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They have money they need to spend. Why not bowing to special groups? The Rainbow-people have a bunch of unions and they pressure studios to be more "inclusive".

@therapist said:

They have money they need to spend. Why not bowing to special groups? The Rainbow-people have a bunch of unions and they pressure studios to be more "inclusive".

ya but the idiots they are making this for dont even watch TV lol

This show is awful, absolutely just awful. SJW crap from beginning to end. Plus is nonsensical hilarious. In S2 she find the suit and magically she turn super hero just because of it. And they want us to believe that batman is ok with it....HAHAHAHAHA...so sad. Perfect example on how to burn money fast. It tanked very badly. Very stupid show, even for the arrow-verse,that is not the cream of the crop.

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