Michael Schur — Uitvoerende vervaardiger

Episodes 110

Make My Pit a Park

9 April 200922m

Leslie tar sig an ett till synes enkelt projekt: att hjälpa sjuksköterskan Ann förvandla en övergiven byggarbetsplats till en park. Leslie både hjälps och stjälps av sin kollega Tom, som utnyttjar sitt politiska uppdrag för privat vinning.

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16 April 200922m

Leslie och hennes kommitté knackar dörr för att hitta stöd för parkprojektet och rekrytera medlemmar till ett möte i rådhuset, men uppdraget går inte så smidigt som Leslie hade hoppats. Tom avviker från gruppen och använder tvivelaktig rekryteringstaktik.

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The Reporter

23 April 200922m

När Leslie bjuder in en reporter för att skriva om sitt parkprojekt får hon och kommittén svårt att hålla sig till budskapet. Leslie kallar in Mark för att rädda reportaget, men han gör det bara värre. Tom fjäskar för sin chef.

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Boys' Club

30 April 200922m

Leslie försöker nästla sig in i politikens pojkklubb genom att gå till en opretentiös sammankomst, men hon ställs snabbt inför ett etiskt dilemma. Andy har en hemlig plan för att överraska Ann.

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The Banquet

7 Mei 200922m

Leslie går på en bankett till sin mammas ära och upptäcker vad som krävs för att få det man vill i politiken. Tom och Mark sticker från banketten och går till en bar för att ragga upp några kvinnor.

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Rock Show

Season Finale
14 Mei 200927m

Leslie går på ett viktigt möte med en lokalhöjdare medan hennes kommitté-medlemmar går på Andys första konsert sedan han bröt benen.

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Pawnee Zoo

17 September 200922m

När Leslie beslutar att gifta två pingviner med varandra för att marknadsföra djurparken orsakar hon rabalder när det visar sig att båda pingvinerna är hanar. Mark försätter Ann i en knepig situation när han bjuder henne på bio.

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The Stakeout

24 September 200922m

Leslie och Tom jobbar på den nya stadsträdgården och upptäcker att någon har planterat marijuana bland grönsakerna. I ett försök att haffa den skyldiga bevakar de platsen hela natten. Med Leslies tillåtelse går Ann på dejt med Mark.

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Beauty Pageant

1 Oktober 200922m

Leslie ingår i den panel som ska utse årets fröken Pawnee. Problemet är att hon och de andra i juryn inte har samma tankar om hur idealkvinnan ska se ut, vilket bäddar för inre stridigheter. Och medan Ann är på dejt med Mark får hon reda på en märklig sak om Andy.

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The Practice Date

8 Oktober 200922m

Leslie ska på sin första dejt med Dave. Men eftersom hon är extremt nervös ordnar Ann en testdejt. Tom, Ron, April och Mark ingår en pakt där de ska se vem av dem som lyckas gräva upp mest hemligheter om de andra.

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Sister City

15 Oktober 200922m

Som alla städer av dignitet har Pawnee en systerstad: Boraqua i Venezuela. Och när nu parkförvaltningen från Boraqua kommer på besök ska så klart Leslie ta emot. Men kulturskillnaderna är mycket större än hon kunnat föreställa sig.

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22 Oktober 200922m

Leslie, Ann och de andra på parkförvaltningen i Pawnee erbjuder sig att hjälpa till när organisationen KaBOOM ska anlägga en lekpark i grannstaden. Efter att man lyckats bygga en hel lekplats på bara en dag blir Leslie frustrerad över den egna stadens brist på effektivitet.

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Greg Pikitis

29 Oktober 200922m

Det är dags för den stora Halloweenhelgen i Pawnee. Ann kämpar för att hennes party ska bli lyckat och får oväntad hjälp. Samtidigt jagar Leslie, med hjälp av Dave och Andy, förtvivlat efter en yngling som vandaliserar staden.

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Ron and Tammy

5 November 200922m

Leslie är mycket upprörd. Biblioteksavdelningen vill ta över hennes plats. Och än värre, biblioteket styrs med järnhand av Tammy, Rons ex-fru. Och Tammy har fortfarande ett starkt, känslomässigt övertag på sin gamle make.

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The Camel

12 November 200922m

Efter att en av Pawnees väggmålningar förstörts försöker Leslie och parkförvaltningen få fram ett nytt konstverk åt staden. Samtidigt delar April och Andy ett klart besvärande ögonblick hos skoputsaren.

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Hunting Trip

19 November 200922m

Leslie befinner sig fortfarande bortom den stora makten i Pawnee. Därför bestämmer hon sig för att göra ytterligare ett försök att hänga med hanarna genom att bjuda in sig själv till Rons årliga jaktlag. Självklart går det inte som hon planerat.

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Tom's Divorce

3 Desember 200922m

Leslie får reda på att Toms äktenskap ska avslutas och som tröst låter hon parkförvaltningen bjuda ut honom på stan. Men kanske är det inte det han behöver. Samtidigt försöker Andy blåsa Mark vid biljardbordet. Och hur är det med April och Andy?

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Christmas Scandal

10 Desember 200922m

Jul, jul - glitter och ljus. Leslie skapar Pawnees Winter Wonderland Festival, men måste fly media då hon hamnar mitt i en sexskandal. Ron erbjuder sig att täcka upp för henne denna dag och inser snart hur mycket hon faktiskt arbetar.

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The Set Up

14 Januarie 201028m

Ann tvingar ut Leslie på blind-dejt med en medarbetare, en händelse Leslie gärna glömmer. En av Anns gamla vänner, Justin, gör Mark osäker.

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Leslie's House

21 Januarie 201022m

Leslies blind-dejt med medarbetaren blev inte överdrivet lyckad, men med Justin i Indianapolis gick det mycket bättre och nu vill hon imponera. Varför inte satsa på en lyxig och mysig middagsbjudning hemma hos henne?

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4 Februarie 201022m

Parkförvaltningen ingår ett avtal med ett lokalt företag för att sälja energikakor i parken i Pawnee. Men Leslie upptäcker att godiset inte alls är nyttigt, snarare tvärtom, och försöker stoppa uppgörelsen. Mark hjälper motvilligt Tom att flytta.

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Galentine's Day

11 Februarie 201022m

När Leslie lyssnar på sin mors berättelse om förlorad kärlek bestämmer hon sig för att agera. Med nya pojkvännen Justins hjälp spårar hon upp mammans gamla flamma för en återförening på alla hjärtas dag.

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Woman of the Year

4 Maart 201022m

Årets kvinna - det borde självklart vara Leslie. Men icke. I själva verket är det Ron som vinner Woman of the Year Award, och det för ett projekt Leslie startat... Tom söker förtvivlat efter pengar för att starta en egen klubb.

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The Possum

11 Maart 201022m

Golfbanan. Borgmästaren och hans hund. Och en gigantisk råtta. När hunden blir biten är katastrofen ett faktum och Leslie kallas in för att sätta ihop en grupp och jaga monstret. I en annan del av Pawnee försöker Ron övertala Mark till lite mygel.

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Park Safety

18 Maart 201022m

När kollegan Jerry blir rånad av ett gäng ungar i parken stämmer Leslie möte med parkvakten för att stärka säkerheten. Samtidigt går alla på parkförvaltningen hårt in för att vara snälla mot stackars Jerry.

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Summer Catalog

25 Maart 201022m

Sommaren närmar sig och parken ska leva. Leslie försöker få ihop katalogen för alla sommaraktiviteter och bjuder in Ron och tidigare chefer för förvaltningen på en picknick i det fria. Tom vill att Ann och Mark ska posera för katalogens omslag.

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94 Meetings

29 April 201022m

För Ron blir dagen en mardröm. Han blir vansinnig då April av misstag planerar in en massa möten, vilket tvingar honom att för en gångs skull göra sitt jobb. Leslie lägger sin kraft på att rädda en historisk plats.

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6 Mei 201022m

Leslie får i uppdrag att vara värdinna för en lokal insamling för välgörande ändamål och ta hand om hedersgästen. Men hedersgästen går på nattklubb med Tom. Samtidigt planerar Mark stora saker som har med hans relation med Ann att göra.

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The Master Plan

13 Mei 201030m

Leslie får statsbesök vilket leder till att hennes planer för stadsparken läggs på is. April ska ha 21-årsfest och planerar något med Andy. Ann i sin tur planerar ett romantiskt mysterium.

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Freddy Spaghetti

Season Finale
20 Mei 201026m

De två statliga inspektörerna Chris och Ben är kvar. Parken har stängts och Leslie hindras från att hålla en konsert för barn. Mark kommer till stora insikter och Andy får oväntad, romantisk behandling.

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Go Big or Go Home

20 Januarie 201122m

Leslie and the Parks Department return to work after three months to discover that the budget crisis still looms. After unsuccessfully trying to have their budget restored by using Ann to charm Chris with a date, Leslie decides to make an all or nothing play by resurrecting the Pawnee Harvest Festival. Meanwhile, Ben restarts the youth basketball league and instates Ron and Andy to coach the only two teams. April returns from a vacation with a new boyfriend.

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Flu Season

27 Januarie 201122m

While planning for the local Harvest Festival, Leslie is struck with the flu and is forced to go to the hospital. Ron and Andy have a day of male bonding, and Tom hits the spa.

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Time Capsule

3 Februarie 201122m

Leslie wants to bury a time capsule that encapsulates life in Pawnee, but an odd suggestion from a local man causes unforeseen consequences. Andy seeks help from Chris about how to win back April.

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Ron & Tammy: Part Two

10 Februarie 201122m

Tom tries to get back at Ron by going out on a date with Ron's ex-wife Tammy, while Leslie tries to protect Ron from falling prey to her charms. Meanwhile, April is assigned to work with Chris.

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Media Blitz

17 Februarie 201122m

While advertising for the Harvest Festival, Ben has to deal with some troubling questions about his past. Meanwhile, Andy continues to try to win April back.

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24 Februarie 201122m

Ron and Leslie take a road trip to the big city in order to visit Ron's favorite place which happens to be a steakhouse, but Leslie has alternative motives for the trip.

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Harvest Festival

17 Maart 201122m

It's make it or break it for the Parks Department at the Harvest Festival which is full of surprises.

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24 Maart 201122m

Leslie takes the whole department camping in order to brainstorm new ideas. Meanwhile, Andy attempts a romantic gesture for April, while Ann gets nervous when Chris returns to Pawnee as the new city manager.

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Andy and April's Fancy Party

14 April 201122m

April and Andy host a dinner party for the Parks Department. Meanwhile, Ann tries to move on from Chris at a singles' party.

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21 April 201122m

Leslie tries an online dating service, but doesn't end up with a stranger as she expects. Also, Chris challenges Ron to a grilling competition as part of his plans to make Pawnee healthier.

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Jerry's Painting

28 April 201127m

Jerry’s contribution to Leslie’s community art show causes a stir. Ben moves in with April and Andy and attempts to teach them how to be adults. Meanwhile, Leslie is frustrated by Chris and his interoffice dating rules.

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5 Mei 201122m

Leslie's ex-best friend, Lindsay Carlisle Shay, launches an attack on Pawnee, banning residents from visiting a nearby park in the neighboring city of Eagleton with a large fence, causing Leslie to go to war with Eagleton. Meanwhile, everyone finds out that it is Ron's birthday, a fact that he went to extreme lengths to conceal.

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The Fight

12 Mei 201122m

When Leslie tries to get Ann a job at city hall, her lukewarm reaction causes their first-ever fight. Tom invites the entire department to the Snakehole Lounge to help him promote his new alcohol, "Snake Juice."

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Road Trip

12 Mei 201122m

When Chris sends Leslie and Ben on a trip to Indianapolis, Leslie is afraid she won't be able to deny her feelings for him. Ron teaches a young student about his views on government. Meanwhile, Andy gets his feelings hurt by April after playing Tom's new game.

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The Bubble

19 Mei 201122m

Everyone in the office is unhappy when Chris decides to make some big changes in the parks department -- especially Tom who starts to question his career choices. Leslie is caught off guard when Ben has a meeting with her mom.

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Li'l Sebastian

Season Finale
19 Mei 201123m

Leslie and the parks team put together a memorial service for a dearly departed friend. Meanwhile, Tom makes a big life decision, while Chris reacts badly to a health problem.

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I'm Leslie Knope

22 September 201122m

Leslie is torn between Ben and her dreams of running for public office, while Ron braces himself for the arrival of his first wife, the original Tammy.

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Ron and Tammys

29 September 201122m

Ron's first ex-wife, Tammy One, reenters his life and tries to control his every move. Meanwhile, Ben helps Tom balance the books at his new company, and Ann makes a PSA, with help from Chris.

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Born and Raised

6 Oktober 201122m

Leslie's book about Pawnee comes out just in time for her campaign. Ann tries to bond with Ron and April.

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Pawnee Rangers

13 Oktober 201122m

Ron takes his boys-only troop of Pawnee Rangers into the wild. Not wanting the girls to feel left out, Leslie also takes her troop of Pawnee Goddesses on an adventure weekend. Meanwhile, a reluctant Ben joins Tom and Donna for a day of relaxation, and Chris spends some time with Jerry.

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Meet 'n' Greet

27 Oktober 201122m

Andy and April host a Halloween bash at their house. Tom emcees an event for Leslie's campaign. Andy and April receive an unusual wedding present from Ron and Ann.

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End of the World

3 November 201122m

A local Pawnee group predicts the end of days, causing chaos in the Parks department.

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April & Andy's Road Trip: Spider

4 November 20113m

See April's intense—and hilarious—bout of arachnophobia.

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April & Andy's Road Trip: Four Corners

4 November 20113m

Watch Andy show April the magical point where four states connect.

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April & Andy's Road Trip: Calling Leslie

4 November 20112m

Hear Leslie's hilarious travel tips for April and Andy.

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April & Andy's Road Trip: Building A Home

4 November 20112m

Watch lovebirds April and Andy discuss the pros and cons of building a house right next to the Grand Canyon.

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Behind the Road Trip

4 November 201122m

Watch Chris Pratt give you the inside scoop on the NBC.com exclusive web series, "Road Trip."

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The Treaty

10 November 201122m

Leslie enlists the help of Ben, Andy and April to host a Model U.N. for Pawnee Central High School. Chris asks Ann for her advice on love when a date cancels on him. Meanwhile, Ron struggles to find a replacement for Tom.

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Smallest Park

17 November 201122m

Leslie uses her new tourist attraction as a way to spend more time with Ben. Meanwhile, Ron and April encourage Andy to go to college, and Chris tasks Tom and Jerry with revamping the Parks and Rec logo.

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The Trial of Leslie Knope

1 Desember 201122m

Leslie has to face an ethics committee about her secret relationship with Ben after they come clean to Chris.

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Citizen Knope

8 Desember 201122m

Unable to get work done from inside the Parks Department, Leslie forms a citizen action group and fights from the outside. Meanwhile, everyone in the office brainstorms ideas for what to get Leslie for Christmas.

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The Comeback Kid

12 Januarie 201222m

Leslie enlists everyone's help in staging an attention-getting event. Ben takes up a new hobby, while April and Andy adopt a pet.

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Campaign Ad

19 Januarie 201222m

Faced with a tough new opponent, Leslie and Ben disagree on the content of her first campaign ad. Ron is very uncomfortable when Chris tries to befriend him, while Andy and April make a trip to the doctor.

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Bowling for Votes

26 Januarie 201222m

Leslie and Ben host a bowling night after receiving feedback about Leslie's campaign. April, Chris, and Jerry hold a competition to see who can raise the most funds.

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Operation Ann

2 Februarie 201222m

Leslie works to find Ann a Valentine's date. Ron helps Ben with a scavenger hunt, and Chris becomes depressed over his love life.

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Dave Returns

16 Februarie 201222m

While trying to get an endorsement from the Chief of Police, Leslie and Ben awkwardly run into Leslie's old flame, Dave. Meanwhile, Andy and the rest of the office work on a theme song for Leslie's campaign.

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Sweet Sixteen

23 Februarie 201222m

Leslie realizes that the department has forgotten Jerry's birthday and decides to throw a party for him at a special location. Meanwhile, Tom is flabbergasted when he finds out Ann doesn't share his taste in music.

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Campaign Shake-Up

1 Maart 201222m

Leslie and Ben are caught off guard when her opponent Bobby Newport hires a powerful campaign manager from Washington. Chris forces Ron to start interviewing replacements for Leslie when work starts falling through the cracks, and an unlikely officemate solves a challenging problem.

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8 Maart 201222m

Leslie and Ben are thrilled when Buddy Wood wants to interview Leslie for his Indianapolis talkshow. April and Ron prep Andy for his final exam in his Women’s Studies course.

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Live Ammo

19 April 201222m

Leslie discovers that the Parks Department budget is about to be cut, and she later meets the City Council member she is running to replace. Chris and Ron visit a meditation center.

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The Debate

26 April 201222m

Leslie goes toe-to-toe with Bobby Newport in a debate. Ann, Tom, and Chris work in the media spin room, while Ron goes the extra mile to save a party for Leslie's donors.

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Bus Tour

3 Mei 201222m

An important person in Pawnee dies while Leslie is on a bus tour for the final day of her campaign. Meanwhile Andy investigates a security threat, and Chris finds a cure for his depression.

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Win, Lose, or Draw

Season Finale
10 Mei 201222m

It's election day in Pawnee, and Leslie and Bobby Newport are separated by a razor-thin margin. While everyone waits with Leslie for the race to be called, they ponder their futures, and their new opportunities.

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Ms. Knope Goes to Washington

20 September 201222m

Leslie and Andy visit Ben and April at their new jobs in Washington D.C., and Leslie feels overwhelmed by the city -- especially after meeting two of her idols. Meanwhile, Ron throws a "thank you" barbeque for the entire Parks and Recreation staff.

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Soda Tax

27 September 201222m

Leslie decides to wage war on obesity in Pawnee in her first mission as city councilor by passing a city-wide soda tax. Meanwhile, Andy tries to get in shape for his police-entrance exam, and Ben struggles to connect with the interns in his office.

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How a Bill Becomes a Law

4 Oktober 201222m

Leslie helps a local swim team get more practice time by working on a new law that extends the hours at the community pool; Ron finds himself filling a pothole for a local woman (Lucy Lawless) as part of Chris' new plan to solve citizens' problems around the city; April and Ben take a road trip to Pawnee.

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Sex Education

18 Oktober 201222m

An STD outbreak amongst Pawnee seniors prompts Leslie to conduct a sex education class. Meanwhile, Ron helps Tom adjust to life without technology after his gadgets are taken away, and Ben and April meet Congressman Murray for the first time.

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Halloween Surprise

25 Oktober 201222m

A new job offer for Ben causes Leslie to contemplates their future. Meanwhile, Ron and Andy take Diane's girls out trick-or-treating, and Tom searches for a new business idea.

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Ben's Parents

8 November 201222m

Leslie is nervous about meeting Ben's divorced parents. Tom prepares to pitch his new business to Ron with Jean-Ralphio's help. Chris rides an emotional rollercoaster.

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Leslie vs. April

15 November 201222m

Leslie gets upset when April tries to get Lot 48 made into a dog park. Meanwhile, Tom enlists Ben’s help as he tries to launch his new business venture, and Andy hones his crime scene investigation skills.

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Pawnee Commons

29 November 201222m

Leslie and Ben meet with an architect from their rival town, Eagleton, about designs for a new park.

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Ron and Diane

6 Desember 201222m

Ron, Diane, and Leslie attend a wood working awards dinner after one of Ron's handcrafted chairs is nominated, but the happy occasion is threatened by the arrival of Tammy II. Meanwhile, Jerry hosts a holiday party at his home with his wife, and some of his friends are shocked to find they were not invited.

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Two Parties

17 Januarie 201322m

Ben and Leslie's rival bachelor and bachelorette parties each take on a very different tune.

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Women in Garbage

24 Januarie 201322m

Leslie and April handle a garbage route, while Tom asks Andy and Ben to teach him about basketball. Meanwhile, Ron is left to watch Diane's kids while their babysitter is out of town.

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Ann's Decision

7 Februarie 201322m

Ann tries to get to know herself as Leslie meddles in one of her biggest life decisions. Meanwhile, things go south when Ben enlists the guys to help choose a caterer for the wedding.

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Emergency Response

14 Februarie 201322m

Leslie and Ben organize a black tie gala to raise money for their park, but their plans are derailed when a city-wide emergency response drill is called. Meanwhile, Andy prepares to take his Police Academy Exam and Ron fills in for Leslie on Pawnee Today.

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Leslie and Ben

21 Februarie 201322m

Leslie and Ben are getting married, and have to cram months of planning into two hours. Meanwhile, Ron's temper gets him in trouble.

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Correspondents' Lunch

21 Februarie 201322m

Leslie's speech she prepared for a special event is stolen. Ben begins his new job at the Sweetums Charity Foundation. Ann summons the courage to ask an important question.

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14 Maart 201322m

Leslie is determined to help a local video store stay in business, while Chris offers Tom advice on how to deal with a difficult employee. Elsewhere, Ann resorts to blackmail to get April to be her friend.

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4 April 201322m

Leslie accompanies Ben on a trip to his hometown which has offered him a key to the city. Ron deals with a lawsuit filed against him by Councilman Jamm. Ann and Chris take a parenting compatibility quiz.

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Animal Control

11 April 201322m

Leslie decides to give the Animal Control Department a much-needed makeover. Ann tries to get Ron the medical attention he needs. Ben, Tom, and Andy recruit donors for their charity foundation.

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Article Two

18 April 201322m

Leslie works to get rid of outdated laws from the original town charter. April and Ron receive management training from Chris. Ben finds himself in a bidding war against Ann to win a present for Leslie.

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Jerry's Retirement

18 April 201322m

When Leslie finds out Jerry is retiring, she struggles with the proper way to commemorate the occasion. Chris and Ann prepare to have a baby together. Tom worries he will become the office punching bag once Jerry leaves.

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Swing Vote

25 April 201322m

Leslie deems Ron's budget-cut proposals unacceptable. Andy and Ben celebrate a big donation made to their charity. Ann tries to solve Tom's girlfriend troubles.

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Are You Better Off?

Season Finale
2 Mei 201322m

Leslie celebrates her first year as a city councilwoman. Retired Special Agent Burt Macklin is recalled to action. April gets some life-changing news. Tom debates a big business opportunity.

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Parks and Recreation in Europe: Tourists

24 September 20132m

During a trip to London, Leslie and the gang take some time out of their busy schedules to take in the sites.

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Parks and Recreation in Europe: Ron's Journey

25 September 20132m

Leslie gives Ron a treasure hunt for his wedding present, which leads him to the greatest gift of all.

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Leslie sends Ron on a scavenger hunt across the U.K., leading him to his own personal heaven: his favorite whiskey distillery.

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After finding his favorite whiskey distillery in Scotland, Ron decides to buy the nearest house to heaven.

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During his trip to London, Andy Dwyer visits the legendary Stonehenge.

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26 September 201344m

Leslie wins an award from an international Women in Government organization, and travels to London with Ben, Andy, April and Ron to accept it.

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The Pawnee-Eagleton Tip-Off Classic

3 Oktober 201322m

Ben, Leslie and Chris meet with Eagleton city councilor Ingrid de Forest to discuss financial matters; Ann brings April to vet school orientation; Ron tries to get off the grid.

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10 Oktober 201322m

Leslie pairs up the Pawnee Parks employees with their Eagleton counterparts. Meanwhile Ben and Chris reunite for an accounting project, and Ann reveals her plans for the future.

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Gin It Up!

17 Oktober 201322m

Leslie tries to calm a minor scandal that gets blown out of proportion. Tom tries to impress a new love interest, while Ben convinces Ron to prepare a will.

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14 November 201322m

Leslie throws Ben a birthday bash but is forced to leave early for an emergency late-night filibuster. Tom tries to make some memories with his new girlfriend, Ron and Donna go hunting. April reconnects with Andy.

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Recall Vote

14 November 201322m

Leslie prepares a haunted house with Ben, Ann and Chris for Halloween on the day of the recall vote. Meanwhile, Tom fears the end of Rent-A-Swag and persuades Ron to help save his business.

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21 November 201322m

Leslie tries to complete some of her biggest city council goals, like hosting an NFL Play 60 event with the Indianapolis Colts, and trying to add fluoride to Pawnee’s drinking water. Meanwhile, Chris and Ron attempt to bond while building cribs for their future children.

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The Cones of Dunshire

21 November 201322m

Leslie faces off with Councilman Jamm; Ben gets a new hobby; Tom, April and Donna help Ron sell his cabin.

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Second Chunce

9 Januarie 201422m

Leslie comes to terms with her last day in office and plans for the future with Ben. Chris and Ann find out the sex of their child, Andy comes home from London, and Tom looks to the future.

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New Beginnings

16 Januarie 201422m

Leslie and Ben both face new challenges on the first day of new jobs. Donna, April and Andy play a prank on Ben, while Tom prepares for a big presentation. Meanwhile Ann and Chris contemplate taking a big leap together.

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Farmers Market

23 Januarie 201422m

Leslie fights with Ben over questionable sales techniques at the local farmers market. Ann searches for a way to vent about the annoying aspects of pregnancy, while April supports Andy in a new creative venture.

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Ann and Chris

30 Januarie 201422m

On Ann and Chris's last night in Pawnee, Leslie throws a grand farewell party and attempts to fulfill one last promise. Meanwhile, Tom, Ben, Ron and Andy struggle to find the perfect going away gift for Chris.

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27 Februarie 201422m

Ben attempts to surprise Leslie with a special anniversary gift. Tom and Adam try to help Leslie bring positive light to the Pawnee-Eagleton merger, while April asserts her new authority as Donna’s boss.

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The Wall

6 Maart 201422m

Leslie's efforts to take down the wall separating Eagleton and Pawnee yield unexpected results; Ben and Tom meet with possible sponsors for the concert; Ron finds a new hobby.

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New Slogan

13 Maart 201422m

Leslie aims to create a new town slogan, but runs afoul of local shock jocks. Andy scouts bands to play the Unity Concert and discovers an interesting secret about Ron, while Tom looks for a restaurant locale with Donna and April.

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Galentine's Day

20 Maart 201422m

Leslie throws a hasty Galentine’s Day in an attempt to find a replacement for Ann. Tom and Ben look to finalize a deal on tents for the Unity Concert, while Ron finds himself looking after Andy.

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3 April 201422m

Leslie helps organize the high school's Senior Prom, and battles with Ron over the future employment of a bright high school senior. Andy takes an unwilling April as his date, and Tom is tasked with DJ'ing and agrees to let Ben help.

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Flu Season 2

10 April 201422m

In the midst of flu season, a sick Leslie and Andy struggle to book performers for the Unity Concert. Meanwhile, Tom heads to a wine competition in search of a sommelier for his new restaurant, and Ben seeks drunken help from Ron with a personal problem.

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One in 8,000

17 April 201422m

Leslie and Ben run a charity auction to raise funds for the unity concert. April steps in to manage Andy's schedule, while Donna asks Ron for help with her ex-boyfriend.

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Moving Up

Season Finale
24 April 201444m

Leslie, Ben, and Andy head to San Francisco for a National Parks Conference. Tom opens his restaurant, Ron has another run-in with his ex-wife Tammy 2, Andy lives a rock and roll fantasy, and Leslie makes a huge decision about her future.

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PaleyFest LA: 10th Anniversary Reunion

21 Maart 20191h 12m

Parks and Recreation cast and creators live at PaleyFest 2019, from the Paley Center for Media.

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