Chase W. Dillon as Homer
Episodes 10
Chapter 1: Georgia
When Caesar convinces Cora to escape from Randall plantation in Georgia their lives are irrevocably changed. They discover the impossible in an underground railroad which takes them on an unexpected journey and reveals the true face of America.
Read MoreChapter 2: South Carolina
Griffin, South Carolina – a seeming paradise of progress and racial harmony that hides dark secrets, especially the secrets of “Bessie" and "Christian." Meanwhile, bounty hunter Arnold Ridgeway begins his pursuit of Cora.
Read MoreChapter 3: North Carolina
Cora reaches a dangerous small town in North Carolina where she must secret away in an abolitionist’s attic while putting everyone’s lives in danger.
Read MoreChapter 4: The Great Spirit
A young Arnold Ridgeway comes of age while testing his belief in The Great Spirit.
Read MoreChapter 5: Tennessee - Exodus
Captured by Ridgeway, Cora is forced to travel across the barren inferno of Tennessee. She shares the perilous journey with Jasper, a noble runaway filled with inner-strength.
Read MoreChapter 6: Tennessee - Proverbs
For Arnold Ridgeway, a journey home reveals that "the past is not past." And a chance encounter with a freedman named Royal gives Cora new hope.
Read MoreChapter 7: Fanny Briggs
Let the fire burn.
Read MoreChapter 8: Indiana Autumn
Royal brings Cora to Valentine Farm, a thriving Black community and vineyard on the bountiful Indiana frontier. Carrying the scars of her journey, Cora struggles to find peace in this new home.
Read MoreChapter 9: Indiana Winter
Cora’s presence as a fugitive ignites tensions amongst the Valentine community. Just as she was beginning to make this her home, chaos reigns.
Read MoreChapter 10: Mabel
In this tale of motherhood, the beginning is the end is the beginning... for both mother and daughter.
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