Mary Jo Keenen hahmona Sweetie Jo Caffee

Jaksot 3

Pandora's Box

Season Finale

Carly's past intimidates John during their honeymoon. Dexter accepts $10,000 to rename his lunch counter.

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Untying the Knot

18 syyskuu 199630m

Picking up from last season's cliffhanger, this season's premiere polishes off the nuptials between John and Carly. In short order, at the bus station reception, Catherine drops the bombshell to the glowing groom that she's pregnant with John's child — portending a connubial future that's no piece of cake. As a stop-gap solution to the staggering dilemma, the odd trio move in together, and soon see that three is anything but company.

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Mother of the Year

25 syyskuu 199630m

Thanks to John's contest-winning, double-edged essay, Mahalia is named Mother of the Year and faces a custody battle for her kids. The article spurs a home visit from a suspicious child welfare investigator (guest Adams) -- just when taskmaster ""El Capitan"" John is babysitting -- and a custody hearing in which Mahalia and John face off against Mahalia's ex, Stewie, Sr.

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