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A review by MovieGuys

Written by MovieGuys on August 15, 2022

What a strange little show. That's my first and really only reaction to Evil.

I don't know what to make of it or even, how to adequately, define it. I suspect that's the idea. It walks a blurred line between religion/superstition and atheism/rationalism.

At first, I found it a rather dissonance inducing experience but as I became accustomed to its quirks, of which there are many, I found I rather liked it.

As a long standing rationalist, its religiosity amused me but, thankfully, the manner in which it is presented, is not lecturing or heavy handed. Rather, you get opposing views an... read the rest.

A review by Horseface

Written by Horseface on July 13, 2024

Racist and ignorant. Welcome to the 2020s, baby!

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