Épisodes 97


El día que los yokai despertaron

1 avril 201823m

¿Los yokai existen? Cuenta la leyenda que Kitaro es un yokai que aparece para ayudar cuando los yokai causan problemas en el mundo humano.

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¡Estremecimiento! Miage-nyudo

8 avril 201823m

Mientras Kitaro se debate entre la vida y la muerte, el Hombre Rata libera a un poderoso yokai por accidente que dará muchos problemas.

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El castillo yokai de Tantanbo

15 avril 201823m

Mana quiere relacionarse más con los yokai, pero Kitaro no está dispuesto porque sabe que eso la expondría a graves peligros donde ella no podría defenderse

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Équipe technique 5

Une réalisation de : Kouji Ogawa

Un scénario de : Hiroyuki Yoshino

Vedettes invitées 0 Distribution des rôles et équipe technique au complet

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El tabú del bosque misterioso

22 avril 201823m

Yuta sigue muy interesado en saber más sobre Kitaro y los yokai. Y dado que los humanos no pueden entrar al Bosque Gegege, Mana lo lleva al punto de la ciudad que conecta con el mítico bosque.

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La desgracia del yokai eléctrico

29 avril 201823m

La aparición del dios del trueno supondrá un cambio radical para la ciudad debido a su enorme poder de generación de energía eléctrica. ¿Será un cambio positivo o negativo?

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Sunekosuri de la mala suerte

6 mai 201823m

Kitaro recibe una petición de ayuda para acudir a un pueblo pequeño y expulsar a un yokai que está causando problemas.

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Tren Fantasma

13 mai 201823m

Mientras bebe con su empleado, un jefe malhumorado se topa con Kitaro y el Hombre Rara. Luego de discutir con ellos, parten a la estación, donde notan que el último tren del día ya había partido. No obstante, parece ser que existe un recorrido especial…

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¡Amenaza! ¡El plan de Kagami-jiji!

20 mai 201823m

Mana ha desaparecido. Parece ser que un espejo está implicado en la desaparición, así que las sospechas apuntan directamente a Kagami-jiji.

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Reformando a los Kappa

27 mai 201823m

Los yokai también tienen problemas laborales. Más concretamente, los kappa parece que están trabajando en condiciones deplorables y están muy molestos.

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En todas las escuelas siempre hay rumores sobre siete situaciones extrañas o hasta paranormales. Parece ser que siempre son obra de algún yokai travieso.

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Japón corre peligro. Un ejército de tanukis llamado los 808 Tanukis ha llegado a la Tierra con la intención de conquistarla, pero Kitaro y compañía se opondrán.

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Una situación complicada requiere de ingenio.

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Ha aparecido en la ciudad un sitio muy misterioso donde se están vendiendo diamantes a precios realmente bajos. Esta situación es realmente preocupante, ya que puede ser obra de algún yokai.

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Makuragaeshi y el sueño misterioso

1 juillet 201823m

Por recomendación de Mana, Masashi acude a Kitaro para sanar a su padre, quien se encuentra sumido en un sueño del que no puede despertar.

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Espirituplastía Zunbera

8 juillet 201823m

Kirara es una chica a la que le acompleja su aspecto. Su dolor la llevó con el yokai Zunbera, quien le ofrece la Espirituplastía, un procedimiento que podría cambiar su rostro…

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¡El misterio de la corriente! Umizato

15 juillet 201823m

Llega el verano, y Mana viaja a Sakaiminato, la ciudad de su padre. Allí verá que se produce un problema espiritual relacionado con barcos.

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Kani-Bozu y el misterio de la antigüedad

22 juillet 201823m

Kitaro y compañía siguen en Sakaiminato disfrutando del buen clima y la playa. Pero nuevamente hay rumores sobre la aparición de un poder yokai.

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La mentira de Kawauso

29 juillet 201823m

Kitaro y su papá están recibiendo periódicamente diferentes verduras, pero lo que no saben es quién se las está enviando.

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Dicen que si visitas las tumbas de la Calle 3 y recitas las palabras correctas, aparecerá ante ti la Calle 4 y una escuela de fantasmas…

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Recuerdos de la Yoka

12 août 201823m

Aún es verano, y Mana tiene pendiente realizar una tarea para la escuela. Aparte, tiene que ir a ver a su tía abuela, y parece que los yokai también estuvieron presentes en el pasado de la anciana.

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¡Arde! La soledad de Takuro-Bi

19 août 201823m

Hombre Rata conoce a un nuevo yokai del que se hace su amigo: Takuro-Bi. En realidad no es que sea su amigo, como siempre, sino una nueva oportunidad de negocio.

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Por la codicia de un programa de televisión, un yokai gigante aparece en una isla pacífica.

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La historia del departamento yokai

2 septembre 201823m

Natsumi piensa vender el complejo de departamentos que heredó de sus abuelos porque no tiene a nadie a quien alquilarle un cuarto, pero ella no sabe que ya cuenta con inquilinos.

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Para sorpresa de todos, el Hombre Rata anuncia que va a casarse, pero lo más sorprendente de todo es que la novia es una mujer preciosa.

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La maldición de Kubire-Oni

23 septembre 201823m

La App Maldita es muy popular entre las estudiantes, solo debes ingresar el nombre de quien quieres maldecir y algo malo le ocurrirá.

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Fascinación. El seductor Gahi

30 septembre 201823m

Yuna decide obedecer las extrañas normas que le impone su madre, pero todos la llaman rara y la rechazan por ese motivo.

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¡Invasión! El ejército de Backbeard

6 octobre 201823m

Tras perder su hogar, varias criaturas místicas de otras tierras buscan refugio en el bosque Gegege.

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La Gran Guerra Yokai

14 octobre 201823m

Agnes le pide a Kitaro que destruya el anillo de arcana antes de que los monstruos occidentales vengan por él, y no aceptará un no por respuesta…

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La locura de Frankenstein

21 octobre 201823m

Buscando el anillo de arcana, Agnes se topa con Mana. Y aunque Mana demuestra interés, Agnes hace todo lo posible para alejarse de ella

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La fiesta de Halloween de la vampiresa

28 octobre 201823m

Chica Gato no está muy contenta con que se celebre Halloween en detrimento de los yokai orientales que no tienen festividad propia. Pese a ello, decide asistir a un evento de Halloween con Mana.

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Azuki-Arai, Azuki-Hakari y Azuki-Babaa

4 novembre 201823m

Tres yokai lamentan que sus adorados frijoles rojos hayan pasado de moda. No obstante, el Hombre Rata dice que tiene un plan para restaurar su vieja gloria.

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El demonio Belial Rencor de cien años

11 novembre 201823m

Mana decide mostrar Sakaiminato a Agnes, y encuentran el Kojiro Tengu-Corbeau. Pero este último libera inadvertidamente los poderes del terrible demonio Belial ...

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La boda del zorro y Hakusanbo

18 novembre 201823m

Un hombre solicita la ayuda de Kitaro porque el zorro Hakusanbo amenaza con secuestrar a su hija cuando esta cumpla los 18 años.

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Emperador Backbeard

25 novembre 201823m

Con la desaparición de varios yokai, el hombre Rata reúne aliados para iniciar un movimiento que exige la expulsión de Agnes.

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Las brujas del destino

9 décembre 201823m

¿Qué es el Proyecto Brigadoon y por qué Backbeard se empeña en realizarlo? Episodio por fin responderá ambas preguntas.

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Proyecto de conversión yokai en todo Japón

16 décembre 201823m

Mana encuentra el anillo de arcana y comienza la carrera para evitar que arranque el Proyecto Brigadoon.

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¡La batalla final! Backbeard

23 décembre 201823m

Backbeard comenzó a usar a Agnes como núcleo de Brigadoon para transformar a los habitantes de Japón en yokai. El momento para detenerlo es ahora.

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Kasha, un yokai que roba cadáveres para comérselos, ya está demasiado viejo. Sin embargo, el Hombre Rata no tarda en ver una oportunidad de negocio en todo esto.

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Yuki-Onna Snow White Love Report

13 janvier 201923m

Feverishly in love, Shun confesses his feelings for Yuki-Onna. The two start dating, but it all goes sour after Shun seeks love advice from Rat Man.

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The Final Ballad: Sara-Kozō

20 janvier 201923m

Entertainer Bimbo Isamu decides to deal with his faded career by risking the wrath of the yokai Sara Kozo and stealing his signature chant.

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Enigma! Bake-Zōri's Rebellion

27 janvier 201923m

After their owner moves away, the yokai-possessed belongings he left behind get very upset. Rat Man manipulates the situation to his advantage.

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Momon-Jii's Scheme: The Great Yōkai Trial

3 février 201923m

The tengu arrest Kitaro for an arcane yokai crime. There's a mountain of evidence against him, so much that his friends suspect the trial's a set-up.

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Eternal Life: Odoro-Odoro

10 février 201923m

While investigating a series of vampiric incidents, Kitaro receives a letter from a scientist who claims to have found the secret to immortality.

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Masquerade Nopperabō

17 février 201923m

Aspiring celebrity Atsushi struggles to maintain his playboy act since he's actually a nerd. He gets support from a mysterious online friend.

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Kitaro and his friends head into a bamboo thicket infamous for a yokai that supposedly leads those who enter astray. A chilling greeting awaits them.

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The Cursed Doll Festival Mayuge

3 mars 201923m

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The Baby-Stealing Ubume

17 mars 201923m

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The Void of Despair and Darkness

24 mars 201923m

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Nanashi And Mana

31 mars 201923m

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Messenger From the Underworld Nue

7 avril 201923m

Kitaro heads to a village where people are suffering from an unknown ailment. Cat Girl insists on accompanying him but she's still not back to normal.

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Enma-Diao's Secret Bargain

14 avril 201923m

Giant Nue appears above Tokyo, menacing the city and causing chaos. Kitaro heads down to Hell to strike an ambitious deal with King Enma.

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Runaway Girl! The Forest of the Kinoko

21 avril 201923m

Mana's friend Miyabi wishes she didn't have to study or do chores. She soon meets the 'Tree Children,' who give her more than she bargained for.

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Vlogger Charatomi's frustration with job interviews leads him to pair up with insecure yokai Nukekubi. But their plan sparks an unfortunate reaction.

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Dorotabo, life and Earth

5 mai 201923m

A tormented farmer's spirit takes the monstrous form of a giant yokai nightly. Kitaro recognizes it as the same yokai from an incident 30 years ago.

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Hihi's Harassment Hell

12 mai 201923m

Tennis playing yokai Hihi wants to train a human to win the gold medal. His training methods are effective but extreme, forcing Kitaro to intervene.

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Frustrated after Kitaro rejects his avaricious nature, Rat Man finds a vampiric companion who appreciates his material desires and wants his help.

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The Bloody Noble La Siene

26 mai 201923m

Agnes informs Kitaro that recent blood-sucking incidents don't just involve vampires; they're connected to the resurgence of their old foe, Backbeard.

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While investigating ship-related incidents, Kitaro runs into the ever-mercurial Rat Man, who leads him right into the clutches of a familiar foe.

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After receiving a disturbing message, Mana goes to check on a friend but finds her missing. A mysterious cactus seems to be connected to the incident.

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Mana, Yuta, Hiroto, and Soma head out camping. The older boys tease Yuta for being a scaredy-cat, but a sudden chill soon has them all spooked.

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Tofu-Kozo's Mold Pandemic

23 juin 201923m

Despondent singer Kana Nickel meets a tofu-carrying yokai. After she discovers that, like her, he lacks a sense of purpose, she makes him her manager.

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Panic ensues after polluted water appears at the site of a newly constructed dam. Kitaro suspects it's the work of the powerful yokai Kurobozu.

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The Star Festival of Love The Yokai Flower

7 juillet 201923m

Rat Man asks Kitaro for help with Seika, a yokai who uses bamboo to harass humans. Kitaro soon discovers there's another side to Seika's actions.

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The Heart's Darkness the Suiko Reflects

14 juillet 201923m

Unable to withstand any more bullying from her husband's sadistic boss, Shoko snaps and turns to the destructive powers of Suiko the tiger yokai.

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In a bizarre play to liven up Tottori Prefecture, its governor secedes from Japan. When Kitaro and his friends question why, the police arrest them.

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At a summer festival, Mana follows a strange voice that leads her out of sight. Her friends try to follow but the macabre yokai Shinigami interferes.

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Rat Man builds an online following using photos of his new pal, a primitive caveman, sparking a battle for Likes with Mana's friend, Christine.

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After crashing his stolen car, a criminal gets a ride with a strange chauffeur by the name of Kitaro, who says he'll take him to 'where he belongs.'

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A strange young man warns Mana that her association with yokai imperils her life. Later, General Ibukimaru of the underworld takes a human hostage.

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Spirit Affliction Mysterious Footprints

25 août 201923m

Hoping to choose his own path in life, a young man plans to destroy a sacred rock his family has guarded for generations. He finds Kitaro in his way.

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Karakasa's Umbrella Troubles

1 septembre 201923m

Karakasa is shocked at how folk treat their umbrellas these days. When he sees a man mistakenly take the wrong one, it starts a wild goose chase.

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Iyami the yokai's great love project

8 septembre 201923m

After meeting an eccentric, love-obsessed yokai, Kitaro uncharacteristically asks Cat Girl on a date. Their friends smell a rat and tail the couple.

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The Yamata-no-Orochi of Greed

15 septembre 201923m

A selfish salaryman follows rumors of a wish-granting dragon and learns that it is real. But so are the tragic consequences of his avaricious wishes.

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Enma demands Kitaro help him find a treasonous general or risk losing his freedom. Meanwhile, Rei Isurugi hatches a destructive plan to gain power.

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Kyubi no Kitsune

29 septembre 201923m

Rei insists he'll never give up, even as his body struggles under the burden of so many souls. Meanwhile, Tamamo-no-Mae lays waste to Hell.

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Nurahiyon's Ambition

6 octobre 201923m

Hell is back to normal but the culprit who unleashed the Generals remains at large. Meanwhile, a familiar yokai makes trouble at a construction site.

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Vanishing Humans! Neko-Sennin's Revenge

13 octobre 201923m

Kitaro senses that Nurarihyon is using violence to pit humans against each other and goes looking for him. But as always, his foe is one step ahead.

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The Moryo of Mukuro Village

20 octobre 201923m

Kitaro enters a cursed village to investigate the ties between a death-obsessed photographer and the Moryo, a corpse-dwelling yokai who's after him.

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Komori-Neko's Halloween Pandemonium

27 octobre 201923m

One spooky Halloween night, Backbeard's minion Komori Neko begs Rat Man to help him climb the ranks. Naturally, Rat Man agrees to help -- for a price.

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Onmoraki's Trap

10 novembre 201923m

After Mana notices her classmate Tsutomu acting like a zombie, she follows him home and spots someone acting even stranger. Kitaro decides to step in.

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Cyclopic yokai Hiderigami has trouble breaking into the human comic business. Even when he finds a willing editor, Kitaro worries it won't end well.

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Geriatric Nuppeppo

24 novembre 201923m

After Rat Man gets rich from an anti-aging cream with a nasty effect, Kitaro follows a trail from the cream to the mysterious Nuppeppo yokai.

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Chain of Hatred The Yōkai Hōkō

1 décembre 201923m

Claiming to be looking for “Takumi,” a masked yokai begins assaulting humans. The attacks seem random but Kitaro finds a connection to a certain tree.

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Chin-san, the Foreign Worker

8 décembre 201923m

A peculiar yokai from southern lands comes to Japan for work, but his lack of familiarity with clothing causes trouble. Kitaro steps in to assist.

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The Giant, Daidarabotchi

15 décembre 201923m

After Rat Man witnesses a dark ceremony, the appearance of giant eyeballs over Kofu leads a yokai expert to pronounce the return of Daidarabotchi.

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Bloody Christmas

22 décembre 201923m

Mana's Christmas shopping trip is ruined when she runs into a strange being dressed as Santa who's been snatching kids off the street.

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The Binbogami and The Zashiki-Warashi

5 janvier 202023m

Mana visits her friend's family-run cafe and is impressed at how good the food is. But the place is empty, except for one suspicious-looking old man

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Rollo Cloth's Romance

12 janvier 202023m

After his beloved singer rejects him, Ittan Momen's hurt feelings lead him to Rat Man's newest venture: a house shared by yokai and cute young women.

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The Curse of Te-no-Me

19 janvier 202023m

Visions of a strange man with eyes in his hands cause chaos in the legal world as Nurarihyon reveals a plot to pass a sweeping law against yokai.

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Idol Legend Sazae-Oni

26 janvier 202023m

When a video of Kitaro singing about mermaids becomes a hit, his friends are all shocked. They're even more shocked when he reveals it's not him.

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The Misty Night of Angkor Wat

2 février 202023m

Years after the two witness a tragic supernatural event at Angkor Wat, a famous director invites Kitaro to his new play to try and achieve closure.

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The Writer is Ama-no-Jaku

9 février 202023m

Desperate for new ideas for a show, a television director follows Rat Man to a hole in the woods, where the happiness-hating yokai Amanojaku awaits.

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The Phantom Train

16 février 202023m

After everyone else in the world is transformed into vampires, Cat Girl and Kitaro's dad race to find a phantom train to travel back to the past.

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The Lazy Fujimi Hot Springs Bus Trip

23 février 202023m

Mana joins her yokai friends on a trip to a hot spring inn. But its owner has a request for her and Kitaro that leads them into an old foe's trap.

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The Great Yokai Alliance

1 mars 202023m

Forming a cold-blooded yokai alliance, Backbeard and Nurarihyon declare war on humanity. The government reacts by passing a strict anti-yokai law.

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The Second Great Yokai War

22 mars 202023m

The bad guys toast their impending victory. Cat Girl says it's her turn to save the day and takes Mana with her to the underworld to confront Enma.

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The World You See Isn't All There Is

29 mars 202023m

Using Rei and Ibukimaru's techniques, and Cat-girl's life, a portal is opened to another dimension. Mana searches for Kitaro, racing into that place which is neither this world nor the other. Finally, she catches sight of Kitaro, but...!? Meanwhile, moment by moment, the earth is pushed closer to the tipping point by Backbeard. How will this war end, and will Kitaro return?!

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