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I'm re watching this after not having seen it since it originally was in theaters and wow, just wow. SO much stuff happens that make NO sense.

Doctor Harford goes on house call, is hit on by his patient's wife who professes her undying love for him (hahahaha) and while walking home is accosted by a group of violent homophobes.

Then, he's approached by a prostitute and just willingly walks off with her to go have sex.

Then, still on his way home, he wanders into a night club and meets and old friend who tells him about a secret gathering.

Then, he runs right out to an all night costume shop and witnesses the proprietor catching his teenage daughter in a tryst with 2 cross dressing older Asian men (WTF).

I mean... WHAT makes sense about ANY of that? What we know about him is he's a pretty normal husband/father who has his own medical practice - nothing odd or weird about his character and then suddenly for no real reason at all, he goes full pervert. The secret society stuff isn't even the weirdest part of the story, ugh.

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I liked it. Really interesting take on paranoia and whether we truly know what the people around us are about, whether its our own family and friends or the wealthy and powerful.

Thanks Invidia for the link to that article. Fascinating read. It brought to mind Brett Favre, whose fall from grace involved him texting pics of his junk to Jenn Sterger. I find this glimpse into the psychology behind this type of behavior is absolutely relevant amidst all the scandals coming out of Hollywood with Weinstein, Spacey, and a multitude of others.

@Hobnobber said:

I really don't understand the desire to pigeon folks into perceptions, and make them into images of self. Social and economic status aren't defining. Neither is deviance, a negative in a pursuit of 'know thyself' in a arc that should accept self explorations. If change is not acceptable, then end existence. Or take pleasure from procreation, and ban contraception, make it death punishable on the spot. I began on a journey with a long memory retention, judgments reserved for eternity. Fibonacci and deceivers clashed in what should clash. We exist as animal, defeating self proclaimed Gods is tedious. Technology does well at erasing evidence and proof.

Kubrick, it seems to me was, sending a personal message to the talent as representation. I don't really follow that ethos much anymore. What I did get was from the production notes exposition was his method of communication. Look at the arc. Not short Twitter mind mined adolescent tingle and titillation of the nerve endings. Cruise and Co. are Jersey whores for hire and exploit, Nicole made a career on pale skin. HIV is a distracti0n, it doesn't stop the reality the_ nature_ of people in pursuits and idealistic nonsense.
What's left is those seeking superiority on a moral high ground to judge others in their choices. Substituting words like perverse for deviance or curious. Rich intelligent folks are required to support and sustain those less fortunate, even to destruction. Then call it fair.

That's a beginning of redefinition's in the mediums of disinformation described as facts with no personal experience, and expectation of an IDEAL presented as fact for justification as expected fact. The term "Axis of Power", comes to mind, that is a truth, of control. Kubrick in my estimation saw the truth of that, and left it on film as a legacy. Somewhere, I'd like to think I got Kubrick and Clark, we shared lifetimes.
P.S. Written in Kubrickian . I was never here, there will never be evidence of my existence. It has been ordained.

Englisch bitte?

@Invidia said: Dozens of never-before-released film reels contain highly coveted behind-the-scenes footage shot by Kubrick's daughter Vivian from the set of Full Metal Jacket.

I heard Vivian was a Scientologist. I pray to the gods she has broken free of that mess.

@Invidia said:

Wonder if Tom had anything to do with her getting mixed up in that MESS:


In August 2010, her family announced that since 1999 she had been involved in the Church of Scientology and has been estranged from her family since then. Her family was concerned that she did not attend the funeral of her sister, Anya Kubrick, in 2009, nor meet with her earlier while she was dying of cancer.[6]

In 2014 she posted a series of photographs of herself and her father to Twitter.[7]


Cruise is an outspoken advocate for the Church of Scientology and its associated social programs. He became involved with Scientology in 1990 through his first wife, Mimi Rogers

Must have also been quite a BLOW when she refused to attend the funeral of her own sister or even visit her before she died.

You should check out Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief . I believe in the film they say that during his marriage to Nicole he had drifted apart from Scientology because she had actually talked some sense into him because her father was a psychologist in Australia. However, while Tom was filming Eyes Wide Shut the church really began working to get him back so it is entirely possible that she may have picked it up from him. It is absolutely horrible how that cult destroys families and the fact that they have tax-exempt status makes me feel physically ill.

@Invidia said:

What's also SPOOKY is the way we seem to have a CULT LEADER who is running the country now.

And his followers are just as BLIND and DELUDED as the others who call themselves SCIENTOLOGIST.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I don't like to get into political discussions here cuz the poop slinging can get fierce but I agree. Another eye-opener for me in finding out the depths of stupidity in this country is the flat earth phenomenon that propagated through you tube. If can see how many of these morons have been convinced that the Earth is flat then you can see that getting people to vote for a clown like Trump is a walk in the park. There is absolutely no shortage of dumb people. That is for sure.

Now if I can stop watching these Flat Earth videos for laughs. I have been trying to psychoanalyze myself in finding out why I find these videos so fascinating. I think I am experiencing a subconscious pleasure mechanism from knowing that I am at least smarter than these people.

@Invidia said:

On the news they were saying something like 20 PERCENT of the SCAM MAN'S followers ...

(who also chose to vote for him ... even though he also ran that FAKE UNIVERSITY ... was SUED for doing it ... and was ORDERED by the COURT to pay back each of his many victims $25 MILLION of the $35 MILLION he'd stolen from them)

also still believe that the SUN goes around the EARTH.

And that's probably also because of what it says about how the SUN STOOD STILL in one of the verses from the BOOK they claim to be so fond of reading???

So in addition to the FLAT EARTH NONSENSE, apparently you can also add this other RIDICULOUS claim about the SUN going around the EARTH to it.


Oh, it is very closely related because a lot of the flate earther's believe the Bible says the Earth is the center of the universe and of course the sun revolves us.

It's also going to be interesting to see what happens now that the SCAM MAN has been backed into a corner by MUELLER FLIPPING FLYNN, who will most likely also testify about how the SCAM MAN is as GUILTY as SIN regarding the of OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE charges against him (for getting rid of the other guy who was the head of the FBI by trying to pressure him to lay off the investigation of FLYNN).

I really hope he spills some serious guts and reveals stuff about him. I still cannot believe that people fell for his nonsense. This guy is gonna make Nixon look a kindergartener in the school of scumbags. I have absolutelt no doubt he colluded with the Russians. His behaviour SCREAMS guilty and he is just too damn stupid to keep his mouth shut.

And now we've also got another bunch of SCAM MEN telling still more LIES ... about how the TAX BILL that they're trying to PASS ... that gives away 5.8 BILLION to RICH FAT CATS ... at the expense of the POOR and MIDDLE CLASS ... who will also be TAXED 5.8 BILLION more to pay for it ... is something that's good for them and will BENEFIT them.

Mconnell makes me sick. And Oren Hatch I heard earlier last week crying "Why you always say we are just looking out for the rich. That line is so old. Get another line." or something to that effect to which I say GET THE MONEY OUT OF WASHINGTON because until then we will never see any progress. They will run this country into the ground until the middle class is eliminated.

On the NEWS just now they've also said those SCAM MEN have passed it, even though the SEC of the TREASURY also LIED his ASS off by saying that he had 100 people working night and day on doing research to prove how it would be GOOD for the COUNTRY, when he had NO ONE doing anything at all.

So let's all reach into our POCKETS and be prepared to hand over what little we have left to the GREEDY BASTARDS that also STOLE lots of people's 401 K PLANS away from them back in 2008 when the STOCK MARKET CRASHED.

And be prepared to watch it TUMBLE again, taking away what's left now of their 401 K plans.

Because this TAX BILL also adds another TRILLION BUCKS to the already sky high 22 TRILLION dollar DEBT or the DEFICIT that we have.

The SCAM MAN DER in CHIEF (who also LIES and claims he gets NOTHING from this TAX BILL PASSING) will also get an EXTRA 34 MILLION a year now, and his BRATS will also get out of paying ONE BILLION in ESTATE TAXES when he dies.

But watch the CULT MEMBERS who worship these SCAM MEN also FLOCK to the POLLS to ELECT them again, just like they'll probably also elect that other CHILD MOLESTER in Alabama 11 more days from now (because they also claim that creep is a MAN of GOD).


Thus also leaving one with the feeling that one has fallen into an ABSURD WORLD like the one that the DOCTOR found himself a part of in EYES WIDE SHUT,

due to the way there's still another type of RICH MAN'S ORGY taking place with the MIDDLE CLASS and LOWER classes being the ones who are getting SCREWED by them now instead of the pretty models who they turned into drug addicts and prostitutes.

And Watch the use of HEROIN increase again as well with the passing of this NEW TAX BILL (which also does away with AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE that covers the cost of REHAB for people who are addicted to it).

This bill also removes the Obama care mandate which will pretty much kill the ACA.

In other countries RICH PEOPLE end up paying for their GREEDY ways by having their RELATIVES KIDNAPPED and held for RANSOM.


Wonder how long it will be before the same kind of thing starts happening here where we're also on our way to becoming like a 3RD WORLD COUNTRY???

Yep, exactly. This is where I was going with my comment about the liquidation of the middle class. It will be like Mexico where you are either dirt poor or rich and you can see how that can motivate people to do atrocious things like kidnapping.

1,000,000 in today’s dollars certainly buys much less than $1,000,000 dollars 10, 20, and 30 years in the future. Hence, your 401(k) cannot be depended on. It can only be considered a supplement during your retirement.

That's all it was originally meant for. Yet they weaseled their way out of making companies provide pensions like the old days. Imagine if BUSH had gotten his way and eliminated social security so that people can use that money to invest in the stock market?

So if we have another CRASH like back in 2008 (where people lose another 25 Percent or more of their 401K Plans), my guess is plenty of people are also going to be plenty pissed and be wanting to find a way that they can retire without having to live inside of a GHETTO setting???

Oh well.

Democracy was a nice idea.

It sure was. Too bad people let GREED take a hold of their hearts.

@Invidia said:

Keeping fingers crossed MEULLER and the people working for him will be able to OPEN UP some of the EYES of the SCAM MAN's CULT MEMBERS so that they can see how they've had them WIDE SHUT and have also been SCAMMED by him the same way as the others were who paid him $35,000 and MORE to attend his FAKE UNIVERSITY.

I honestly cannot believe this flew under the radar. This is bigger than the scam man. This is part of the American culture which dictates it is perfectly FINE to rip people off if they are DUMB enough to buy it. The United States is one of the few countries in the world that doesn't have snake oil selling laws. It's one of the only places that you can legally sell shit that doesn't delivered what is promised and get away with it. All part of this weird Laissez faire, caveat emptor, attitude which is disgraceful as far as I am concerned. And then to turn around and use this very same attitude towards health care is doubly appalling. Don't get me wrong, I believe in free enterprise. I don't believe communism works. But given human nature you have to have safety stops in place to keep people from taking advantage of other people. This silly notion that you do not need regulations in place is downright moronic and anyone who pushes that most definitely has an AGENDA. Most likely some billionaire Koch brothers type using his influence upon these Senators/Congressman. Then we turn around and elect this phony one time billionaire to the highest office in our government! Ai yi yi! smh. A sad state of affairs indeed! tired_face

@Invidia said:

What's worse is the SCAM MEN in CONGRESS have also ADMITTED that the reason why they've passed this TAX BILL that REWARDS RICH PEOPLE is because others like the KOCH'S who pay for the FUNDING of their campaigns would stop doing so if they didn't do what they wanted them to.

Which also means we've become a country FOR THE RICH, BY the RICH, and OF the RICH.

Check out this video from 6 years ago:


DYLAN RATIGAN explains how we've got a BOUGHT CONGRESS and the reasons why they're obligated to a bunch of GREEDY RICH BASTARDS.

And how we have a FINANCIAL SYSTEM that's extracting BILLIONS from our country through BANKING, TRADE, and TAXATION and stashing it in places like the CAYMAN ISLANDS and in SWISS BANK ACCOUNTS as a way for them to avoid paying INCOME TAXES.

And he also points out how we could balance our budget TWICE if we forced them to pay it back to us to way they should have done in the first place.

As you may recall, ROMENY also said no one cares about 47 PERCENT of us which kept him from being elected.

That percentage just went up to where its less than ONE PERCENT of us now.

Yet the CULT MEMBERS who worship the SCAM MAN DER in CHIEF still continue to attend his GOOFY RALLIES and walk around with their EYES WIDE SHUT to what's going on.

And they also say they don't care that he still refuses to release his TAXES, which would also show them how he's also one of the GREEDY BASTARDS that STASHES money in OFF SHORE accounts as a way to AVOID paying INCOME TAXES like the rest of us do.


That guy Dylan is 1000% on the money. The SCAM MAN was right when he said Washington is a SWAMP but that's how the wolf gets the sheep. He pretends to be a sheep and is not really part of the establishment when in fact he REALLY IS. Just because you have never been an elected official before doesn't mean you are not part of the establishment. That's what these dopey Trumpeteers can't seem to get into their low I.Q. skulls. What Dylan says is also why I think OBAMA was a disappointment. He truly was not part of the establishment yet he did NOTHING to point out the corruption. He didn't present bills to get the money out of Washington. In fact in 2010 they supreme court ruled that it was OK to keep letting people take campaign contributions. That scumbag CLARENCE THOMAS who if you can remember is an OP (original pervert) . He was accused of sexual harassment before it was "cool". Well, he wanted to make the law so that people can pay politicians DIRECTLY instead of calling it "campaign contributions" . I mean, when you have a supreme court justice basically saying that you should be able to legally buy off politicians then alarms bells are ringing letting you know that our government is FUCKED.

I might buy that guy Dylan's book. He needs to be supported.

@Invidia said:

I ordered Dylan Ratigan's book. Just waiting for it to come in the mail. I have no doubt that the SCAM MAN is a scumbag to the Nth degree. I NEVER liked that asshole even before that stupid reality show he was the host on. I always found him to be a pompous POS who couldn't stop talking about how much money he had which is a sure sign one is a phony. He was just robbing Peter to pay Paul all these years and when he couldn't find anymore Peters he has decided to make the American people his next Peter and himself Paul. It makes complete sense that the Russians want to point out how flawed democracy is and how easily it can be manipulated. I mean, when even the most obvious of CON MEN can be elected to office that really makes our system look terrible. To everyone who believed this guy guess what? YOU'VE BEEN HAD! NYC style. Even the lowest NYC street hustler can see through him.

@Invidia said:

Please let me know if you like Dylan's GREEDY BASTARD book when it arrives and you've had a chance to read it.

Another thought has come to mind regarding the SCAM MAN ...

what if he's doing what he's doing now because he's PISSED at the BANKERS who refused to lend him more money after he'd been BANKRUPT 6 TIMES???

And what if all of this is a form of PAY BACK or a way he thinks he can get EVEN with them???

Learning this makes me even more pissed when he had the GALL to make a statement that the lender's to the Puerto Rican government can now kiss that money goodbye. He said this right after the hurricane, the insensitive prick. And believe me, I KNOW Puerto Rico has had its troubles with corruption and money leaking from the government like a sieve but what a frickin' hypocrite.

That would also mean he doesn't give a DAMN about anyone or anything (including his own kids and grandkids), and he's willing to RUIN the country and cause the MARKET to CRASH again like it did in 2008 (when the BANKS last ran out of money).

But this time don't we also have LAWS that FORBID us from BAILING them out again the way we did last time???

And if the SCAM MAN knows that, then he probably also thinks he can move to RUSSIA where he thinks his pal PUTIN will treat him like a PRINCE.

But since PUTIN also has a reputation for taking money away from RICH MEN like the SCAM MAN, he'll probably also be in for a BIG SURPRISE if he thinks he can live it up over there in Russia after he RUINS this place.

Because the first time he refused to give PUTIN however much of his money Putin wanted, Putin would most likely also send his GOONS after him, imprison him, TORTURE him, KILL him, and then take control of everything that he owns like he's done so many other times before.

If that happens then I may have to reassess my opinion about there not being a GOD.

So PUTIN not only gets the SCAM MAN to RUIN US, but he also RUINS the SCAM MAN after his mission is accomplished???

Did you see the LAST season of FARGO (the TV SHOW)???

No, I have to. Loved the first two seasons (especially season 2) and watched the first episode of season 3 but got distracted. Looks good so far though.

Hopefully MUELLER will turn out to be like the FEMALE in that show and this story can end the same way with the SCAM MAN sitting there at a desk in prison telling MUELLER his attorney will be along soon to set him free, and with MUELLER also reminding him of how he's there for TAX EVASION and other HIGH CRIMES???

Here's a link to the clip of it:


People have also argued about whether or not the SCAM MAN sitting there with her was set free or not.

With TRUMP finally sitting there behind bars we'd probably also have to endue the same kind of debates???

I hate to be so cynical (hey, thats how I am grin ) but there ain't no way in hell this clown spends a single day in an American jail. I hate to sound like my grandparents when I was growing up but this country is doomed or as they would say "going to hell in a handbasket" to which I always rolled my eyes because it was usually some sort of social progress they didn't agree with. This time it is for real. If we don't get the money out of Washington we are doomed.

@Invidia said:

They also said the SCAM MAN is very fond of FAST FOOD ...

and that he orders 2 BIG MACS and 2 FISH burgers along with some fries and a LARGE SODA for a MEAL.

Really? As rich as he is he is eating that shit?

So maybe GOD or the GOD of KARMA will also do us a FAVOR send him a HEART ATTACK for Christmas???

The way that he stuffs that FAT FACE of his full of FAST FOOD like that means he should definitely have one coming.

Someone else also said the way he eats is also way more than what one needs for one's daily caloric intake.

Seems everyone has some sort of vice. I heard he is not a drinker but looks like he overeats.

Did you also hear about how PENCE made plans to take over after the ACCESS VIDEO came out?

Really? And Trump is just now finding out? Uh boy. We may yet see another one hitting the bricks. grin He's such a vindictive little cunt ain't he? He's such a whiney baby:

When the baby doesn't get his way

This one is his general attitude IMO: How Trump thinks

You are very welcome!

He probably thinks someone would be trying to poison him which is why he won't eat from open packages. OMG, KFC is the worst. I regrettably ate there the other day because nothing else was open that was close and it was so gross.

@Invidia said:

Sorry to hear how you had no other choice but to eat KFC food. All of that FRIED stuff that sits on top of it definitely tends to destroy one's appetite when one considers what that stuff can do to one's health.

And No one needs to POISON the IDIOT when he's doing it himself by STUFFING his FAT FACE full of fast food that's no doubt CLOGGING up his arteries.

That other IDIOT **SCAM MAN JR. is back on the HOT SEAT again today:


Donald Trump Jr.'s appearance before members of the House Intelligence Committee follows a September meeting with the Senate Judiciary Committee in which he said he agreed to meet in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in hopes of obtaining information about Hillary Clinton's "fitness, character or qualifications," though he denied ever colluding with the Russian government in the campaign.

Trump Jr. will also likely face questions about a May 2016 meeting with another Russian with Kremlin ties, Alexander Torshin, at private dinner during a National Rifle Association convention in Kentucky

The Senate Intelligence Committee is also expected to interview Trump Jr. soon, though a date has not been identified yet.

a 35-page dossier on then-candidate Trump last month, a Fusion GPS official not only stood by its claims but provided additional leads about Russian

money flowing to Trump real estate projects, particularly those overseas, according to two sources present for the interview. Trump Jr. continues to oversee the family's real estate business.

Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to subpoena Trump Jr. for public testimony, saying he has failed to fully comply with the panel's subsequent document requests. Blumenthal, in a letter to Grassley, points to new disclosures since the committee's previous interview including his exchange of messages with WikiLeaks that had not been provided to the committee but were in the scope of its requests.

Remember how SCAM MAN SR. told him to LIE and say the meeting he and his BROTHER in law (KUSHNER) had with the female RUSSIAN ATTORNEY was about Russian Adoptions?

SCAM MAN SR. came up with that idea while he was still on Air Force One, and then others also LEAKED to the press about how they'd overhead him making plans for SCAM MAN JR. to LIE about the reason for the meeting.

They also say he's been on the HOT SEAT today for about 5 HOURS now.

As if that's not bad enough, now SCAM MAN SR. is also trying to start a WAR in the MID EAST by moving the EMBASSY to another city even though others have WARNED him not to do that.

So first he PICKS a fight with the NORTH KOREAN BRAT and tries to start a NUKE WAR, and now he's busy trying to start another one in the MID EAST.

Which also makes it look like the DESTRUCTION of this COUNTRY isn't good enough for him and he's out to DESTROY the entire PLANET.

Which could probably also place him into the category of being labeled as an ANTI CHRIST???

Or would PUTIN be the ANTI CHRIST and the SCAM MAN just one of his many GREEDY PUPPETS???

Check this out:


Donald Trump was just 11 minutes into his presidency when his choice for national security adviser, Michael Flynn, texted a former business partner to say an ambitious U.S. collaboration with Russia to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East was "good to go," according to a new whistleblower account.

As Trump delivered his inaugural address, says the unnamed whistleblower, Flynn directed Alex Copson, managing director of ACU Strategic Partners, to inform their business partners "to put things in place."

And even though the SCAM MAN'S faithful CULT members still try to deny CLIMATE CHANGE, they also say MULHOLLAND DR. and SUNSET BLVD are ON FIRE now.

At least ONE HOME has burned down in that area, which also makes one wonder how LYNCH is doing and what he's feeling like now.

Wonder if he'll also TWEET a message to his TWITTER account about it???

My favorite way to handle climate change deniers is to say to them "Oh then I guess you are a SCIENCE denier. How does it feel to be in the same bracket that the MORONS who think the Earth is flat?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov0k6GNIbTU

What drives me nuts about the whole climate denying situation and Trump is people are such dolts that they cannot piece together the people who claim climate change is not real just happen to be people who stand to lose money if we get off of fossil fuels. Trump has the ex CEO of Exxon, Rex Tillerson is his cabinet, GEE WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

And people still haven't learned that trickle down is a MYTH perpetrated by the GREEDY BASTARDS and every time we change our tax code to reflect it, the country ends up in enormous debt like when Reagan did it. It wasn't until Clinton made some changes that he left the government in a SURPLUS only to have Dubya fk it up again. (face palm) Ai yi yi, people have such short memories. Does it really take an economic genius to figure out that if you save the middle-class money on taxes that they will SPEND IT thus invigorating the economy? This notion of if you save the corporations money they will trickle it down to us is downright MORONIC. Corporations will spend money to make money REGARDLESS. Doesn't matter how much tax breaks they get. The people, however, cannot spend money they DO NOT HAVE which is why the tax breaks should be permanent for US.

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