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SOKO Potsdam (2018)

TV-MA Crime
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Luna Kunath (Caroline Erikson) and Tamara Meurer (Anjua Pahl) work together in the Potsdam murder commission. Luna is single, strong, assertive, funny, empathic, sporty and fast in the head. It is an excellent policewoman whose carefree always accompanies with a little naivety and brings you again and again in brenzy situations. Tamara, however, has more mature, adult.

The two of the boss Bernhard Henschel (Michael Lott) and the colleagues David Grünbaum (Omar El-Saeidi), Christoph Westermann (Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen), lail-sure Thomas Brandner (Yung No) and legal physician Werner Vense (Bernd Stegemann). Potsdam, Berlin's pretty little sister, confronts the commissars again and again with a wide variety of life effects. However, the team not only determines in Potsdam, but must always be out of the surrounding area. Because the crime does not stop at the city limit.

Series Cast

  1. Bernd Stegemann as Werner Vense

    Bernd Stegemann

    Werner Vense

    75 Episodes

  2. Caroline Erikson as Luna Kunath

    Caroline Erikson

    Luna Kunath

    75 Episodes

  3. Katrin Jaehne as Sophie Pohlmann

    Katrin Jaehne

    Sophie Pohlmann

    75 Episodes

  4. Michael Lott as Bernhard Henschel

    Michael Lott

    Bernhard Henschel

    75 Episodes

  5. Yung Ngo as Thomas Brandner

    Yung Ngo

    Thomas Brandner

    75 Episodes

  6. Omar El-Saeidi as David Grünbaum

    Omar El-Saeidi

    David Grünbaum

    75 Episodes

  7. Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen as Christoph Westerman

    Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen

    Christoph Westerman

    75 Episodes

  8. Sönke Schnitzer

    Robert Pohlmann

    16 Episodes

  9. Dieter Landuris as Harald Kunath

    Dieter Landuris

    Harald Kunath

    4 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Current Season

Season 7

2025 • 9 Episodes

Season 7 of SOKO Potsdam premiered on January 13, 2025.

Episode 6

(7x6, February 24, 2025)

View All Seasons

SOKO Potsdam
SOKO Potsdam


Status Returning Series


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Type Scripted

Original Language German


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