Episodios 40


Invasión del espacio exterior

4 de junio de 197724m

¡El Ejército de Invasión de la Tierra de Boazanian llegó! Los miembros del equipo Voltes que todavía estaban entrenando de repente tuvieron que ir a la batalla. Dirigidos por el Dr. Hamaguchi y el Dr. Mitsuyo, se dirigieron a Big Falcon. Allí se introdujo el robot Voltes V Los 5 miembros del equipo tuvieron que luchar contra el luchador de la bestia boazaniana con Voltes V, a pesar de que no sabían cómo controlarlo.

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El destino del planeta tierra

11 de junio de 197724m

La isla en forma de pájaro donde se encontraba la base Gran Halcón atrajo la atención de los boazanos y fue atacada por una bestia guerrera donde resultó herida la Señora Amstrong. Al luchar contra esta bestia , Voltus cayó en una situación peligrosa. La Señora Amstrong aún herida pudo volar un avión y se sacrificó para ayudar a sus hijos.

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Modesta ayuda del más allá

18 de junio de 197724m

Al pelear contra los Boazanos, Marcos dañó accidentalmente la tumba de la señora Amstrong, lo que provoca problemas entre él y Esteban. El pasado de Marcos fue revelado, pensaba que su madre lo abandonó cuando estaban en Estados Unidos, por lo que la odiaba a ella y a todas las madres. Más tarde se entera de la verdad

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La secreta habilidad de atrapar una mariposa

25 de junio de 197724m

Bert estaba seguro de que Voltus no puede ganar contra el guerrero experto en espadas Gardo. Decidieron huir de la batalla y esconderse en una cueva. Esteban tuvo que aprender la técnica de "atrapar una mariposa" de Bert para derrotar al experto Gardo. La técnica es realmente difícil de dominar y Esteban no era un maestro de la espada. Mientras entrenaban, el luchador de bestias atacó a la base Gran Halcón.

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Juanito se unió a una carrera de modelo de acorazado en Yokosuka, en la que hizo un modelo de acorazado "Mikasa", que era el orgullo de la Armada japonesa a principios del siglo XX. Había pasado 4 noches para hacer el barco y Esteban no puede prohibirle que vaya a la carrera. El enemigo vio esta oportunidad e intentó separar a Juanito del resto del equipo Voltus. Enviaron a la serpiente NEEGU a buscar a Juanito y su Fragata mientras la bestia DAIGA ataca a Gran halcon. ¿Cómo puede el equipo Voltus incompleto derrotar al enemigo?

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Marcos y su caballo pura sangre, Alfa

9 de julio de 197724m

Cuando se trata de caballo, Marcos es el hombre. Cuando estaba en América, su único amigo después de la muerte de su madre y su padre fue su caballo, Alfa. Marcos contó una historia sobre su amistad con su caballo, se vio obligado a separarse de Alfa cuando se unió al Equipo Voltus. Cuando Marcos perdió los estribos y decidió abandonar el equipo para siempre, el Dr. Smith le dijo que podía ir a buscar a Alfa al aeropuerto de Haneda.

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Nuevo miembro del equipo Voltus, Octo-1

16 de julio de 197724m

Juanito hizo un robot de pulpo llamado Takko (Octo-1 en versión en inglés). Al principio, el equipo pensó que el robot era inútil, pero luego salvó a Voltus cuando quedaron atrapados en un bosque infestado con plantas de hiedra y luego cuando Juanito no tuvo más remedio que desmontar a Takko y usar sus partes para reparar el Volt Lander dañado. Así, el sexto miembro del equipo Voltus fue bienvenido.

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Conspiración contra el príncipe Zardoz

23 de julio de 197724m

El duque Zaki vino de Boazan para visitar al príncipe Zardoz. Lo acosó por su fracaso hasta el momento de conquistar la Tierra y también por su pasado de ser hijo del traidor llamado La Gour. Luego, el duque hizo un plan para matar a Zardoz en una pelea con Voltus al obligarlo a pilotar al luchador de bestias Gargo. Pero el plan de Zaki se hizo añicos cuando Sandra escuchó a escondidas el plan y lo filtró al Príncipe.

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El sueño de Jamie presagia el desastre

30 de julio de 197724m

Megumi dreamt that she won when doing a duel practice with her father. Meanwhile, the Boazanians led by Jangal stormed the Defense Headquarters, took over the office and started to bombard Big Falcon with tons of missiles. Commander Oka and his troops were outnumbered and forced to defend themselves in the basement. Megumi then deserted her team and came to rescue her father and Big Falcon.

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Acoplamiento fallido de Voltus

6 de agosto de 197724m

Zuuru used the beast fighter Bombos's X-ray eye to analyze Voltes as they were volting-in, then after he found out how the electromagnetic energy flows inside Voltes, he sent robot Namazungo to disrupt the volting-in sequence with super electromagnetic wave that can neutralize Voltes' super electromagnetic field generated during volt-in sequence. With Voltes unable to combine, how could they beat the Boazanian beast fighter?

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La recuperación de Voltus V

13 de agosto de 197724m

Voltes could not volt-in. International Army helped Voltes by attacking the robot with missiles. The Boazanian launched the second robot, Gamenza, to destroy the army. Dr. Hamaguchi uncovered his secret weapon, "Ultra Falcon Beam System" canon, or known as "The Ultra Magucon". When Namazungo tried to disrupt the Volt-in sequence again, Hamaguchi fired the beam canon into Voltes formation. But after that single shot, the canon exploded.

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Voltus revive de entre los muertos

20 de agosto de 197724m

Dr. Hamaguchi and Commander Oka visited a secret lab under a waterfall. They collected Voltes data to find solution to volt-in safely. Suddenly the Boazanians led by Heinell broke into the secret lab. The duo managed to escape, made "Ultra Magucon" device and implanted it in Volt Crewzer.

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El triunfo del amor humano

27 de agosto de 197724m

Zuuru used voice machine to immitate Dr. Gou's voice and deceived Kenichi. When Kenichi was about to be kidnapped using tractor beam, Dr. Hamaguchi knocked him to the ground so it was Dr. Hamaguchi what was hit by tractor beam and held hostage in Sky Rook. Voltes cannot do much as their attack could mean Hamaguchi's death. Dr. Hamaguchi then managed to escape, but he got shot and crashed his airplane into the beast fighter.

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La trampa de la isla de esclavos

3 de septiembre de 197724m

Voltes rescued an airplane piloted by a man which turned out to be a runaway slave. But after the man was brought to Big Falcon and treated, he sneaked into Voltes hangar and sabotaged Tenku-ken, he betrayed Voltes because he was promised by Heinell if he did so, his daughter will be given to him. Heinell lied and Voltes had to face the enemy with the mighty sword, Tenku-ken, nailed to his chest.

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Equipo 1

Dirigido Por: Tadao Nagahama

Escrito por: No se ha añadido ningún guionista.

Estrellas invitadas 0 Reparto y equipo completo

No se han añadido estrellas invitadas.

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El regalo del Emperador

10 de septiembre de 197724m

Emperor Zanbajir sent Dr. Gou to Heinell. Dr. Gou then went to Big Falcon and persuaded his sons to go with him to Boazan. The trio thought that her father must have been brainwashed, so they took him to be treated in Big Falcon. Soon, Dr. Gou ran amok and tried to take over Big Falcon. Kenichi and Commander Oka tried to overpower him. It turned out that this Dr. Gou was just a robot. Not only the trio Gou brothers were deceived but also Heinell.

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La destrucción de Gran Halcón

17 de septiembre de 197724m

We don't have an overview translated to English (English) for episode 16.

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La urgente necesidad de un rígido entrenamiento

24 de septiembre de 197724m

Voltes team trained for spinning technique. Dr. Sakunji was hard to the team, especially Hiyoshi. The team couldn't accept Dr. Sakunji's hard attitude and wanted to leave Big Falcon. Suddenly, the beast fighter Zaizarusu attacked and it slammed into Voltes formation so Voltes cannot volt-in. They used spinning technique taught by Dr. Sakunji with Volt Crewzer switched on its Crew Cutter. They managed to cut Zaizarusu's wings thus the Volt-in could proceed.

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Padre... La tierra está cerca

1 de octubre de 197724m

Dr. Gou and some slaves managed to escape to earth but they were attacked by Zuuru and Gou was held in Sky Rook. Zuuru used him as hostage but Voltes team didn't believe he was the real Dr. Gou as they had been tricked many times and thought he was just another dummy robot (see episode #15). Things got complicated when Kenichi spotted tears in the suspectedly Dr. Gou dummy robot just before he was going to slash Sky Rook with Tenku-ken. What robot can shed tears?

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Rescate del Dr. Armstrong

8 de octubre de 197724m

Zuuru held Gou in an island and tortured him to pry secrets of Voltes. Daijirou found a huge cave in the island and decided to investigate. He got caught and was thrown into a jail and met his father. When they tried to escape, Gou got caught again by Zuuru, but he managed to throw a piece of cloth with numbers written in blood to Daijirou.

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La carta misteriosa escrita en sangre

15 de octubre de 197724m

Voltes team tried to figure out what the numbers written on the cloth mean. The figure turned out to be a pulsating wave frequency. Dr. Gou transmitted this wave by using a mini transmitter and by tracking the wave, Voltes can trace his whereabouts. Meanwhile Zuuru created Zoru Geru, an amoeba-like robot that can heal itself or even change form. When he failed to defeat Voltes, Zuuru was tortured by Heinell as punishment.

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El malvado plan de Zuhl

22 de octubre de 197724m

Dr. Gou was rescued by Voltes team after they infiltrated Zuuru's undersea base and then brought to Big Falcon, but Gou was suspicious. Soon he realized that all the Big Falcon, Voltes team, and even Sakunji were just fake dummies planned by Zuuru to get Voltes secret from him.

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La muerte del consejero boazano, Zuhl

29 de octubre de 197724m

Zuuru tried to kill Heinell as he was sleeping but he failed and got caught. He was given one chance to save his life by pretending to runaway from Heinell and seeking refuge to Big Falcon and finally leading Voltes V into a trap. He succeeded in gaining Voltes team's trust and brought Voltes team into the planned trap and he tried once more to kill Heinell again. He failed and was shot to death.

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Voltus V aprende una lección de un cachorrito

5 de noviembre de 197724m

Kazarin killed a mother dog when testing her soon-to-be-beast-fighter wolf, Garus. The puppy who lost his mother was then kept by Daijirou. Kenichi didn't like his brother keeping a pet dog. When Voltes was fighting Garus, the puppy recognized the beast fighter as the former wolf who killed his mother.

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Un nuevo enemigo, el General Ozlack del planeta Boazan

12 de noviembre de 197724m

General Bergan came from Planet Boazan along with some meteorites which contains Maxingal metal. The metal was so hard, the Tenkuu-ken wouldn't cut through it. Kazarin and Jangal were irritated with Bergan's attitude as Bergan boasted his superiority of making better beast fighter and being a special assistant to Prince Heinell. Surely Voltes cannot defeat Maxingal-plated robot Okozenia because the sword Tenkuu-ken cannot cut the robot but suddenly a mechanical red eagle came to the rescue.

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El monstruoso cañón ultra electromagnético

19 de noviembre de 197724m

After collecting some Maxingal fragments from the destroyed beast fighter and doing some tests, Dr. Sakunji found out that super electromagnetic beam can weaken Maxingal strength. To get enough electromagnetic power, Voltes had to gather it from thunder that strikes Voltes' sword, Tenkuu-ken, then Voltes have to throw the energy to the enemy to weaken the Maxingal metal. This way of attack is called "Choudenji Ball" (Super Electromagnetic Ball). The problem arose as Voltes energy became overloaded as the thunders stroke. Once again, the red mechanical eagle came to the rescue, and it dropped a tube containing Voltes mechanical scheme.

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Voltus con la misteriosa águila mecánica

26 de noviembre de 197724m

Voltes V underwent a heavy repair according to the mechanical scheme dropped by the mysterious red mechanical eagle. When it tried to fire Choudenji Ball, it turned out that the energy of Voltes V was drained to zero because the energy control of Voltes V failed. Once again, the mechanical eagle came to the rescue. To solve the energy draining problem, the mechanical eagle combined with Voltes by "Panel Seven" mechanism and implanted an energy control device in Voltes' back. Now Voltes can use Choudenji Ball at its disposal.

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El secreto del águila mecánica

3 de diciembre de 197724m

The mysterious red mechanical eagle was piloted by General Dange who, together with Dr. GOU Kentarou, ran the secet rebel base in Alpine mountains. When a mother and a baby in their base needed to be medically taken care of, he flew them to Big Falcon but unfortunately the enemy spotted them on their way.

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El misterio del pasado de Armstrong

10 de diciembre de 197724m

The injured General Dange told stories about Dr. GOU Kentarou's past when he lived in Planet Boazan. Gou was known as La Gour in Boazan and he was the son of Emperor's brother. Unfortunately, La Gour was born hornless so his parents put fake horns on his head so he could live as an aristocrat. La Gour then married a girl named Rosalia. When the Emperor died, he has no son to replace him so La Gour was chosen to be Emperor. But his cousin, Zanbajir, wanted to be Emperor and exposed La Gour's being hornless to the public. La Gour was then thrown into prison and had to worked as slave. He then managed to escape to Earth, and married Dr. Mitsuyo. From her, he got 3 sons. Kenichi and his brother were shocked to learn that they were half Boazanians. General Dange died after he had said all of this.

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La tragedia del luchador boazano

17 de diciembre de 197724m

A Boazanian fighter Giron was ordered by Prince Heinell to catch the traitor, General Dange. Dange was actually an aristocrat but he cut his own horns and willfully become slave. Giron then took Volt Frigate as a hostage and demanded Dange to be handed over. After he learnt that Dange was dead, he attacked Voltes but was beaten. Kenichi didn't want to kill him because he saw Giron as a fellow Boazanian. Heinell was furious and ordered beast fighter Daruda to kill Giron and Voltes V.

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El sacrificio de Zandra

24 de diciembre de 197724m

Prince Heinell conducted a Boazanian ritual of drinking a golden eagle's blood and taking an oath to fight until death. Kazarin wanted to protect Prince Heinell by taking initiative to trap and kill Kenichi first. She wrote a letter saying she knew where Dr. Gou was and asked to meet him. Kazarin disguised as a nun named Jane and meet Kenichi at a church full of booby traps. She failed to kill Kenichi and later Prince Heinell came to save Kazarin and had a duel with Kenichi.

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La estrella caída del comandante Robinson

31 de diciembre de 197724m

Jangal sent a robot that can transform itself to become a ring that can control the mind of whoever wears it to Big Falcon. Megumi found and wore the ring and soon the ring took over her mind and ordered her to kill her own father, General Oka. At the last moment, General Oka could snap Megumi out of the ring's power and sent her away to safety, right before the beast fighter hit his helicopter and blew it into pieces.

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Draco capturado

7 de enero de 197824m

Jangal did a test on his robot in Popolonesia islands but unfortunately for him, his activities were sighted and reported to the Voltes team. Voltes attacked the robot and Jangal's flying saucer and made it crashed on an island. Jangal escaped into the jungle and the Voltes team were after him. Ippei wanted to kill him but Kenichi wouldn't let him. Kenichi said that he had Boazanian blood too, so Jangal was his fellow man.

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El plan de Draco

14 de enero de 197824m

Jangal's mind was occupied with Kenichi's saying that he's Boazanian too. To test Kenichi's claim, Jangal made a robot that could spray Voltes team with Boazanian germ that can cause sickness to non-Boazanian beings. Boazanians would build natural immunity against the germ. So if Kenichi's claim is true, he and his brothers would not be affected by the Boazanian germ for too long, as their bodies would start producing antibody against it.

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Semillas mortales de odio

28 de enero de 197824m

A sentiment of anti-Boazanian caused a crisis in Big Falcon after the Boazanians attacked a city and captured some of its people to be made slaves. Nakamura, a staff in Big Falcon whose parents were included in those who were captured got drunk and ran amok. He then was dismissed by Fr. Sakunji. This triggered a dilemma between enforcing discipline and sympathizing with Nakamura's tragedy. Hatred against the Boazanians was tense. This issue was getting worse as the matter of the trio Gou brothers being half Boazanian was known among the staff.

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El último deseo de un padre

4 de febrero de 197824m

Bernard, the husband of Nina, the woman who was brought together with her baby to Big Falcon by General Dange (episode #27), decided to visit his family in Big Falcon as well as testing a space ship made by Dr. Gou Kentarou. Unfortunately he was sighted by the Boazanians who were looking for the rebel's secret base.

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Traidor dentro

18 de febrero de 197824m

General Gururu came to Earth from Boazan to evaluate Prince Heinell's efforts in conquering the Earth. Meanwhile, the rebel slave's base in Alpine mountains was discovered and attacked. Dr. GOU Kentarou was kidnapped by Gururu right in front of Voltes V's nose. As Voltes chased Gururu, he led Voltes into Heinell's underground lair.

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La última batalla por el planeta tierra

25 de febrero de 197824m

Voltes attacked Heinell's fortress. General Bergan betrayed Heinell and went to Gururu's side. Jangal defended the Underground Castle alone and committed suicide when he was cornered to surrender. Bergan planted a huge Magmait bomb to destroy the Earth. Heinell was forced to escape to Boazan by Kazarin.

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Siguiente batalla... Boazan

11 de marzo de 197824m

General Doir piloted Solar Bird to save the Earth from Magmait bomb. The secret of Big Falcon was then revealed. Solar Bird docked with Big Falcon to become the flying fortress Solar Falcon. Journey to Planet Boazan began, but surely it was not going to be a smooth journey.

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La guerra de dos mundos

18 de marzo de 197824m

Voltes arrived in Boazan after successfully escaping Sodom and Gomorrah and the double-ring storm. Rebel slaves began the revolution causing civil war in Boazan. A fight with Zantan Commando Ships sealed the fate of General Bergan and Gururu. Meanwhile Prince Heinell was recovered from his sleep after he was shot by Kazarin with tranquilizer. He insisted to fight Voltes until the end.

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Final de temporada
25 de marzo de 197824m

An attemp to murder Prince Heinell was disrupted by Kazarin, but she was shot and died in Heinell's arms. The trio Gou brothers finally met their father. The Boazanian legend said that The Protector God of Boazan, Godor, will defend Boazan if there's a Boazanian that loves Boazan so much that he is willing to sacrifice himself by jumping into the flame on the right hand of the statue of Godor. The desperate Prince Heinell then was moved to sacrifice himself into Godor's flame but it turned out that Godor statue was actually a robot. Fight between Voltes and Godor was unavoidable. Duel between Kenichi and Heinell soon followed. There, the secret of Heinell's origin was revealed by a dagger. Dr. Gou realized Heinell was his son from Rosalia, wis wife. Emperor Zu Zanbajir went mad and was killed by Heinell. An explosion separated Heinell from his long lost family. The battle was over and Voltes flew back to Earth.

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