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Dead to Me (2019)

TV-MA DramaComedyCrime
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There's always a way out.


A hotheaded widow searching for the hit-and-run driver who mowed down her husband befriends an eccentric optimist who isn't quite what she seems.

  1. Liz Feldman


Series Cast

  1. Christina Applegate as Jen Harding

    Christina Applegate

    Jen Harding

    30 Episodes

  2. Linda Cardellini as Judy Hale

    Linda Cardellini

    Judy Hale

    30 Episodes

  3. James Marsden as Ben Wood, Steve Wood / Ben Wood, and Steve Wood

    James Marsden

    Ben Wood, Steve Wood / Ben Wood, Steve Wood

    30 Episodes

  4. Luke Roessler as Henry Harding

    Luke Roessler

    Henry Harding

    30 Episodes

  5. Sam McCarthy as Charlie Harding

    Sam McCarthy

    Charlie Harding

    30 Episodes

  6. Diana Maria Riva as Detective Ana Perez

    Diana Maria Riva

    Detective Ana Perez

    18 Episodes

  7. Max Jenkins as Christopher Doyle

    Max Jenkins

    Christopher Doyle

    17 Episodes

  8. Brandon Scott as Nick Prager

    Brandon Scott

    Nick Prager

    17 Episodes

  9. Keong Sim as Pastor Wayne

    Keong Sim

    Pastor Wayne

    10 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 3


2022 • 10 Episodes

A hit-and-run started it all for Jen and Judy. Now another shocking crash alters the future of their ride-or-die friendship. All roads have led to this.

We've Reached the End

(3x10, November 17, 2022) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Dead to Me
Dead to Me


Status Ended


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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