Discuss Back to the Future Part II

I love Doc, but let's face it, he was to blame. If he'd just let Marty keep the sports almanac, things would have been fine.

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Hmmm...maybe, but likely not. Marty "making a couple'a bets" would likely snowball and affect the future of ALL involved...maybe even corrupt Marty himself.

Doc wasn't to know old Biff was hiding in the doorway. Binning the Almanac was the logical choice, since maybe Doc realised had he brought it back with him he may have been tempted to place a few bets himself. I mean if anything his biggest fault was introducing two new beings into the space time continuum with a woman who was supposed to be dead!

I mean if anything his biggest fault was introducing two new beings into the space time continuum with a woman who was supposed to be dead!

Especially that pervy crotch grabber. He was bound to have a negative impact on any timeline!

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