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Events take place on the outskirts of Moscow in 1965. In the center - the story of the exposure of a woman executioner who, during the war, at the behest of the Germans, shot prisoners, partisans, and civilians. This is actually a separate civil war of the fanatic with their people. During the war, she was barely 20 years old, and on her account there were already fifteen hundred murders. She shot her victims with a machine gun, hiding behind a toy bunny mask. Then she drank a bottle of moonshine and then appeared the next morning without a mask and lived an ordinary life, the same as everyone else ... Therefore, after the war, it was very difficult to figure out the killer. This case was assigned to the chief investigator. His suspicions fall on one or the other woman ...

Series Cast

  1. Andrey Smolyakov as Черкасов

    Andrey Smolyakov


    10 Episodes

  2. Viktoriya Tolstoganova as Раиса

    Viktoriya Tolstoganova


    10 Episodes

  3. Yulia Peresild as Нина

    Yulia Peresild


    10 Episodes

  4. Marina Aleksandrova as Соня Тимофеева

    Marina Aleksandrova

    Соня Тимофеева

    10 Episodes

  5. Aleksey Bardukov as Гаркуша

    Aleksey Bardukov


    10 Episodes

  6. Yuri Tarasov as Пожидаев

    Yuri Tarasov


    10 Episodes

  7. Vladimir Yumatov as

    Vladimir Yumatov

    10 Episodes

  8. Vadim Andreyev as

    Vadim Andreyev

    10 Episodes

  9. Daniela Stojanović as Маргарита

    Daniela Stojanović


    10 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Season 1

2015 • 10 Episodes

Season 1 of MosGaz. Delo N2: Palach premiered on January 11, 2015.

Episode 10

(1x10, January 15, 2015) Season Finale

View All Seasons

MosGaz. Delo N2: Palach


Original Name МосГаз. Дело № 2: Палач

Status Ended


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Type Miniseries

Original Language Russian


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