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What happens when a man who believes he has retired from MI6 is called back to do one more job to regain his life, only to discover that this job may mean he has no life to go back to.

  1. Matthew Parkhill


  2. Simon Maxwell


Series Cast

  1. Anastasia Griffith as Amanda Jones

    Anastasia Griffith

    Amanda Jones

    16 Episodes

  2. Karima McAdams as Leyla Toumi

    Karima McAdams

    Leyla Toumi

    16 Episodes

  3. Mark Strong as Max Easton

    Mark Strong

    Max Easton

    8 Episodes

  4. Walton Goggins as Nathan Miller

    Walton Goggins

    Nathan Miller

    8 Episodes

  5. Cara Bossom as Chloë Easton

    Cara Bossom

    Chloë Easton

    8 Episodes

  6. Ashley Simone


    8 Episodes

  7. Mansour Badri as Haddad

    Mansour Badri


    8 Episodes

  8. Daisy Beaumont as Rachel White

    Daisy Beaumont

    Rachel White

    8 Episodes

  9. David Bedella as Tilson (Steve)

    David Bedella

    Tilson (Steve)

    8 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 2


2019 • 8 Episodes

After an unsuccessful operation in the Middle East, the deep state are now turning their attention to sub-Saharan Africa and the scramble to plunder its natural resources. This is the first dirty war over clean energy.

A Dead Man's Machine

(2x8, June 27, 2019) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Deep State
Deep State


Status Ended


  • See more TV shows from Fox...

Type Scripted

Original Language English


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