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Miracle Workers (2019)

TV-MA ComedyDrama
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The first season of this comedy anthology is set in the offices of Heaven Inc. When God plans to destroy the Earth, two low-level angels must convince their boss to save humanity. They bet him they can pull off their most impossible miracle yet: help two humans fall in love.

  1. Simon Rich


Series Cast

  1. Daniel Radcliffe as Prince Chauncley, Sid, Reverend Ezekiel Brown, and Craig

    Daniel Radcliffe

    Prince Chauncley, Sid, Reverend Ezekiel Brown, Craig

    37 Episodes

  2. Geraldine Viswanathan as Prudence Aberdeen, Freya Exaltada, Alexandra Shitshoveler, and Eliza

    Geraldine Viswanathan

    Prudence Aberdeen, Freya Exaltada, Alexandra Shitshoveler, Eliza

    37 Episodes

  3. Jon Bass as Mikey Shitshoveler, Scraps / Roland Proudheart, Todd Aberdeen, and Sam

    Jon Bass

    Mikey Shitshoveler, Scraps / Roland Proudheart, Todd Aberdeen, Sam

    37 Episodes

  4. Steve Buscemi as Morris 'The Junkman' Rubinstein, Benny the Teen, Eddie Shitshoveler, and God

    Steve Buscemi

    Morris 'The Junkman' Rubinstein, Benny the Teen, Eddie Shitshoveler, God

    37 Episodes

  5. Karan Soni as TI-90, Lord Vexler, The Gunslinger, and Sanjay

    Karan Soni

    TI-90, Lord Vexler, The Gunslinger, Sanjay

    35 Episodes

  6. Lolly Adefope as Maggie, Rosie, and NeuralNet

    Lolly Adefope

    Maggie, Rosie, NeuralNet

    19 Episodes

  7. Tammy Dahlstrom as Martha

    Tammy Dahlstrom


    9 Episodes

  8. Mary Anne McGarry as Granny McGill

    Mary Anne McGarry

    Granny McGill

    9 Episodes

  9. Lamont Thompson as Farmer John

    Lamont Thompson

    Farmer John

    9 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

End Times


2023 • 10 Episodes

Season four picks up in a post-apocalyptic future where a road warrior and his warlord pal face the most dystopian nightmare of all: settling down in the suburbs. Together, they navigate the existential horrors of married life and small-town living, all under the dubious guidance of a wealthy junk trader.

The End

(4x10, August 28, 2023) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Miracle Workers
Miracle Workers


Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language English


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