Tyler Labine som Dr. Iggy Frome

Afsnit 89


25 september 201843m

Sygehusets nye chef dr. Goodwin vil gøre op med de gamle måder at tænke på og bevise, at intet kan stoppe ham i at få nyt liv og nye tanker i det gamle hospital.

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2 oktober 201843m

Max håndterer sin diagnose, mens Dr. Sharpe opfordrer ham til at lægge en plan. Samtidig bliver Reynolds tilskyndet til at tage en chance.

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Every Last Minute

9 oktober 201843m

Reynolds begynder at opbygge sin afdeling, mens Dr. Shape kæmper mod skepsis fra en patients forældre. Max og Bloom forsøger at finde en løsning for en gravid patient, som har det svært.

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16 oktober 201843m

Da Max udlåner personale fra New Amsterdam til et nærliggende hospital, opstår der hurtigt kaos. Iggy får samvittighedskvaler, og en hemmelighed om Dr. Bloom bliver afsløret.

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23 oktober 201843m

En journalist besøger New Amsterdam for at følge Max og lære om sygehuset. Bloom og Reynolds skændes, efter at hun træffer en beslutning, som går mod reglerne.

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30 oktober 201843m

Presset er stort, da Max skal stå for sin første årlige indsamlingsgalla på sygehuset, og følelserne får frit løb, da mange af lægernes familier deltager i arrangementet.

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The Domino Effect

13 november 201843m

Bloom knytter bånd til en patient, hvilket får hende til at fundere over sit privatliv, og Iggy gør fremskridt i en længerevarende sag.

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Three Dots

20 november 201843m

Reynolds fejrer sin fødselsdag med lidt hjælp fra hospitalet, og Kapoor kæmper med en sag, der påvirker ham personligt.

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As Long As It Takes

27 november 201843m

Max overbeviser Dr. Sharpe om, at hun skal tage en chance med kræftbehandlingen, og Bloom grubler over en svær samtale. Samtidig overvejer Dr. Kapoor at hjælpe sin søn på storslået vis.

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Six or Seven Minutes

8 januar 201943m

Mens Max kæmper for sit liv, har New Amsterdam hænderne fulde med en afgørende hjerteoperation, der ikke er dækket af forsikringen, samt en potentiel udvandring af sygeplejersker.

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A Seat at the Table

15 januar 201943m

Da Max starter i behandling, indser han, at det måske kan påvirke ham hurtigere end han først troede. Imens må Reynolds håndtere en hændelse fra fortiden, da en journalist ankommer til hospitalet.

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Anima Sola

22 januar 201943m

Stemningen er anspændt på sygehuset, da Bloom stiller en diagnose, som bliver underkendt. Samtidig lægger Iggy mærke til, at der kan være noget galt med en af sygehuset mest respekterede kirurger.

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The Blues

12 februar 201943m

Max fortsætter med at prøve at løse de bagvedliggende problemer på hospitalet, samtidig med hans kræftbehandling. Imens må Bloom stå ansigt til ansigt med sine egne dæmoner.

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The Forsaken

19 februar 201943m

Shape får det svært, da en sag kommer for tæt på, og Iggy opdager en patients uventede fortid. Samtidig sker der fremskridt i Floyds privatliv efter nogle svære nyheder.

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5 marts 201943m

Reynolds har svært ved at håndtere et personligt anliggende vedrørende en patients familie, og Iggy kæmper med en indsigt angående sin datter.

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The King of Swords

12 marts 201943m

Da en snestorm af historiske dimensioner rammer New York, må Max og hans personale arbejde sammen for at sikre deres patienter med de få ressourcer de har - selvom det betyder, at de må trodse stormen.

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9 april 201943m

Mens lægerne fortsat må klare sig uden strøm, får Max hjælp fra en uventet kilde for at få strømmen tilbage. Imens må Reynolds være kreativ, hvis han skal redde Hugh.

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Five Miles West

16 april 201943m

Reynolds forsøger at hjælpe en ung patient med cystisk fibrose, som har underlige symptomer. Samtidig møder Kapoor endelig Ella igen, efter deres seneste ubekvemme møde.

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Happy Place

23 april 201943m

Da en betjent bliver påkørt på jobbet, gør alle alt, hvad de kan for at redde hende. Kapoor og Iggy tager sig af en patient, som ikke har det alt for godt efter en tidligere operation.

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30 april 201943m

Max is forced to reckon with his diagnosis in a new way as things become more difficult for him. Meanwhile, Reynolds is forced to address what could have gone wrong in a recent surgery.

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This is Not the End

7 maj 201943m

Max goes head-to-head with hospital administration when he comes up with a new plan for patients without insurance. Iggy struggles with an accusation brought against him. Sharpe navigates her role as deputy medical director.

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Season Finale
14 maj 201943m

Sharpe works on a creative way to help Max and Kapoor gets surprising news. Meanwhile, Reynolds takes a big step in his relationship with Evie as one of the doctors makes a life altering decision.

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Your Turn

24 september 201943m

Max works to find a new normal three months after the accident and the birth of his daughter. Kapoor grapples with the stigma of aging. Iggy has a successful day that inspires a life-changing idea. Reynolds deals with an unreliable new intern.

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The Big Picture

1 oktober 201943m

Max invokes a hospital-wide census in effort to get to know the staff of New Amsterdam on a deeper level. Reynolds takes a leap of faith that lands him in hot water, and Dr. Castro extends her treatment plan to more patients in the hospital.

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8 oktober 201943m

Max takes a chance on a new assistant and goes toe-to-toe with the board on a new plan; Iggy struggles to figure out what is causing a unit-wide illness; Kapoor receives some shocking news.

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The Denominator

15 oktober 201943m

When Iggy and Kapoor discover a patient might be suffering from lead poisoning, they are forced to take on the city. Meanwhile, Max's unsolicited attempts to help a patient backfires.

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The Karman Line

22 oktober 201943m

When Sharpe has a case that hits close to home, she and Max team up to make things right for the patient. Meanwhile, Iggy and Bloom are forced to make a tough call on a unique situation.

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Righteous Right Hand

29 oktober 201943m

When a group of women on a retreat end up in the ED, Max gets some troubling information that could put a patient in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Sharpe and Kapoor work together to mend fences between two feuding sisters.

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Good Soldiers

5 november 201943m

When Kapoor introduces a patient to Iggy's PTSD group, a creative treatment plan causes turmoil. Sharpe discovers a long-kept secret regarding a patient.

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What the Heart Wants

12 november 201943m

Sharpe lands in hot water when she goes out on a limb for a patient. Max's grief comes to a head. Bloom takes a major step in her recovery.

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The Island

19 november 201943m

When an inmate comes in with an entirely preventable illness, Max, Sharpe, and Iggy head directly to the source - Rikers Island. Meanwhile, Bloom struggles with her recovery, and Reynolds gets news that could change his life.

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Code Silver

14 januar 202043m

With the hospital on lockdown after the Rikers patients escape, Sharpe and Max find themselves in a situation that could cost them their lives; Bloom must put aside her pain to help a patient; Iggy is forced to face his marriage's issues.

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Hiding Behind My Smile

21 januar 202043m

Max and Luna make friends in an unexpected place as Max struggles with the realities of being a single father. Meanwhile, Kapoor takes a big step in order to help his family.

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14 Years, 2 Months, 8 Days

28 januar 202043m

Sharpe has an important realization that will affect her career. Meanwhile, Max and Reynolds take on uncharted waters when a young patient comes to New Amsterdam with symptoms of a heart attack.

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In the Graveyard

11 februar 202043m

The doctors stop at nothing to help their patients, following a shocking realization that prompts a change in the hospital. Meanwhile, Reynolds must make an important decision in his career.

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18 februar 202043m

Max races against the clock to rearrange the budget when faced with employees going unpaid, while Kapoor is presented with a device that's the future of medicine. Meanwhile, Iggy goes against the norms to prove a diagnosis and Bloom gets an unexpected visitor.

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Double Blind

25 februar 202043m

When tasked with turning the opioid epidemic around, Max shuts down the ED and proposes a massive change. Meanwhile, Sharpe goes great lengths to prove a point.

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10 marts 202043m

Max, Bloom and Reynolds frantically recount a patient's past encounter that could throw them into a massive lawsuit. Meanwhile, Iggy confronts a local middle school about its teaching policies, and Kapoor lets his superstitions take over.

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17 marts 202043m

Max searches for a solution to crowdfunding after his eye-opening appearance in a viral "Go Fund Me" video. Reynolds takes his last laps at the hospital while Kapoor helps a former pilot deal with his life as a paraplegic.

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Matter of Seconds

Season Finale
14 april 202043m

When multiple patients throughout the hospital begin to show similar, alarming symptoms, Sharpe and Bloom scramble to figure out the root of the issue. Iggy tries to create peace for a divorced couple in a dangerous situation and Kapoor experiences a flirtatious encounter. Meanwhile, Max meets a child with a rare muscular disease and desperately tries to get him into the only clinical trial in the country that could extend his life.

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The New Normal

2 marts 202143m

New Amsterdam is still reeling from the pandemic as a plane crash lands in the East River. When investigators come to interrogate the flight crew, Iggy fights against the clock to help the pilot uncover the truth. Max tracks down scarce medication after one of his own contracts COVID.

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Essential Workers

9 marts 202143m

Max is forced to face the heartbreaking consequences of one of his policies. Bloom comes to a startling realization about Iggy.

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Safe Enough

16 marts 202143m

Max resists an idea that could bring New Amsterdam more revenue. Iggy pushes back on the new telemedicine system. Sharpe uncovers a startling trend while treating a beloved former patient.

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This Is All I Need

23 marts 202143m

Max journeys to Connecticut to bring Luna back to New York, but second-guesses his instincts when he sees her with her grandparents. Bloom takes action to ensure her staff feel safe at work while Reynolds takes a backseat in the cardiac unit. Sharpe struggles to lean on Dr. Cassian Shin while dealing with a family emergency.

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Blood, Sweat & Tears

30 marts 202143m

When Sharpe notices the hospital's blood supply is running dangerously low, Max concocts a plan to get New Amsterdam out of trouble. Reynolds realizes he has a thing or two to learn from Bloom while making peace with his new position. Iggy helps a patient face their inner demons.

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Why Not Yesterday

6 april 202143m

Max is on a mission to fix systemic racism at New Amsterdam. Bloom treats a patient who reminds her that things aren't as they seem. Sharpe is overwhelmed while tending to a family matter. Reynolds tries to keep his composure while treating a father and son.

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The Legend of Howie Cournemeyer

13 april 202143m

It's National HIV Testing Day and Max has offered free care to all HIV+ patients who come to New Amsterdam. Bloom and Reynolds butt heads over their opposing bedside manners. Iggy eagerly awaits the return of a friend. Sharpe discovers that she may need more hands on with her niece.

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20 april 202143m

Max is forced to examine the inequities in child labor for women of color. Bloom must deal with an overcrowded ED. Sharpe helps Dr. Agnes Kao with a gut-wrenching diagnosis. Reynolds finds himself experiencing something new on the job.

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27 april 202143m

Max is on a mission to deliver free broadband access. Reynolds treats a young girl with a gunshot wound. Sharpe gives difficult news to a long-time patient. Iggy is immensely proud of his patient's success but worries that he may be getting too close.

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4 maj 202143m

Max reckons with New Amsterdam's past. Bloom and Reynolds treat a patient in an unconventional relationship. Sharpe decides to take a stricter approach to parenting her frustrated teenage niece. Iggy tries to connect with a patient desperate to have gastric bypass surgery.

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Pressure Drop

11 maj 202143m

Max implements sweeping changes to hospital sustainability practices. Bloom returns from vacation. Reynolds treats a young patient with deadly heat stroke. Iggy discovers a dangerous situation with a former patient.

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Things Fall Apart

18 maj 202143m

A burst pipe plunges the ED into chaos. Iggy counsels two stressed out parents about their child. Gwen and Calvin have some devastating news for Max.

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Fight Time

1 juni 202143m

Sharpe offers help to a reluctant Mina. Max is faced with a tough decision about Luna. Bloom and Casey treat a patient who has been hiding a lifelong secret. Iggy finds himself in a very dangerous predicament. Reynolds treats a young heart transplant patient with astonishing symptoms.

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Death Begins in Radiology

Season Finale
8 juni 202143m

Reynolds receives a dramatic offer. Max scours the hospital after he misplaces his wedding ring. Iggy contemplates a serious life change. Bloom learns some potentially life-changing news about Leyla.

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More Joy

21 september 202143m

Max and Sharpe wake up to a new, more personal dynamic. Iggy calls upon an old contact to help with an explosive situation at the hospital. Bloom begins a tricky dynamic with her new Emergency Department residents. Reynolds finds himself in an awkward position with Dr. Baptiste and his wife, Dr. Lyn Malvo.

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We're in This Together

28 september 202143m

Max and Sharpe go public with their relationship at the hospital. The team struggles to handle an overcrowded and understaffed ICU. Iggy's overly critical feedback alienates his residents.

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Same as It Ever Was

5 oktober 202143m

Max advises a young student at a science fair but encounters legal complications with her brilliant invention. Bloom encourages Dr. Shinwari to be more aggressive in the ED. Iggy gets a lesson in humility. Brantley has a surprise for the staff.

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Seed Money

12 oktober 202143m

Max struggles with a new fiscal reality at the hospital. Dr. Sharpe is on a mission to provide follow-up cancer screenings for patients before it’s too late. Bloom grapples with Dr. Shinwari’s new overnight schedule. Reynolds has an interesting conversation with Dr. Malvo about their future.

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This Be the Verse

19 oktober 202143m

Dr. Fuentes continues her quest to remake the hospital in her vision. Max goes the extra mile to help a patient in need. Dr. Sharpe and Iggy find themselves at odds over a very serious issue. Reynolds discovers the importance of personal obligations. Bloom comes to a shocking realization about her mother.

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Laughter and Hope and A Sock In the Eye

26 oktober 202143m

Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Malvo have a heart-to-heart with Dr. Baptiste. Max learns a little more about Sharpe when someone from her past resurfaces. Iggy plays referee between two young patients and their families. Dr. Wilder reconsiders Max’s offer to join the staff.

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2 november 202143m

Max and Bloom are shocked when a deadly ambulance crash reveals a dangerous plan. Dr. Fuentes pressures Iggy to take on patients. Sharpe realizes her own cost-cutting has adversely affected her department. Reynolds, Baptiste and Malvo strive to reach an accord.

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Paid in Full

9 november 202143m

Max is faced with a wrenching decision when New Amsterdam falls prey to a massive ransomware attack.

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In A Strange Land

16 november 202143m

Max takes drastic measures to help several undocumented immigrants after a fire destroys the church where had sought refuge; Sharpe and Malvo assist a patient with a life threatening condition; Reynolds is conflicted about his new position.

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Death Is The Rule. Life Is The Exception

23 november 202143m

As Max and Dr. Sharpe prepare to depart for London, a deadly superbug hits the hospital and draws them back in. Leyla confronts Bloom about the secret she has been hiding. Iggy digs deep to help two grieving parents confront the reality that their son is gone.

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Talkin' Bout a Revolution

4 januar 202243m

Max and Helen settle happily into their new life in London. Dr. Fuentes takes over as medical director with disastrous effects. Bloom helps a patient who thinks he’s cursed. Iggy develops a plan to get his psych patients gainfully employed.

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The Crossover

11 januar 202243m

Helen takes the reins at NHS Hampstead Hospital while Max gets creative to help a patient in need. Reynolds reaches a decision about Dr. Malvo. Iggy and Bloom help their patients understand the underlying cause of their stress. Dr. Wilder employs more unconventional techniques.

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18 januar 202243m

Max and Helen adjust to sharing their lives and problems, including the challenge of Helen's mother. Bloom and Reynolds treat a family after their horrific car accident lands them in the ED. Iggy and Trevor reach a new understanding in their business relationship.

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...Unto The Breach

25 januar 202243m

As the team gathers to mourn the loss of someone dear, Max and Helen realize the extent to which New Amsterdam has changed since they left. Bloom struggles with a big decision while Reynolds decides to take his concerns for his patients to a new level. Dr. Fuentes once again reminds the New Amsterdam team who is in control.

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Two Doors

22 februar 202243m

Max formulates a bold plan to help New Amsterdam before it’s too late. Reynolds and Dr. Fuentes fight over the best way to handle a risky surgery. Dr. Wilder asks Dr. Castries for help with a patient with terminal cancer. Iggy helps a father and son deal with vastly different views on a shared trauma.

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All Night Long

19 april 202243m

The New Amsterdam team goes out for a night of karaoke and drinking, but must face the consequences at work the next day. Iggy helps a mysterious patient confront a past trauma. Reynolds and Dr Malvo discuss their future. Leyla gives Lauren some bad news.

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Unfinished Business

26 april 202243m

The New Amsterdam team continues to deal with the consequences of their big night out. Max and Helen discuss options for their future. Martin finally learns Iggy's secret. Bloom helps Leyla avoid a life-changing situation. Reynolds and Dr. Malvo define their relationship going forward.

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No Ifs, Ands Or Buts

3 maj 202243m

Max orchestrates a plan to get Dr. Fuentes terminated from New Amsterdam once and for all. Helen confronts her medical complication. Iggy helps two patients deal with a breakup, which forces him to consider his own marriage. Bloom and Dr. Castries reach an understanding.

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Truth Be Told

9 maj 202243m

Max discovers a fatal flaw in Dr. Fuentes' scheme to purchase the UMI medical clinic, which could be her ultimate undoing. Bloom treats two high school students for life-threatening injuries and uncovers a dangerous situation. Reynolds helps a brother and sister confront a family crisis.

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10 maj 202243m

Max discovers the extent to which Dr. Fuentes' cuts are severely damaging New Amsterdam and decides it's now or never. Iggy takes an unconventional approach to reach a young patient in need. Reynolds and Wilder perform a risky, life-saving surgery on unborn twins.

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Castles Made Of Sand

17 maj 202243m

When an elder care facilitate shuts down, New Amsterdam is forced to intake many new patients. Max struggles with his decision to head back to London. Reynolds takes his personal frustrations out on his department with near disastrous results. Iggy's work causes him to reflect on his marriage and personal life.

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I'll Be Your Shelter

Season Finale
24 maj 202243m

As a monster hurricane approaches New York, Bloom and the team scramble to put preparations in place. Max and Helen make plans for an intimate New York wedding as she returns from London. Iggy and Martin reach a crossroads. Reynolds finally makes contact with his father.

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20 september 202243m

Bloom, Iggy and Reynolds rally around Max as he deals with the fallout from Helen’s decision. Bloom gives extra space to Leyla, but she’s in for a surprise. Reynolds and Wilder help a young terminal patient realize his dream to star in a Bollywood show. Iggy has a breakthrough with a challenging patient.

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Hook, Line and Sinker

27 september 202243m

Max tests a bold new cost-saving program that could help both New Amsterdam and its neediest patients. Wilder struggles with a patient’s decision to refuse life-saving surgery. Reynolds comes to an important realization about his father’s behaviors. Iggy takes the leap into online dating.

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Big Day

4 oktober 202243m

An explosion at a wedding ceremony sends a stream of injured partygoers into New Amsterdam. While Max and Dr. Wilder scramble to find a rare blood type to save the groom, Reynolds and Bloom treat a couple with bizarre injuries. While helping a young girl out of a catatonic state, Iggy learns the truth about the wedding.

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Heal Thyself

11 oktober 202243m

Max mandates a personal health day for the staff at New Amsterdam and meets with surprising resistance. Reynolds finds himself intrigued by a persuasive new member of the staff. Bloom struggles with job stress after being taken off an essential medication. Iggy goes on his first date. Max convinces Wilder to get much needed surgery.

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Grabby Hands

18 oktober 202243m

Max endeavors to save a nurse who has become the subject of a dangerous malpractice probe. Reynolds goes the extra mile to help a group of patients who are being poisoned in their own building. Bloom makes a startling admission to her sister.

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Give Me a Sign

25 oktober 202243m

Max goes on a mission to make New York safer. Iggy helps a family come to terms with their deaf child’s inability to communicate.

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Maybe Tomorrow

1 november 202243m

The New Amsterdam staff grapple with the aftermath of the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion rights. Wilder counsels a woman whose pregnancy puts her life in danger. At Brantley's urging, Max endeavors to find a healthcare solution for out-of-state patients. Bloom reveals monumental news to Reynolds.

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All the World's a Stage...

15 november 202243m

Max discovers a revenue-generating department at the hospital that has serious legal implications. Iggy discovers a janitor with otherworldly talents. Reynolds treats a truly inspirational patient and makes plans for his father. Wilder's young patient teaches her not to jump to conclusions in diagnosing.

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The Empty Spaces

22 november 202243m

Reynolds gets creative to help a prospective mother in need. Max takes a chance with Wilder and learns a hard truth. Bloom treats a young brother and sister in dire straits. Iggy reaches a decision about Martin.

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Don't Do This for Me

22 november 202243m

Reynolds finds himself caught between a chance for love and an opportunity to spend precious time with his father. Realizing the consequences of her actions, Bloom makes an unexpected move forward with her sister. Max helps an ICU intern struggling with the loss of a patient. Dr. Wilder receives an offer that forces her to choose between her community and her career.

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3 januar 202344m

When Helen Sharpe unexpectedly returns to New York, Max escapes to the wilderness on a corporate retreat with Bloom, Dr. Wilder and Iggy. Fun soon turns into catastrophe that threatens a life. Reynolds agrees to perform a risky surgery on a medical school colleague's young son only to be faced with unexpected challenges outside his control.

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Right Place

17 januar 202343m

Max and Wilder face a dilemma over approvals for a revolutionary cancer drug as Max learns a secret about his own bout with cancer. Reynolds goes the extra mile to correct a dire medical situation. Iggy tries desperately to help a woman in need, but finds the system is working against him.

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How Can I Help?

Season Finale
17 januar 202343m

In the series finale, everyone's story reaches a surprising yet inevitable conclusion.

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