櫻井孝宏 als Avan (voice)

Afleveringen 100

Fly, el pequeño héroe

2 oktober 202024m

Dai vive en una isla repleta de monstruos que viven sus vidas en paz tras la muerte del Señor Oscuro y haberse librado de su yugo. Dai sueña con ser el Héroe, pero su abuelo, el monstruo Blas, quiere entrenarlo como mago. Es entonces cuando el Héroe llega a la isla... o eso cree Dai.

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Fly y la princesa Leona

10 oktober 202024m

La princesa Leona de Papunica llega a la isla Derlín para realizar un ritual de la familia real, así que solicita la ayuda de Dai como autóctono para que sea su guía. Sin embargo, los acompañantes de la princesa parecen tener otros planes.

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El maestro del Héroe

16 oktober 202024m

Llega a la isla Derlín un hombre que dice ser un maestro especializado en entrenar Héroes. ¿Aceptará Dai entrenar a sus órdenes?

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El regreso de Hadler, el señor oscuro

24 oktober 202024m

Mientras Aván y Dai entrenan, alguien intenta penetrar el círculo mágico que protege la isla, pero no esperaban que quien apareciera ante ellos fuera...

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La insignia de Aván

31 oktober 202024m

Aván parece no tener suficiente fuerza para derrotar a Hadler, quien es incluso más poderoso que cuando era el Señor Oscuro. Por eso tendrá que tomar una dura decisión, tanto para él como para sus discípulos.

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Crocodín, el Rey de las Bestias

7 november 202024m

Dai parte de la isla Derlín acompañado por Popp, pero al llegar al Reino de Romos acaban perdidos en el Bosque Oscuro, donde Hadler envía a uno de los comandantes de sus seis legiones a matar a Dai.

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La decisión de Maam

14 november 202024m

Dai y Popp se quedan unos días en la aldea de Maam, donde descubren que Aván era muy querido, pero no pueden decirles que este ha muerto. Mientras, Crocodín busca vengarse de Dai por la humillante derrota que sufrió a sus manos.

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El ataque de la Legión Bestial

21 november 202024m

Crocodín, repleto de ira ante su derrota y acorralado sabiendo que su poder no es suficiente para acabar con Dai, se deshace de su orgullo de guerrero y lanza un ataque con toda la Legión Bestial contra el Castillo Romos.

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Una pizca de valor

28 november 202024m

Dai y Maam parecen perdidos ante Crocodín, pero la falta de valor de Popp le impide acudir en ayuda de sus amigos. Cuando el mago del grupo del Héroe falso le habla de su pasado, Popp decide usar el poco valor que tiene para plantar cara a Crocodín aunque no pueda hacer mucho.

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Rumbo a Papunica

5 december 202024m

Dai, Maam y Popp se dirigen a Papunica en un barco que les proporciona el rey Romos, pero la situación que se encontrarán al llegar es desoladora debido al duro ataque del Ejército Oscuro.

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Hyunckel, el espadachín oscuro

12 december 202024m

Dai se enfrenta a Hyunckel, quien tras descubrirse como discípulo de Aván cuenta la historia del odio que sentía y siente por él, así que matar a sus queridos discípulos es la única venganza que le queda. Pero Dai no parece rival para tan poderoso espadachín..

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La descarga combinada

19 december 202024m

Popp y Dai, derrotados pro Hyunckel, trazan un nuevo plan para acabar con el comandante de la Legión Inmortal y rescatar a Maam de sus garras. menos

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El momento decisivo

26 december 202024m

Dai no parece poder hacer nada contra Hyunckel, ni tan siquiera con la descarga combinada, así que acaba siendo abatido. ¿Será su fin?

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Flazzard, general pirohielo

9 januari 202124m

Dai y sus compañeros intentan encontrar a la princesa Liona, y el anciano que los acompaña tiene una estupenda idea. Pero mientras ellos buscan, Flazzard, general pirohielo, prepara su ataque.

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La terrorífica barrera maldita

16 januari 202124m

Dai se enfrenta a Flazzard en la torre y parece que su fuerza le permitirá vencer, pero Flazzard guarda un par de ases en la manga que cambiarán todo.

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Matriv, el gran hechicero

23 januari 202124m

Matriv, antiguo compañero del héroe Aván, rescata a Dai y sus amigos y decide ayudarlos a entrenar, en especial a Popp, quien es un mago como él. Pero cuando pensaban que tenían tiempo para salvar a Liona, Flazzard les descubre algo aterrador

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El salvador que desafió a la muerte

30 januari 202124m

Los protagonistas se dividen en dos grupos para derribar los Capiteles Oscuros, pero ante ellos aparecen los más poderosos enemigos que tienen dentro del Ejército Oscuro. ¿Están perdidos ante la emboscada?

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Hyunckel contra Hadler

6 februari 202124m

Hyunckel aparece para salvar a Popp y Maam del ataque de Hadler y es su momento de enfrentarse a él y vengar a Aván y a Bartos.

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La técnica definitiva del estilo Aván

13 februari 202124m

Dai y sus amigos finalmente llegan a la Torre Volga, donde Flazzard sale a su paso, y aunque se encuentra rodeado tiene un as en la manga que puede acabar con todos y otorgarle la victoria.

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Ahora lo cortaré todo

20 februari 202124m

Dai ha logrado destrozar el núcleo de Flazzard, pero cuando aparece Mystvearn para ayudarlo, logra que Flazzard se recupere y sea incluso más poderoso que nunca. ¿Podrá Dai derrotarlo con su nuevo poder?

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La decisión de Maam

27 februari 202124m

El reino de Papunica se recupera poco a poco y el grupo protagonista se prepara para lanzar su ofensiva, pero es entonces cuando Maam les comunica una dura decisión que ha tomado y los sorprende a todos.

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Hacia los grandes almacenes

6 maart 202124m

La princesa Liona decide llevar a Dai al Reino de Bengana, donde hay unos grandes almacenes en los que podrá conseguir nuevo equipo. Aunque ella quería ir a solas con Dai, Popp se une a ellos, pero una vez en Bengana...

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El Caballero del Dragón

13 maart 202124m

Dai despierta el poder de su emblema nuevamente y Nabara, la adivina, lo reconoce como el Caballero del Dragón de las leyendas de Terán, su tierra natal. Ese será el nuevo objetivo de Dai, quien necesita averiguar quién es realmente

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Barán, el general dragontino

20 maart 202124m

Barán aparece ante Dai y le explica qué son realmente los Caballeros del Dragón y por qué debe unirse a él, algo que sorprende a todos los presentes.

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La terrorífica Aura Dragontina

27 maart 202124m

Barán se enfrenta a Crocodín y Popp mientras Liona intenta sanar a Dai, pero cuando este despierta, Barán descubre la fuente del poder de su hijo.

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Llegan los Maestros Dragontinos

3 april 202124m

Barán se reúne con los Maestros Dragontinos y parte hacia Terán para recuperar a Dai, quien en realidad es su hijo Dino. Con Dai habiendo perdido sus recuerdos y tras haber sobrevivido a duras penas al enfrentamiento solo con Barán, Popp decide que enfrentarlos es inútil.

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Larhart, el paladín de la tierra

10 april 202124m

Hyunckel aparece para salvar a Popp en el último momento y se une al combate contra los Maestros Dragontinos, pero uno de ellos posee algo aterrador.

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El secreto de Dai

17 april 202124m

Hyunckel se enfrenta a Larhart, quien le cuenta lo ocurrido con Barán, la madre de Dai y el origen de su odio por los humanos.

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La ira de Barán

24 april 202124m

Mientras Hyunckel y Popp finalizan su combate con los Maestros Dragontinos, Barán llega al castillo de Terán, donde Crocodín y la princesa Liona salen a su paso con pocas esperanzas de poder detenerlo.

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La decisión de Popp

1 mei 202124m

El poder de Barán en su forma de dragonoide es tal que ni siquiera las fuerzas combinadas de Crocodín y Hyunckel son suficientes. Popp, desesperado ante la idea de que se lleve a Dai, toma una decisión inesperada.

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Duelo entre padre e hijo

8 mei 202124m

Dai parece haber obrado un milagro con su Emblema del Dragón, pero el duelo con su padre, Barán, todavía está por encrudecerse.

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Despidiéndose del padre

15 mei 202124m

With his weapon lost, Dai must defend himself. Baran lacks the Magic Power for his full Gigabreak. Dai is given Hyunckel’s Dark Armour Blade and faces off with Baran one last time. Meanwhile, Popp remains unresponsive to Leona’s Zing spell...

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El plan de Zaboera

22 mei 202124m

Hadler está desesperado por acabar con Dai y quiere lanzar un ataque con todas las fuerzas restantes del Ejército Oscuro, pero Zaboera lo convence para trazar un plan sucio.

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El torneo de artes marciales de Romos

29 mei 202124m

Dai and his friends return to Papnica. They learn of a Martial Arts Tournament in Romos where the winner will receive a legendary weapon. Dai and Popp head to the tournament where a certain contestant’s fighting catches their eyes.

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Incidente en la final

5 juni 202124m

Dai and Popp were reunited with Maam. Maam promises to win the Sword of Champions. Maam wins her way through the preliminary fights. But an evil plot unfurls behind the scenes... As the finals are about to begin, one man springs into action.

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The Superior Being Versus Chiu

12 juni 202124m

A giant body, unbelievable speed, unparalleled strength, and rapid regeneration... The Superior Being, Zamza, is a terrifying threat. Dai faces him but loses stamina too quickly. Dai falls. All hope seems lost. But only Chiu refuses to give up...!

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Instante decisivo

19 juni 202124m

The Refractor Fist is effective against the seemingly invincible Superior Being. Using her nimble skills and the Refractor Fist, Maam succeeds in freeing Dai. Dai sees her fight and discovers a clue. Dai prepares a final counterattack.

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The World Summit

3 juli 202124m

To fight the Dark Army, Leona gathers world leaders for a summit. Dai hopes to learn of a new legendary weapon. In Zaboera’s hideout, Hadlar is hooked up inside a large bio-chamber. Hadlar is letting Zaboera perform a certain experiment on him...

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The Landing of Sovereign Rock Castle

10 juli 202124m

Lon Beruk, begins forging the greatest sword in the world for Dai. Meanwhile, in Papnica, the world summit of the world’s leaders begins. But the talks drag on without progress, troubling Leona. Just then a giant enemy appears...

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Master of Darkness Against His Pupil

17 juli 202124m

With Mystvearn’s declaration of war, the battle begins. The companions fight, but against an endless enemy, they’re slowly forced back. Help arrives, reigniting the weakened flame in everyone’s hearts. At last, Mystvearn himself appears...!

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The Strongest Sword

24 juli 202124m

Hyunckel unleashes a strike with the Aura of Justice. Enraged, Mystbearn unleashes his Dark Aura to tear Popp and the others apart. Sovereign Rock Castle heads for the Grand Chapel. Meanwhile, Lon Beruk finally completes the sword for Dai.

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Tierra de Muerte

31 juli 202124m

Mystvearn ha sido derrotado y está a punto de liberar el que dice que es su verdadero poder, pero aparece Killvearn para detenerlo y hacer que se retire de la batalla. Es entonces cuando Popp decide lanzarse a atacar para no dejarlos huir...

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Choque de espadas poderosas

7 augustus 202124m

Hadler se ha convertido en un ser superior y está más decidido que nunca a acabar con Dai, pero el joven Héroe confía en el poder de su nueva espada... Aunque, ¿será suficiente?

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The Hero Lost in the Glacier

14 augustus 202124m

Dai and Hadlar’s battle ended in a draw, with Dai lost in the ocean. Killvearn attacks the despondent Popp. Popp remembers the words of Matoriv and retreats, but Killvearn pursues. Can Popp escape? And what happened to Dai...?

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The Orichalcum Warrior

21 augustus 202124m

Popp, Crocodine, and Chiu search for Dai. Zaboera also leads his servants to find Dai, causing the parties to clash. Popp rescues Dai, but Zaboera unleashes his Super Spell. Just then, a mysterious shining warrior appears between them and...?

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The Extreme Annihilation Spell, Medoroa

28 augustus 202124m

The showdown with Vearn is in five days. Dai and his friends head out to spend the remaining time training. Popp visits Matoriv to find a way to counter the Hadlar Royal Guard. Matoriv decides to teach Popp a spell that he himself fears to use.

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To the Final Battleground

4 september 202124m

The members return, having completed their training. Dai and his friends head to Carl Kingdom. There’s a change in the Field of Death and they land with a heightened sense of tension. Meanwhile, in a remote cave, Baran and Killvearn face off...

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La Guardia de Hadler

11 september 202124m

Dai y el resto conocen a Nova, el Héroe del Norte, pero este es un joven egocéntrico que se lanza en solitario a atacar a la Guardia de Hadler. Es muy poderoso, ¿podrá lograr su objetivo?

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The Team Battle Begins

18 september 202124m

Zababa becomes the stage for the battle between Dai, with his friends, and the Hadlar Royal Guard. Our heroes fight using their individual strengths, but the Orichalcum warriors are powerful enemies. Just who will prevail in this fierce battle...?

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We're The Beast King Commandos

25 september 202124m

Popp’s Medroa was strong enough to carve out the ground. Dai and his friends celebrate their victory. Meanwhile, Chiu forms the Beast King Commandos and works to uncover the secret of the enemy stronghold. But the evil hand of the enemy closes in.

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The Avan Style Ultimate Technique

2 oktober 202124m

Popp, Hyunckel, and Crocodine find the wounded Chiu. Hyunckel deduces it was Fenbren who fought him, and Baran who saved him. Hyunckel sends Popp home and calls out to Baran. Sensing a change in Baran’s demeanor, Hyunckel attempts to stop him...!

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Father and Son Dragons Set Out

9 oktober 202124m

Though shocked by Baran’s sudden appearance, Leona decides to accept his assistance. The Hadlar Royal Guard is lured to the surface while Dai and Baran head to destroy the Dark Citadel Gate. But someone awaits them at the Dark Citadel Gate.

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Hadlar's Challenge

16 oktober 202124m

Popp and his friends face the Hadlar Royal Guard. Meanwhile, Dai and Baran battle Fenbren, and Dai instinctively saves his ally, Baran. The battle with Fenbren ends. Beyond the Dark Citadel Gate, they find Hadlar ready to battle the Dragon Knights.

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Hadlar Verus Baran

23 oktober 202124m

Hadlar’s Black Core could explode at any moment, leaving Dai and Baran unable to attack. Unaware of his own situation, Hadlar unleashes an even more intense barrage of attacks at the two. To resolve the situation, Baran attempts a risky maneuver.

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The Black Core

30 oktober 202124m

After putting Dai to sleep, Baran turns into the Dragonoid for the final fight with Hadlar. Hadlar focuses all his strength to combat Baran. Meanwhile, from his throne, Dark King Vearn watches their battle with a cool gaze.

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The Inherited Heart

6 november 202124m

Popp and the others have managed to survive the Black Core’s explosion. Realizing that the explosion happened while Dai and Baran were fighting, the group rushes to find Dai and Baran. There, they see a shocking sight.

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The God of the Underworld

13 november 202124m

Dai and his friends finally face off against Vearn, who uses his Dark Aura to blast Dai away and casts powerful spells with his overwhelming Magic Power. Vearn is in control even against five opponents. Do Dai and his friends stand a chance...?

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The Unlikely Savior

20 november 202124m

Dai’s Avan Strash hit Vearn, but it’s not enough to defeat him. Vearn rises again and summons the Staff of Edacity, which converts Magic Power into raw attack power. With Vearn’s Magic Power, its attack is strong enough to shake the heavens and...?

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The Survivors

27 november 202124m

Dai and his friends faced absolute defeat. Dai is taken away by the Holy Mother Dragon and Hyunckel and Crocodine are missing. Popp and Maam wash up on a beach in Carl Kingdom. The two learn that Vearn has begun his attack on the Surface World.

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Dai and Popp

4 december 202124m

The missing Hyunckel and Crocodine are prisoners of the Dark Army. A meeting is held in which it’s decided that Dai should rally the forces. Meanwhile, Dai awakens, but is unable to bear the weight of being a Hero and runs. He ends up in...?

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Avan, The Hero

11 december 202124m

A story of Avan when Hadlar was still the Dark Lord. The Order of Carl faces the Dark Army with its princess, Flora. A young Avan protects the princess. Hadlar attacks Carl Castle to capture Flora and...? How Avan and Hadlar’s rivalry began...

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The Cave of Trials

18 december 202124m

Seeking the legendary spell Kaglimmer, Leona, Maam, Merle, and Flora brave the Cave of Trials. Dai sets out to train until Leona returns. As they prepare, Flora tells Maam a secret of the Insignias of Avan. When Popp overhears them...?

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The Sacred Inheritance

25 december 202124m

Dai trains with Nova and masters both types of Avan Strash, leading him to create a new attack. Leona and the others search the Cave of Trials to attain Kaglimmer. Popp grows desperate that his Isignia of Avan is the only one which will not glow...?

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The Night Before the Battle

8 januari 202224m

Lon Beruk brings the restored Sword of Dai and new weapons. The group renews their resolve. Maam is shaken by Amy’s feelings for Hyunckel and Popp is frustrated his Insignia of Avan won’t shine. As the final battle approaches, things grow shaky...

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The Dark Hyunckel

15 januari 202224m

The execution day has arrived. As noon approaches and Vearn Palace arrives in the sky above, Mystvearn appears before Hyunckel and Crocodine. Mystvearn makes Hyunckel an offer: accept his Dark Aura or die. Hyunckel makes an unexpected choice.

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The Five Colors of Light

22 januari 202224m

The five Disciples of Avan have gathered. Mystvearn attempts to intervene, but Lon Beruk stops him. Crocodine and the others fight the army of monsters. The Disciples of Avan prepare the ritual to cast Kaglimmer. But Popp remains uncertain...

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The Peril of the Great Purification Spell

29 januari 202224m

The Disciples of Avan try to cast Kaglimmer. But Popp’s Insignia won’t glow. Maam tries to encourage Popp, but only increases his pain. Powerful monsters enter the fray. As Dai and friends begin to panic, Zaboera schemes.

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The Last Challenge

5 februari 202224m

Popp’s soul is awakened. He realizes his abilities as a Sage and heals Merle. Dai and friends continue the ritual to cast Kaglimmer and nullify Vearn’s magic field to enter Vearn Palace, where some unexpected individuals appear before them.

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The Clash of Love

12 februari 202224m

Maam’s plea for a truce goes unheard and she is attacked relentlessly by Albinass’s true form. Maam sees Albinass’s strong devotion to Hadlar, but soon remembers Avan’s words, which motivate her to fight back...!

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Victory Or Annihilation

19 februari 202224m

The Disciples of Avan continue to fight the Hadlar Royal Guard. Maam defeats Albinass and Hyunckel defeats Hym. But Popp struggles against Sigma. The two battle over the only spell that has any effect on Sigma, Medroa.

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Battle of True Dragons

26 februari 202224m

Popp and the others return to Dai. There, they witness an unbelievable clash between Dai and Haldar. The sight is a recreation of the legendary “Battle of True Dragons.” The others can only stand back and observe. The moment of truth arrives...!

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The Last Attack

5 maart 202224m

Hadlar rises again out of sheer force of will to face his true final battle. Dai accepts this challenge and chooses his Magic Sword. Though weaker than his Avan Strash Cross, Dai still has one ace up his sleeve...!? Their final attacks clash...!

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The Hope in the Flames

16 april 202224m

Killvearn’s trap imprisoned Dai, Popp, and Hadlar. Powerful flames gradually eat away at their stamina and spirits. Dai and Popp begin to lose hope. Just then, a single ray of light shines through. Can they escape this hopeless situation...?!

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Return of the Great Hero

23 april 202224m

It was Avan, returned from the dead, who saved Popp and Hadlar! Dai, Popp, and Maam embrace their Master in tears. But Hyunckel, caught between conflicting emotions, is unable to face Avan. The party welcomes their new ally and heads towards Vearn’s palace!

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The Secret Way of Purification

30 april 202224m

Hyunckel refuses to proceed with Avan and stays behind. Dai and the others are bewildered but advance without him. The party reaches the doors to Vearn Palace. At a loss as to how to breach the doors, Avan steps forward…

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The Steady Advance of Justice

7 mei 202224m

Leaving Hyunckel to guard the rear, Dai and his friends enter Vearn Palace. Avan scouts ahead and asks a favor of Leona. Back on the surface, the humans overcome Zaboera’s monster horde. The tide of battle is turning, then Zaboera executes a plan.

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The Other Hero

14 mei 202224m

Zaboera reveals his ace, the Superior Being Zombie. Crocodine and the humans are out of options. As morale fades, Nova, Hero of the North, risks his life to face the enemy.

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The Survivor From Hell

21 mei 202224m

After the battle of Loroi Valley, Crocodine finds Zaboera who managed to survive. Meanwhile, Hyunckel battles the monster horde. Then an unexpected individual appears...!

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The Silver-Haired Hym

28 mei 202224m

Hym returns from hell stronger than ever. Hyunckel faces Hym using only his fists and Aura. Who will be the victor in the clash between fists of fortitude and implacability?

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4 juni 202224m

A new enemy, the king Maximum appears with an Orichalcum Army. Hyunckel and Hym are in peril. Hyunckel stands his wounded body up and burns his fortitude to face their enemy!

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The Battle in the White Garden

11 juni 202224m

Larhart appears before Hyunckel and Hym, and takes the Dark Armour Spear before leaving to protect Dai. Meanwhile, Dai, Popp, and Maam face off against Mystvearn.

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The Successor of Justice

18 juni 202224m

Avan is taken by Killvearn and challenged to a duel. Meanwhile, Dai and his friends challenge Mystvearn in hopes of finding out how to save their Master, but...?

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Baran's Last Will

25 juni 202224m

Mystvearn captures Popp and Maam and all seems lost. But Land Rider Larhart appears and rescues them before kneeling before Dai and relaying Baran’s last wish to him...

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Rise, Knight of Destiny

2 juli 202224m

Leona is captured. Dai chases after her and arrives at a “living engine", the Dark Force Reactor. Dai attempts to rescue Leona, but is stopped. What will happen to her...?

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Vearn, The Dark King

9 juli 202224m

Dai and Leona reach the top of the Tower of Supremacy. Facing Vearn, Dai recalls his past loss against him and is struck with fear. Vearn is wary of Dai’s Twin Dragon Crests.

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Killvearn's Trap

16 juli 202224m

Dai’s power could match or exceed Vearn’s. Vearn invites Dai to serve him. Meanwhile, Avan and Killvearn continue to fight. Can Avan win against the Reaper?

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The Deciding Attack

23 juli 202224m

Hym unleashes attacks against the heretofore invulnerable Mystvearn. Dai holds the upper hand against Vearn, but feels overwhelmed by his confidence. How will each fight end?

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The Shadow Raiment

30 juli 202224m

The consecutive Doruoras swallowed Dark King Vearn. Popp and the others decide to regroup with Dai. The fallen Mystvearn stands again and removes his Shadow Raiment.

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The Secret Spell of Frozen Time

6 augustus 202224m

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Myst and Kill

13 augustus 202224m

With Popp and Brokeena gone, the others lose their will to fight. Then, Killvearn appears, announcing Avan’s death. But something about Killvearn is different...?

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Vearn's Truth

20 augustus 202224m

Avan reveals Mystvearn’s true identity and Dark King Vearn’s greatest secret. Meanwhile, in the Tower of Supremacy, dark clouds gather above Dai and Leona...

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The Demonic Guard of Heaven and Earth

27 augustus 202224m

Myst tries to make Hyunckel’s body his own. Meanwhile, Dai faces off with Vearn, the True Dark King. Dai’s strongest attack, Giga Strash, is met with an unknown stance...

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The Eye Jewel

3 september 202224m

The Demonic Guard of Heaven and Earth beats Dai’s Gigastrash. When Leona refuses to become Vearn’s servant, he takes away her freedom. Just then, Popp and the others arrive!

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On This Bond

10 september 202224m

Popp tries to uncover the secret of the Dark King’s ultimate skill. He stands strong despite being battered by Vearn’s offensive, bolstering the morale of Hym and Larhart.

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The Greatest, Final Comeback

17 september 202224m

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Like a Bright Flash

24 september 202224m

The Black Cores in the Pillars of Vearn begin counting down to the world’s end. Dai is broken, and Popp loses the will to fight... Suddenly, a voice rings in Popp’s ears!

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The Tear of the Gods

1 oktober 202224m

To Vearn’s confusion, Dai and Popp rise up again and again. The Dark King tries to detonate the Black Core below, but suddenly the unbelievable happens!

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Dai's Decision

8 oktober 202224m

With Gomechan’s miracle, the hearts of all the people of the world have been united. They all work together to stop the Black Cores... What will happen to the Surface World?!

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Victory By These Hands

15 oktober 202224m

Having become the Dragonoid, Dai pummels Vearn. Meanwhile, Popp and the other heroes have been dropped into the heart of Vearn Palace, where they face a new threat...!

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Farewell, This World That I Love

22 oktober 202224m

In the conclusion to the epic battle between the Hero and the Dark King, Dai fights with his father’s Demon Dragon Blade, and Vearn counters with beams and his rigid body.

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