Vicky McClure hahmona Mrs. Jones

Jaksot 24

Episode One

12 marraskuu 202044m

Following his uncle’s mysterious death, Alex Rider begins a quest for answers that leads him into a dark world of secrets and espionage. He comes to realise that his uncle wasn’t the man he thought he was—and that Alex is expected to follow in his footsteps.

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Episode Two

12 marraskuu 202044m

Still reeling from the revelation that his uncle was a spy for the British Government, Alex is kidnapped and interrogated by an unknown group of paramilitary agents. It will take all his hidden skills to turn the tables on his captors.

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Episode Three

12 marraskuu 202045m

Alex is thrown into the unfamiliar world of the ultra-rich as he struggles to perfect his cover identity, but risks alienating his best friend by keeping the mission a secret.

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Episode Four

12 marraskuu 202044m

As his covert investigation of Point Blanc gets underway, Alex discovers that he's been left vulnerable. The Department seem to be closing in on the double-agent in their ranks—but Yassen gets there first.

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Episode Five

12 marraskuu 202045m

Appalled to realise that the students in Point Blanc are being mysteriously changed by Doctor Greif, Alex enlists Kyra and James in a plan to escape. Blunt spearheads an investigation into Parker Roscoe.

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Episode Six

12 marraskuu 202044m

Tom lands in the crosshairs of the conspiracy behind Ian Rider's murder. Alex and Kyra find evidence of Dr. Greif's secret plan.

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Episode Seven

12 marraskuu 202044m

Alex leads a Special Forces squad back inside Point Blanc in a stealth mission to rescue his friends and stop Greif's plans.

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Episode Eight

Season Finale
12 marraskuu 202044m

The Department finally solves the mystery of Ian's death and realise that an old, lethal enemy has resurfaced. Alex faces off against his own duplicate in a desperate battle to save the people he loves.

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3 joulukuu 202139m

Trying to put the memories of his deadly mission to Point Blanc behind him, Alex takes a holiday on the Cornish coast. But when an old foe resurfaces, Alex finds himself dragged back into the world of spycraft.

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3 joulukuu 202146m

Determined to track down Blunt and warn him about Yassen's return, Alex unknowingly puts himself on a collision course with The Department, who are simultaneously hunting a dangerous cyber-terrorist.

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3 joulukuu 202142m

Alex refuses to walk away from his investigation into the attack on Ed Pleasance. With Sabina and Tom's help, he discovers a new lead connecting it to the Pentagon hack, putting him in the crosshairs of the hacker who goes by the name Smoking Mirror.

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3 joulukuu 202144m

In order to learn more about the mysterious video game phenomenon Feathered Serpent and its upcoming sequel, Alex must infiltrate a prestigious event and confront the charismatic billionaire behind the game, Damian Cray.

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3 joulukuu 202141m

To unlock the secrets of Feathered Serpent 2, Alex seeks expert assistance from an old friend. But with his own investigation spiralling out of control, how long before Blunt puts a stop to Alex's dangerous inference?

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3 joulukuu 202145m

Alex, Tom, and Kyra journey to Amsterdam to infiltrate the heart of Damian Cray's operation. Meanwhile, The Department turns its scrutiny on Cray's forthcoming meeting with the President of the United States.

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3 joulukuu 202145m

In order to escape Amsterdam and deliver vital evidence to The Department, Alex needs Jack's help- putting her career in jeopardy. But with the President's touchdown in the UK already underway, is Alex too late to stop Cray?

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Season Finale
3 joulukuu 202143m

As Feathered Serpent 2 finally launches and the full scope of Cray's plan is revealed, Alex races against the clock to avert a catastrophic attack.

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5 huhtikuu 202445m

Travelling to Malta in search of answers about his father's past, Alex and his best friends uncover the beginnings of a deadly plot by the criminal cabal known as Scorpia and the identity of its charismatic and ambitious new leader.

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5 huhtikuu 202447m

When the British Government receives a threat signifying Scorpia's return, Blunt and the Department begin the hunt. Meanwhile, in Malta, Alex follows the scientist working for them to his secret lab aboard a decommissioned ship.

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5 huhtikuu 202445m

Alex has been captured and Tom, Kyra, and Jack must scramble to find him. As Scorpia shows the power of their new weapon, Invisible Sword, Alex is confronted by Julia Rothman with some uncomfortable truths about his father.

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5 huhtikuu 202449m

Cut off from his friends and forced to work with one of his greatest foes, Alex endures a punishing induction to Scorpia, and must face off against a gang of ruthless trainee assassins.

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5 huhtikuu 202447m

Alex is sent on a mission for Scorpia to prove his loyalty, with Tom and Kyra following close behind hoping to rescue him. Meanwhile, the Department attempts to unlock the secret of 'Invisible Sword'.

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5 huhtikuu 202447m

Alex returns home with a dark mission of revenge. Jack, Tom, and Kyra must enlist the help of unlikely allies to save Alex before he commits to Scorpia forever.

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The Shot

5 huhtikuu 202444m

Captured and questioned by the Department, Alex must rely on his friends to remind him who he truly is. But are there still truths about his past the Department haven't told him?

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Invisible Sword

Season Finale
5 huhtikuu 202447m

As Scorpia orchestrates the final stages of their plan to threaten the lives of an entire city, Alex must go back undercover in a desperate bid to stop Julia Rothman before it's too late.

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