Member since February 2017
Movie Score
TV Score
The films I enjoy tend to be a bit slower-paced (check out my home collection list for examples) and moody, somewhat in the noir category. Films that are in the "show-don't-tell" tradition are among my favorites; often I feel that, at least in the world of film, less dialogue is better. My literary interests slant toward classic American and British works, with my more current interests focusing on the post-apocalyptic (think George Orwell, Nevil Shute and Cormac McCarthy). I am also very much into historical reference works. I'm not a big fan of technology; I think modern life has become too fast-paced and has damaged the introspective thought process, to the detriment of art (in all areas-- literature, painting, film, and music, among others). I long for a slower, more pastoral, more Romantic time.
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