Stephanie Baine as Harriet

Episodes 4

The Breakup

October 5, 20177m

Recently single Claire is persuaded out by her friends Harriet, Timmie and Nat to drown her sorrows after breaking up with her boyfriend of 5 years. She declares that a one night stand is the thing to cheer her up. Nervous but determined she goes home with Liam for a night of foot loose fancy free, wine fuelled sex.

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The Morning After

May 27, 2018

Fuelled by wine, Claire experiences what the one night stand is really all about. The drinks, the foreplay, the sex, the morning after, the bad breath, wine mouth and the walk of shame. Claire quickly gathers her lady friends to prepare her for stage 2, The Tinder.

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The Negroni

May 27, 2018

Claire meets Pat. Ad man, sex god, cocktail extraordinaire. Their electric chemistry results in frenzied, exciting regular sex. She disappears into a thick sex haze while her friends watch on from the sidelines.

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The Umbrella

May 27, 2018

After consecutive nights of fun with Pat, Claire begins to develop feelings that go beyond sexual chemistry. Her friends swarm in to analyse if she has started to fall for him. When she meets Pat’s work associate Olivia, Claire is forced her to acknowledge that she has become invested.

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