big wedding. There's an accident on Walter's oil rig and he finds out that somebody has been sabotaging. He's convinced that Carrington has something to do with this.

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Oil (3)

12 Ιανουάριος 198146m

Blake and Krystle finally get married. Blake talks a bit with his son about the homosexuality. There's a big wedding at the mansion, and among the guests are Cecil Colby and his nephew Jeffrey Broderick ""Jeff"" Colby. Cecil is a big oilman like Blake, but he's much bigger, and Blake's company, Denver-Carrington, is just a newsstand compared to Cecil's ColbyCo Oil. Walter blurs into the big wedding, furious about the sabotage on his rig. He and Blake fight about this, and Matthew takes Walter's side in the fight, which leads to Blake firing Matthew.

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The Honeymoon

19 Ιανουάριος 198146m

Blake and Krystle have to break off their honeymoon, because Blake's in a bit of a crisis at work, and he has to go home to do business. Walter gets in trouble with the workers on his rig, but he gets it all straightened out, and both Matthew and Steven get a job there. Blake doesn't like this. Krystle has problems getting along as a wealthy woman, with all the servants and the money. Matthew and Claudia fight alot, they both think it's difficult to start this new life. Cecil and Fallon have negotiations of their own. Cecil is going to help Blake out of his problems, if Fallon marries Jeff.

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The Dinner Party

26 Ιανουάριος 198146m

Blake apologizes to Walter and Matthew about their fight at the wedding and asks Matthew to come back to his old job. He also invites them to a dinner party at the mansion. During the dinner, many things happen; Steven and Claudia meet and get along really well, Matthew has a long talk with Krystle and tells her that he's still in love with her, and Cecil and Fallon start realizing their plans. Cecil offers to help Blake and Fallon starts hitting on Jeff.

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Fallon's Wedding

2 Φεβρουάριος 198146m

Cecil helps Blake with his money problems. Jeff and Fallon get married. Blake's driver, Michael Culhane, who's been sleeping with Fallon, is a bit jealous, because she won't take him anymore. Blake hires him to do undercover work for Denver-Carrington, and he starts flirting with Cecil's secretary. Blake warns him about being unloyal. Steven gets a visit from his gay friend, Ted Dinard, from New York.

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The Chauffeur Tells a Secret

16 Φεβρουάριος 198146m

Michael still tries to win back Fallon and tells Blake about Cecil and Fallon's agreement. Blake and Fallon argues about this. Steven is taunted on the job for being gay. Lindsay has a boy over to study, he tries to put the moves on her and she gets upset and runs off. Blake wants to have a child with Krystle. Matthew invites Steven to a dinner party at his house. In the end Steven and Claudia secretly start kissing.

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The Bordello

23 Φεβρουάριος 198146m

Walter takes Steven to a bordello to try to ""straighten him out"". Something goes wrong at Matthew and Walter's rig, Steven is blamed for sabotaging, and though he's innocent, he looses his job. Blake's plan now is to take Walter and Matthew's rig when they're in trouble. Krystle doesn't like Blake's methods in his work. She pawns an emerald necklace and loans Matthew the money to help him. She makes a false copy so Blake won't understand it's gone. In the end, Matthew and Krystle kiss, but Krystle breaks it off and leaves.

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Krystle's Lie

2 Μάρτιος 198146m

Matthew finds the guy who really sabotaged the rig. Steven is offered his job back, but turns it down. Claudia learns about Matthew's relationship with Krystle. Lindsay is upset, thinking that her parents HAD to get married just because of her when she was born. Steven's boyfriend Ted tries to contact him, but Fallon does everything she can to stop it and keep them apart. Blake finds out that Krystle is on birth control pills and assumes she's not interested in having a baby. He gets both mad and drunk and forces Krystle to a rough sexual intercourse.

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The Necklace

2 Μάρτιος 198146m

Blake apologizes to Krystle about his behavior, and she forgives him. Michael has found out about Krystle's pawning and tells it to Fallon. Matthew and Walter finally strike oil. Claudia goes out with a guy she meets and almost has an affair with him. She manages to pull out, but later she has an affair with Steven. Lindsay starts finding out about it.

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The Beating

9 Μάρτιος 198146m

Jeff comes home after being in the Middle East, but he and Fallon have lots of arguments. Steven decides to get some more education and to start working for Blake, and he moves to his own apartment. Blake finds out about Michael's relationship with Fallon and hires some people to beat him up. Lindsay finds out everything about her mother's affair, which is still going on.

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The Birthday Party

16 Μάρτιος 198146m

Blake learns about Krystle's ""pawning"". He doesn't tell her, but he starts frightening her with hints. Jeff now knows that his marriage to Fallon is only a part of a deal, and he does everything to embarrass his wife. Especially during a birthday party Blake throws for Cecil, when he yells out to everybody what he thinks of them. Ted still tries to get into Steven's life again. Matthew manages to pay the money back to Krystle, and she wants to buy her necklace back, but the pawner has already sold it.

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The Separation

23 Μάρτιος 198146m

The butler, Joseph Aynders, shows Krystle that he doesn't like her, and he means she doesn't belong in the Carrington family. Krystle understands that Blake is the one who bought the necklace, to show her that he had found out. They have a little argument about this, and Krystle decides that life with Blake is impossible and leaves him. Steven tells Claudia he spent the night with Ted, but now he wants to quit his relationship with both of them. Steven and Ted are just saying good-bye and hugging each other when Blake discovers it. He gets furious, because ""the gay"" is now standing there in his house with his arms on his son. He attacks Ted and there's a fight. Ted trips, hits his head, and dies.

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Blake Goes to Jail

13 Απρίλιος 198146m

Blake is arrested for the murder of Ted, and a big trial comes up. The prosecutor is Jake Dunham, an old friend of Claudia and Matthew, who does not like Blake. Krystle hears about the trial and decides to come back to Blake to be with him, and then solve their problems later. Fallon is afraid and to help her father, and she lies in court. Steven tells the truth about what really happened, though.

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The Testimony

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20 Απρίλιος 198146m

Blake's trial continues. Both Joseph, Claudia and Krystle have to testify. When Claudia testifies, she has to tell that she had an affair with Steven, and then Matthew finds out about it. He makes rebellion in the court room, attacks Blake and has to go to jail. Claudia packs her stuff, runs away, and takes Lindsay with her. On the way, they collide and get serious injuries. In the final scene, Jake Dunham calls in a new witness, and in walks a mysterious woman. It turns out to be Alexis Morrell Carrington - Blake's first wife.

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Enter Alexis

4 Νοέμβριος 198146m

Alexis testifies against Blake, and tells about an incident several years ago, when Blake discovered her in bed with her lover, Roger Grimes. Her testimony proves that Blake is a violent man, and things doesn't look too good. Fallon and Blake welcome Alexis with hate and rudeness, but Steven is friendly to her. Claudia wakes up in the hospital and discovers that Matthew has run off with Lindsay.

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The Verdict

11 Νοέμβριος 198146m

Blake is convicted to two years unconditional prison. Blake first wants to appeal, but changes his mind. We can now see the first sign of Alexis being the ""big bitch"" in the series. Both she and Blake hate each other, and she decides to move into an old house which once belonged to her in Blake's garden. Blake fires Michael. Claudia tries to track down Lindsay and Matthew, but with no luck. Blake tries to talk to Steven, but it ends with a fight. Krystle discovers she's pregnant.

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Alexis' Secret

18 Νοέμβριος 198146m

Claudia is released from the hospital. When she comes home, she tries to kill herself by taking an overdose with pills, but she's saved by Blake's friend, dr. Nick Toscanni. It turns out that Nick's secret plan is to get back at Blake for something that happened in the past. Fallon and Jeff decides they want to have a baby. Claudia moves into the Carrington mansion. Blake tries to get Alexis out of his property. Alexis tells Steven that he is Blake's only child and that Fallon's father is another man.

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Fallon's Father

25 Νοέμβριος 198146m

In order to save his football team and repay the $9 million to Cecil Colby, Blake flies to Las Vegas and obtains a loan from gangster Logan Rhinewood. Nick tells his sister that Blake is to blame for the death of their kid brother, who hanged himself in jail. He intends to find proof and claim vengeance. Sammy Jo has a nightmare and goes to Steven for comfort. In the morning, Alexis sees her leaving and promptly tells Krystle that the two spent the night together. When Alexis suggests that Steven, once again his father's heir, should consider marrying, he asks Claudia to give some thought to a future together. Fallon and Nick make love. While skeet shooting, Alexis spots a pregnant Krystle riding her horse. She fires, and the frightened animal throws Krystle

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2 Δεκέμβριος 198146m

After losing her baby due to the fall from her horse, Krystle learns she cannot have another child. Steven and Sammy Jo begin dating, but at his cabin, he finds he cannot make love to her. Jeff quits his Uncle Cecil's business and joins Denver-Carrington. Fallon continues her affair with Nick Toscanni. Steven professes his love to Claudia and asks her to marry him. She declines, stating she's still in love with her husband. Fallon interrupts Nick's visit to Krystle in the hospital and angrily assumes the worst, demanding to know if she is ""another page in his appointment book."" Blake's attorney, Andrew Laird, returns from Washington with news of more trouble with the Middle Eastern oil leases.

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Viva Las Vegas

9 Δεκέμβριος 198146m

In order to save his football team and repay the $9 million to Cecil Colby, Blake flies to Las Vegas and obtains a loan from gangster Logan Rhinewood. Nick tells his sister that Blake is to blame for the death of their kid brother, who hanged himself in jail. He intends to find proof and claim vengeance. Sammy Jo has a nightmare and goes to Steven for comfort. In the morning, Alexis sees her leaving and promptly tells Krystle that the two spent the night together. When Alexis suggests that Steven, once again his father's heir, should consider marrying, he asks Claudia to give some thought to a future together. Fallon and Nick make love. While skeet shooting, Alexis spots a pregnant Krystle riding her horse. She fires, and the frightened animal throws Krystle to the ground. She is rushed to the hospital, in danger of losing the child.

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The Miscarriage

16 Δεκέμβριος 198146m

After losing her baby due to the fall from her horse, Krystle learns she cannot have another child. Steven and Sammy Jo begin dating, but at his cabin, he finds he cannot make love to her. Jeff quits his Uncle Cecil's business and joins Denver-Carrington. Fallon continues her affair with Nick Toscanni. Steven professes his love to Claudia and asks her to marry him. She declines, stating she's still in love with her husband. Fallon interrupts Nick's visit to Krystle in the hospital and angrily assumes the worst, demanding to know if she is "another page in his appointment book." Blake's attorney, Andrew Laird, returns from Washington with news of more trouble with the Middle Eastern oil leases.

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The Mid-East Meeting

6 Ιανουάριος 198246m

Blake and Jeff attempt to arrange a meeting with Rashid Ahmed to obtain assistance in releasing their overseas oil tankers. Alexis leaves for Rome to meet Ahmed, a former lover, under the guise of helping Blake. A despondent Krystle refuses Nick's psychiatric treatment. Claudia has recovered sufficiently to maintain her own apartment and take a job with Denver-Carrington. Cecil Colby invites her to dinner to pry company information from her. Fallon, learning she is pregnant, makes plans for an abortion and asks Jeff for a divorce. He agrees, but only after she has their baby. Fallon tells Nick she is in love with him. Alexis calls Blake to Rome, explaining she has arranged a meeting with Ahmed. Her true motive is simply to be alone with her former husband.

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The Psychiatrist

13 Ιανουάριος 198246m

En route to Rome to meet Rashid Ahmed, Blake calls Krystle in yet another attempt to convince his despondent wife to see psychiatrist Nick Toscanni. She calls the doctor for an appointment, and Fallon is immediately jealous. Jeff begs Fallon to cancel her abortion. She confesses that she became pregnant only to compete with Krystle and further states she never loved him. Their marriage was strictly a business deal to benefit Blake. In Rome, Blake meets Alexis at Ahmed's villa. While he's rubbing suntan lotion on his ex-wife, a photographer, hired by Alexis, snaps photos. At home, a shattered Krystle sees the suggestive pictures in a gossip paper and bursts into tears. Nick comforts her and her grief soon turns to passion.

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Sammy Jo and Steven Marry

20 Ιανουάριος 198246m

Krystle almost sleeps with Nick, but stops the whole thing. Nick says he's in love with her, and that he wants her, but she won't cheat on her husband. Blake comes home and tries to tell her the paparazzi photo is not what it looks like, but she won't believe him. Jeff is angry with Fallon because of her abortion plans and wants to divorce her. Fallon cancels the abortion. Steven and Sammy Jo get married, and Steven decides he's interested in car racing.

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The Car Explosion

27 Ιανουάριος 198246m

Steven and Sammy Jo return to the mansion and tell everybody except Blake that they are married. We get the impression that Sammy Jo only married Steven for his money. Alexis does everything she can to make Krystle think Blake had an affair in Rome. Nick tells Krystle he's deeply in love with her and persuades her to leave Blake. Ray Bonning, who represents Rhinewood starts interfering in the way Blake controls his team and wants to buy the whole of it. In the end, a car drives by Blake and Jeff and someone throws a bomb at them. They survive, but it leads to blindness for Blake.

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Blake's Blindness

3 Φεβρουάριος 198246m

Blake is frustrated because of the blindness. He's also sure that Bonning is behind the bomb attack and settles plans to get revenge. Krystle wants to wait with telling Blake about her divorce plans until he's better. Blake wants Fallon and Jeff to be friends and stay together and have their baby in peace. Fallon tells Alexis about her affair with Nick, and that she's deeply in love with him. She's also found out about Krystle's relationship with Nick and Alexis is going to help her get Krystle out of their lives.

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The Hearing

10 Φεβρουάριος 198246m

Blake has been doing some research on Nick and finds out that Nick's brother Giani worked for Denver-Carrington, but was killed in the Mideast problems. Alexis starts trying to help Fallon in her ""battle"" against Krystle but Fallon doesn't want her help. Blake goes to a kind of trial against Logan Rhinewood, but with no luck. Fallon and Jeff are not getting along; Jeff doesn't care about Fallon, and Fallon is deeply in love with Nick. Blake gets an anonymous letter saying: ""Why do so many frustrated wives end up in bed with their shrinks? Ask your wife."" Blake also gets his sight back, but the only one who gets to know about it is Joseph.

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The Iago Syndrome

17 Φεβρουάριος 198246m

Blake pretends he's still blind. Everything about Nick and Krystle is out in the open. Blake and Nick talks about the death of Nick's brother. Krystle brakes up with Nick and plans to leave Denver. Sammy Jo starts taking advantage of being a ""rich mans wife"". Blake does not like the idea of Steven being a racer driver and offers to adopt Jeff. Cecil, who has been helping Claudia finding Lindsay blackmails her to get information from Denver-Carrington if she wants to get more information. Blake persuades Krystle to stay in Denver when she tries to leave.

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The Party

24 Φεβρουάριος 198246m

Blake announces that his sight is back. Alexis sleeps with Cecil. Fallon and Nick are friends again and wants to be together as soon as the baby is born. Steven and Sammy Jo decides to leave the mansion. Fallon and Alexis throws a party for them. Sammy Jo gets drunk and embarrasses the Carringtons. Claudia and Jeff seems to be getting good along. Everything about Cecil being Fallon's father is out in the open between Alexis and Fallon. In the end, Alexis and Fallon has an accident with their car and Fallon is left unconscious.

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The Baby

3 Μάρτιος 198246m

Fallon is brought to the hospital and gives birth to a boy. The baby is very weak and the chances for survival are small. Fallon is deeply depressed after finding out about Blake not being her father, and doesn't want to see nor Blake or Alexis. Claudia sleeps with Jeff and steals his key to the archive in Blake's Denver-Carrington. Krystle talks to the groundsman at the mansion and finds out about Alexis' shooting when she lost the baby. Alexis and Krystle have a real ""catfight"" in Alexis' studio. Alexis' detective, Morgan Hess finds out that Krystle is not legally divorced from her former husband, Mark Jennings. Sammy Jo leaves Steven.

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Mother and Son

10 Μάρτιος 198246m

Fallon and Jeff's baby has a surgery and things are looking better. Jeff discovers Claudia's ""leak"" to Cecil. Matthew and Lindsay disappears without trace in the jungle. Blake finds out about all the ""father"" trouble. Alexis blackmails the groundsman to tell Krystle he was wrong about Alexis shooting the horse, though Krystle won't believe him. Fallon and Jeff argues about custody of their child.

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The Gun

24 Μάρτιος 198246m

Blake gets a meeting with Logan Rhinewood set up. Steven goes to Hollywood and finds Sammy Jo modeling in a cheap studio. Blake and Cecil takes a blood test and it proves that Blake is Fallon's real father. Alexis and Cecil start flirting with each other. The last news about Matthew and Lindsay is that they are dead. When Claudia finds out, she blames Cecil and wants to shoot him. Krystle tries to stop her, and in their struggle, the gun goes off.

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The Fragment

7 Απρίλιος 198246m

Claudia is badly hurt after the shooting and has an operation at the hospital. The police starts asking questions and thinks Krystle is responsible for the accident. Blake finally gets to talk to Rhinewood, though it's just by using a microphone, so Blake can't see Rhinewood. What Blake doesn't know is that the man he's talking to really is Cecil. Cecil and Alexis sleeps with each other again and Cecil proposes to Alexis. Claudia survives but has talking problems and does not remember the accident.

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The Shakedown

14 Απρίλιος 198246m

Claudia keeps accusing Krystle about her relationship with Matthew during his marriage. Steven is on his way home from Hollywood when he picks up a guy who wants a ride to Denver. When they get there, the guy tries to blackmail Steven. Steven beats him up, and is arrested for assault. Cecil has chest pains and seems to be getting heart problems. Blake accuses Alexis of shooting at Krystle's horse and threatens her.

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The Two Princes

28 Απρίλιος 198246m

Fallon and Jeff's baby, Little-Blake Colby, is brought home. A nurse called Susan is hired to take care of him. Alexis accepts Cecil's proposal and they start making wedding plans. Claudia finally remembers exactly what happened the night she got injured. Rashid Ahmed wants to do more business with Blake.

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The Cliff

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4 Μάιος 198246m

Alexis prepares to have the wedding reception in Blake's garden. Rashid Ahmed's brother Farouk comes to Denver-Carrington to offer Blake a deal, but Blake turns it down. To get back at him, Farouk tells Nick that Blake is responsible for his brother's death. Steven leaves the mansion. Blake considers buying a big ranch and goes there with to look around. Blake goes alone for a ride in the mountains at the ranch. Nick follows him and starts accusing him for the brother's death. There's a big brawl, but they both calm down, and Nick leaves Blake alone. Blake's horse is then attacked by a snake. Blake gets thrown off and disappears down the hill. Nick watches Blake lying there unconscious, but leaves him. Little Blake disappears. Cecil has a heart attack when he's in bed with Alexis.

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